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Facebook Twitter Formation des vétérinaires concernant l'alimentation des chiens, chats et furets. En préambule, je me contenterai de reproduire sans les commenter les propos des Dr. Lea Stogdale, DVM, Diplomate ACVIM et Garcea Diehl, DVM, extraits d'un courrier adressé en Octobre 2003 à la Revue Vétérinaire Canadienne : "Becoming competent in nutrition requires a great deal of reading and research - most of which is boring, contradictory, and confusing. We understand why the majority of veterinarians do not elect to spend their continuing education time on studying this field; it's so much easier and more efficient to recommend a bag of commercial pet food. " Traduction française :"Devenir compétent dans le domaine de la nutrition impose de nombreuses lectures et recherches, pour la plupart très fastidieuses, contradictoires et confuses.

Ce préambule figure sur le document exhausif qu'en fait tout vétérinaire ou étudiant en médecine vétérinaire devrait lire. Le Dr.vét. Rejoignez les membres du forum. Cours DMV2110. Sommes-nous de Véritables Omnivores ? Juil232012 Prologue L’étude du régime alimentaire de l’homme est une problématique très complexe. Nous avons un très lourd passé évolutif : 2.5 millions d’années pour le genre Homo et plus de 7 millions d’années pour nos plus lointains ancêtres. Les problèmes de santé sont de plus en plus corrélés avec la dégradation progressive de notre alimentation. Nous sommes selon certaines personnes en train de faire « fausse route ». Dans cet article je vous propose de décortiquer les arguments qui placent l’homme au centre d’un régime omnivore, carnivore ou herbivore. Tout de suite, voici le sommaire de l’article: Les problématiques Qui sommes-nous ? Qui sommes-nous ?

Incontestablement, nous sommes des êtres vivants, du genre Homo et de l’espèce Sapiens sapiens. La communauté scientifique s’accorde pour dire que le genre Homo, donc nos descendants « hommes » les plus proches, sont apparus il y a 2.5 millions d’années, pendant l’ère du paléolithique. Que sommes-nous ? Mais est-ce vrai ? UPDATE. Dogs Are Carnivores. Dogs Are Carnivores By Dr Jeanette (Jeannie) Thomason Photos courtesy of National Geographic and Astrid Beutler, Thuringia in Germany I feel this bears repeating these days as so many people are treating their dogs like they are humans. I too love my dogs with all my heart and just like they are my children however, we need to remember they are not humans. Nor do they think like humans nor eat like humans . The assumption that dogs are omnivores remains to be proven, whereas the truth about dogs being natural carnivores is very well-supported by the evidence available to us.

Let's start in the mouth. As you look into your dog's mouth, notice those huge impressive teeth (or tiny needle sharp teeth). Four premolars line each side of the upper and lower jaws in back of the canines. The top jaw has two molars on each side, and the bottom jaw has three. Their jaws hinge open widely, allowing them to gulp large chunks of meat and bone. What about Cooked diets? Okay, now to the effects of heat. Dental Anatomy. There are four types of teeth in small animals: incisor, canine, premolar, and molar.

Nature designed each to serve a special function. Incisors are named first, second and third; or central, intermediate, and lateral, based on their location in the mouth. There should be six incisors in the maxilla (upper jaw) and six in the mandible (lower jaw). Incisor teeth are used for shearing and grooming. There are two large canine teeth located in the mandible and two in the maxilla. The canines are designed to grasp and tear with great pressure. The cat has three premolars on each side of the upper jaw identified as second, third, and fourth; and two lower premolars on each side of the lower jaw, called third and fourth. The primary or deciduous incisors erupt at one to three weeks of age while the primary canines erupt at three to four weeks. A tooth is composed of a portion above the gum line called crown and a section below the gum line called the root.

Digestive System of the Dog. The pictures in this section are reprinted with permission by the copyright owner, Hill's Pet Nutrition, from the Atlas of Veterinary Clinical Anatomy. These illustrations should not be downloaded, printed or copied except for personal, non-commercial use. The digestive system includes the: The digestive system absorbs and digests food and eliminates solid wastes from the body. mouth teeth esophagus and stomach small intestine large intestine and anus pancreas liver The pictures in this section are reprinted with permission by the copyright owner, Hill's Pet Nutrition, from the Atlas of Veterinary Clinical Anatomy. Washington State University assumes no liability for injury to you or your pet incurred by following these descriptions or procedures.

Dog Digestion Journey – Dog Mouth | Best Dog Food Guide. Do you want to start the canine digestion journey? Apparently a lot of people want to know more about their dog's digestion. I can tell from the questions I get, so it's time to dig a little deeper into this subject. Are you one of those persons who can remember more information when it all just sounds so logical? If so, then you need to have an understanding of dog digestion, the enzymes, the organs and the processes. Understanding how everything is supposed to work gives you the best basis to understand food related diseases, the fundamental principles for prescription diets, why dog's eat what they eat etc. I have always found it easier to remember information that logically fits together like the pieces of a puzzle.

So I hope you're still here and are willing to follow the flow from the first bite until the soft landing in the grass. The dog digestion journey starts after you have given your dog a filled bowl of dog food… Oh... but what if the journey does not start at your place? Human Teeth vs. Dog, Cat & Horse Dental Charts | Bradford Family Dentistry. Have you ever wondered how human teeth look in comparison to other animals- take a look at the dental charts of dogs, cats, horses and more. Human Teeth Dental Chart Dog Teeth Dental Chart Cat Teeth Dental Chart Horse Teeth Dental Chart. The Comparative Anatomy of Eating1.pdf. Ce Poison Nommé Croquette. Les témoignages des experts et professionnels de la santé animale « Votre étude mérite vraiment d’être diffusée !

« « Gage de qualité : vous appuyez vos dires par des données chiffrées, et si les chiffres ne sont pas donnés, vous donnez les références des textes sources…C’est parfait ! Pour l’analyse marque par marque, je la trouve super. Rien à redire ! Votre étude mérite vraiment d’être diffusée !! « Vous avez raison sur la pauvreté de l’enseignement dans les écoles vétos « « Je peux vous dire que cela a été une révélation pour moi. Les témoignages des lecteurs de l’enquête Grâce à votre ouvrage (que j’ai eu la chance de lire dès sa sortie) mes chiens ont changé d’alimentation et s’en portent beaucoup mieux. . – Martine. Cher monsieur, J’ai beaucoup apprécié votre livre. . – D. Monsieur ANSO, encore bravo pour votre livre qui m’a ouvert les yeux … . – Sandrine, propriétaire. Une enquête minutieuse digne d’une série policière.

. – Damien Casoni. – Isabelle. – Franck, technicien de laboratoire. 1. 2.