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Introducing a Minimalist HTML5 Game Template. Today, we’re releasing version 0.1 of an HTML5 game template (the github repo).

Introducing a Minimalist HTML5 Game Template

This template provides basic infrastructure so that as a game developer, you don’t need to do a bunch of busy work to get started: you can hit the ground coding. As no particular engine or framework is assumed, it is usable for any sort of game. More details, from the Draw the drawing game abbreviated instructions. This game is adapted from one that Larry Constantine used back in the early 1990s.

Draw the drawing game abbreviated instructions

I converted it to highlight Reflective Improvement rather than just communication. The point in my version is for a team to improve in each round – this has become my signature game. A lot of people who have seen my version have constructed their own variants, so you have have been through something similar by now. Even if you have been through one of the variants, my particular version is still interesting and instructive :).

Break into teams of 5-7 people per team. Rules: 1. Rounds Round 1: 10 minutes: Use drawing 1; then 5 minutes to reflect & improve working conventions. An exercise based on my PSL experience:The power of open-ended requirements. Today I held a class in Scrum and Lean.

An exercise based on my PSL experience:The power of open-ended requirements

I was then able to test some of my learnings from the PSL class in a exercises I made up just the day before. The results were almost too good. I divided the class in two groups (consisting of about 6 people each) and told them that they in this exercise would do a drawing during silence, following a requirement I would hand out. The would only have one minute to complete the drawing. I provided them with a number pencils in red, green and blue and one big piece of paper each. SkillPages - find skilled people and get your skill found. Job seeker web site - Site web de recherche de travail. Home - Optioncarriere - offres d'emploi, stages, missions. Game Jobs. Amiqus Recruitment Specialists for the Games Industry. Jobs with HYPERION RECRUITMENT. Interactive Selection – video game jobs in games recruitment.

Game Audio 101 - Learn about Music, Sound and Game Audio. Games Jobs - Gamesrecruit Video Games Industry Job Board. Job seeker (video games) Games Jobs - Gamesrecruit Video Games Industry Job Board. Emplois en marketing, communication, web et jeu vidéo au Québec - Espresso-Jobs. Expert in Canada job offer / Expert in Canada job offer / emploi canada / Experts in Canada job offers / Experts in Canada job offer / Expert in Canada post /, canada enligne canada en ligne Canada. Travailler- Immigrant Québec. Trouver un emploi, travailler au Québec, est bien entendu le principal objectif des travailleurs permanents.

Travailler- Immigrant Québec

La recherche d’emploi demande de l’énergie et du temps. Il va falloir adapter votre CV aux normes de présentation québécoises, connaître les secteurs et les entreprises qui recrutent, développer votre réseau de contacts. Pour travailler au Québec, vous pourrez avoir l’impression de repartir de zéro ou d’être considéré comme un débutant alors que vous avez déjà de belles expériences professionnelles derrière vous. Créez gratuitement un CV design et efficace.

Tour de France du Télétravail. Learningshelter. LearningShelter. Des cours particuliers nouvelle génération avec LearningShelter. Developing HTML5 Apps Jump Start. Useful Adobe Photoshop Techniques, Tutorials and Tools. As web designers, we always have something new to learn.

Useful Adobe Photoshop Techniques, Tutorials and Tools

Over the last decade our workflow has changed dramatically — it’s become more sophisticated and highly diversified. Not only do we have a much larger variety of improved tools to use; there’s also an endless stream of new techniques emerging and spreading within the web design community via social networks. And this is where the opportunity to learn new useful, practical approaches and techniques comes in. We can learn by exploring the different design approaches other designers have taken, when solving their problems and apply these approaches to our work to become more productive and skilled.

Therefore, our editorial team is permanently looking for interesting techniques, tools and tutorials, which we carefully select and present in round-ups on Smashing Magazine. Below you’ll find an overview of new useful Adobe Photoshop techniques and tutorials that we’ve found and collected over the last months. Illustration Link. Learn How to Draw Hand-crafted Pixel Art in Photoshop. In this tutorial, legendary Aussie illustrator Russel Tate teaches you how to draw with pixels.

Learn How to Draw Hand-crafted Pixel Art in Photoshop

You'll learn how to create awesome artwork in the style of eBoy and Army of Trolls. This article was kindly shared with Psdtuts+ by iStockphoto as part of a knowledge exchange between the two sites. Read on and enjoy! To celebrate this knowledge exchange, iStockphoto have created a special 15% discount for Psdtuts+ readers. Pixel illustrations are great for making computer icons, isometric images and even whole scenes. The only drawback though, is that the pixel art looks best when each pixel has been placed by hand as opposed to using some Photoshop filter. I think a good rule of thumb before starting off is that you should be able to see your creation clearly as a group of different colored squared bricks, but then if you squint and blur your eyes you can make it out as an image. Below is a complete piece of pixel artwork, we'll be creating some of the more basic pieces in this work.


Les secrets de l’éducation à la finlandaise : chaque élève est important. Depuis plus de dix ans le système éducatif finlandais fait figure de modèle en Europe et plus largement dans les pays occidentaux.

Les secrets de l’éducation à la finlandaise : chaque élève est important

Ce petit pays a obtenu des résultats faramineux aux évaluations internationales PISA[1] menées par l’OCDE (2ème mondial en Sciences, 3ème en lecture et 6ème en mathématiques en 2009, loin devant tous les pays occidentaux). Pour comprendre ce phénomène, Paul Robert, principal de collège dans le Gard, a participé à deux voyages d’étude en Finlande. Il a pu y visiter des établissements scolaires de tous niveaux : un jardin d’enfants, deux écoles primaires, deux collèges, deux lycées, un lycée professionnel, une université et un centre de formation continue.

Guide du projet tutoré -Sommaire du Guide. Qu'est-ce qu'un mémoire. Qu'est ce qu'un mémoire ?

qu'est-ce qu'un mémoire

Le mémoire de fin d'études est un travail personnel visant à approfondir et/ou à concrétiser les enseignements reçus. Ce travail ne peut se limiter à une simple transposition d'un schéma d'analyse préexistant à un nouveau jeu de données. Qu'il s'agisse de résoudre, ou de contribuer à résoudre, un problème ou de faire le point d'une question, le travail présenté doit consister en une élaboration personnelle dont la dimension critique ne peut jamais être absente . Méthodologie du mémoire de fin d'études.