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40+ Useful HTML5 Examples and Tutorials. HTML5 examples can be really good inspiration for anyone starting a new web project, after all it is the future of web page markup and we all need to prepare for it. HTML5 is being developed as the next major revision of HTML (HyperText Markup Language).

The major market and Internet leaders are already switching to the HTML 5 platform. With Apple and Google both pushing the standards in order to facilitate more advanced web development, we now see HTML 5 implementations popping up all over the place as more companies get on board with the advanced features. With the constant drop of Flash usage in web and Internet applications, HTML5 is opening new doors to web designers and developers. In this scenario, it is indeed imperative for every web developer to know about basic compatibility, features, tricks and tricks of HTML5. Here we present before you, a comprehensive list of more than 40 HTML5 examples, tutorials and techniques that you can’t afford to miss if you are a web developer.

HTML5_Canvas_Cheat_Sheet.png (PNG-afbeelding, 1388x1027 pixels) 100 Useful HTML5 Demos and Resources. Even though HTML5 is still in development, the programming language has been growing in popularity. HTML5 can be used to create games, render videos, and make intuitive websites. The HTML5 possibilites are endless. HTML5 specification editor Ian Hickson expects that the language will reach the W3C Candidate Recommendation sometime in 2012.

Below is a list of 100 ways that HTML5 is being used in website samples, resources, tutorials, demos, and templates. 1. has a list of HTML5 demos and shows what technology is used and which browsers are supported. 2. Wave Motion is an experiment that was made by Hakim el Hattab. 3. Sketchpad is an HTML5 painting application created by Michael Deal that uses a canvas and JavaScript. 4. APIrocks is a great slideshow demo that works using the arrows on the keyboard. 5. Tunneler is an HTML5 demo where multi-colored squiggly lines move around the screen on every mouse click. 6. 7. This demo is a video frame that explodes when you click on them. The Ultimate HTML5 Toolbox: 60+ Articles, Tutorials, Resources and Inspiring Showcases.

HTML5 is the exciting and long-awaited upgrade to HTML, featuring semantic tags, advanced functionality, and forming a powerful combination with CSS3. Most developers have heard about HTML5, and are pretty excited to start using it, but as with any new technology, there is a learning curve. Since it’s a relatively new development, there aren’t quite the plethora of tutorials and articles as there are with HTML4. But not to worry, there are still more than enough resources to get you started. This post serves as the ultimate HTML5 toolbox.

Introduction: Introduction to HTML5 – Video – Everything you want to know about how HTML5 works, why HTML5 matters, and everything else. A Preview of HTML5 – A great introductory article explaining HTML5 and why you should use it. Website Creation Tutorials: Design and Code a Cool iPhone App Website in HTML5 Coding an HTML5 Layout from Scratch Touch the Future – Design an Elegant Website with HTML5 and CSS3 HTML5 and CSS3 – The Techniques You’ll Soon Be Using. The HTML5 test - How well does your browser support HTML5? The Ultimate HTML5 Tutorials and Useful Techniques. We always prefer new technology and techniques for make better performance in our work, we’re talking about new new fundamental markup language for the web HTML5 that you all love so much. HTML5 is giving web designers and developers new capabilities in the world of web development.

With the presence of HTML5, web application development will be more fun. HTML5 introduces a number of new elements and attributes that reflect typical usage on modern websites. Some of them are semantic replacements for common uses of generic block (<div>) and inline (<span>) elements, for example <nav> (website navigation block) and <footer> (usually referring to bottom of web page or to last lines of html code).

HTML 5 features like Canvas, local storage, and Web Workers let us do more in the browser than ever before. Web pages will now be more semantic with the use of structure specific tags. Touch The Future: Create An Elegant Website With HTML 5 And CSS3 How to Make an HTML5 iPhone App HTML5: The Basics.