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Viande. What The World Eats (Shocking Photos) This photographic report exposes the proliferation of processed foods in the western diet and in the diets of many developing countries the world over. Is it any wonder that we are seeing increases in diet & lifestyle related diseases? What are your thoughts? About the project: These images are from the book 'Hungry Planet: What the World Eats' by Peter Menzel and Faith D'Aluision. It's an inspired idea, to better understand the human diet, explore what culturally diverse families eat for a week. Mexico Britain North Carolina, USA Australia Germany California, USA Italy Canada France Japan Texas, USA China Luxembourg Poland Kuwait Mongolia Turkey Mali India Bhutan Chad Ecuador Guatemala Buy the book here:

Here's Why Fruits And Vegetables Have Those Annoying F*%king Stickers On Them. How To I.D. Genetically Modified Food at the Supermarket « Kipnews. Not many consumers realize that the FDA does not require genetically modifiedfood to be labeled. That’s because the FDA has decided that you, dear consumer, don’t care if the tomato you’re eating has been cross bred with frog genes to render the tomato more resistant to cold weather. Some consumers may not be concerned with eating Frankenfood, but for those who are, here’s how to determine if the fruits and vegetables you’re buying are (GM) genetically modified. Hat tip to Marion Owen for her valuable information. Here’s how it works: For conventionally grown fruit, (grown with chemicals inputs), the PLU codeon the sticker consists of four numbers.

Organically grown fruit has a five-numeral PLU prefaced by the number 9. Genetically engineered (GM) fruit has a five-numeral PLU prefaced by the number 8. For example: A conventionally grown banana would be: 4011 An organic banana would be: 94011 A genetically engineered (GE or GMO) banana would be: 84011 We say “Eat healthy, buy or grow organic”. 5 Foods To Supercharge Your Morning Smoothie. La santé et l'énergie !: Vous avez dit "transition" ? Si vous arrivez à reconnaître dans votre for intérieur, que vous avez grossi, ou que vos problèmes de santé ont sans doute un rapport avec votre alimentation actuelle, vous avez sans doute envie de découvrir un moyen de manger plus sain, sans vous priver et tout en vous délectant ! Vous vous devez bien ça ! Se sentir responsable de sa santé est tout à fait enthousiasmant.Le crudivorisme est fait pour vous !

Il l’a bien été pour moi ! Je rappelle que j’ai maigri, j’ai amélioré mon énergie vitale, du matin au soir, que j’ai complètement oublié mes moments de déprime, que j’ai augmenté naturellement mon activité physique, entre autres. Vous pouvez y arriver de deux façons: soit vous changez du tout au tout, et vous changez vos trois repas quotidiens en repas crus de fruits et de légumes (conseils ici). Vous pouvez jusqu’au temps du dîner, manger cru, ou 90% cru. Puis ajouter des aliments cuits le soir uniquement. Pourquoi est-ce que je ne cite pas les céréales ? 1 semaine de menus crus. Hannah’s Story: 2 Years on GAPS Diet Reverses Autism. By Cara Comini of Health, Home, and Happiness I knew my daughter Hannah had autism when she was only 12 months old although she wasn’t professionally diagnosed until age 4.

Now at 6 years old, after being on the GAPS Diet for 2 1/2 years, Hannah no longer carries an autism diagnosis and the progress she has made has been nothing short of life changing. What’s more, Hannah has successfully transitioned off of GAPS in recent months and is now eating a normal traditional diet which includes grains and starches – with no regression or recurrence of symptoms! For those of you new to GAPS, it stands for Gut and Psychology Syndrome. In a nutshell, the GAPS Diet cuts out grains, sugar, and starch, and adds in foods rich in probiotics, healthy fats, and amino acids needed to heal and seal the gut wall. Yes, even autism! Hannah’s Story I started by keeping her on a Weston A. All this food is allowed on the GAPS diet, see the meal plans for recipes Starting GAPS Continuing GAPS as it was needed About Cara. Élevage urbain: appel à la prudence | Charles Côté.

Montréal a tout intérêt à encourager plusieurs formes d'agriculture urbaine, comme la plantation d'arbres fruitiers et les serres commerciales sur les toits, mais devrait avancer prudemment en ce qui concerne l'élevage, notamment des poules. C'est ce qui ressort du rapport rédigé par l'Office de consultation publique de Montréal (OCPM) sur l'état de l'agriculture urbaine à Montréal, publié hier. L'OCPM a constaté que «l'agriculture urbaine est un phénomène d'une ampleur sous-estimée, qui implique un très grand nombre de Montréalais et répond à des besoins multiples de santé, d'intégration sociale, de lutte à la pauvreté et de développement durable». La commission est d'ailleurs convaincue que la Ville devra s'y intéresser. Elle recommande même à la Ville «d'évaluer la possibilité d'introduire un nouvel usage «agriculture urbaine» dans la réglementation d'urbanisme».

L'influence des médias sur votre assiette. 100 Simple Nutrition Tips | Midway Simplicity. “Man Is What He Eats” – Lucretius Good nutrition is one of the most important factors for good health. You can dramatically improve your health by doing simple adjustments to your eating habits. You’ll notice a big difference in your energy levels if you regularly eat foods that have a lot of vitamins and minerals in them, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low- or non-fat dairy. There is no doubt that eating well can maximize our life experience.

One of the best resources that I’ve found on the topic of health and well-being is “8 Weeks To Optimum Health” by Dr. Andrew Weil I urge you to get a copy today and start following Dr. Do you have more nutrition tips that you can share with us? Find your passion and what matters most to you in less than 30 minutes using … The P.A.S Technique 2.0: The World’s Easiest Way To Find Your Passion and Purpose In Life? For more simple living tips follow me on Twitter @MidSimplicity *Photo Credit: by Pink Sherbet Photography. Electrolux Mo'Sphere by Yunuén Hernández. Experimental Cooking With Molecules As an avid MasterChef fan, the appliances that the participants get to use, stump me.

Imagine dabbling with molecular cooking and cooking meats in a water-bath. The Mo’Sphere hopes to recreate those magical moments in a regular kitchen. With bringing molecular cooking techniques to everyday homes, the possibility of experimenting with flavors and textures become limitless. Until now this kind of cooking was restricted to celebrity chefs and Five Star restaurants. Basically molecular cooking appliance makes use of physical and chemical reactions during cooking. Mo’Sphere is a 2012 Electrolux Design Lab top ten finalist entry. Designer: Yunuén Hernández. Is Chocolate the Tastiest Natural Cough Medicine of All? Photo credit: CoCreatr/Creative CommonsThis guest post was written by Robin Marty, a writer for Care2 Causes.

As if we needed another excuse to have some chocolate, new research shows that it may be an effective cough suppressant, too.New Scientist reports: An ingredient in chocolate may actually be a more effective cough medicine than traditional remedies, a new study suggests.And not only that, the UK-based research showed that the cocoa-derived compound had none of the side effects associated with standard drug treatments for persistent coughs.

"These sorts of coughs, often lasting for weeks after a viral infection, can be difficult to treat, especially since it is not possible to give large doses of opiate-based medication to patients due to the side effects," says Peter Barnes, professor of thoracic medicine at Imperial College London, UK, who led the study. In the study, the testers were given theobromine, a component of chocolate, codeine, or a placebo. Foodspotting Makes Finding Your Favorite Foods Even Easier. Foodspotting, a service that helps you find delicious dishes near you, launched a redesigned version of its website Wednesday. Often called the "Pandora of food," this marks the first redesign of the site since 2010.

The updated Foodspotting unifies the website and apps and lets you search through the 2.5 million different dishes on Foodspotting in several different ways. “We redesigned Foodspotting to make the 'foodseeking' experience shine," Foodspotting co-founder Alexa Andrzejewski told Mashable. “This year we've turned our attention to helping foodseekers — not just foodies or food photo takers, but anyone looking for something to eat — navigate that information in ways that weren't really possible before Foodspotting.” With the site (and the mobile app) you can search for a particular food you’re craving, check out what’s good at a specific restaurant or see what other foodspotters, friends and experts like in your area. So what do people look for on Foodspotting? Food Industry News, Food Safety News & Policies + Our Favorite Healthy Recipes. Food Comparison | TwoFoods.

Natural Pain Remedies from Your Kitchen. Redesigning the Nutrition Label: Here's One Scientist's Clever Proposal Redesigning the Nutrition Label: Here's One Scientist's Clever Proposal | Design on GOOD. Nutrition labels can be a little like art galleries, or condoms. We know where they are. We’re happy they’re there. But too many of us don’t bother using them. So, we're hoping you can help us change that. This is the last week for sending in ideas for redesigning the nutrition label, the mandated, standardized guide to the calories, fats, and sugars in packaged foods, that, as Fast Company's Suzanne LaBarre put it, “has got the visual charm of a Microsoft spreadsheet and the readability of Beowulf.”

Our friends at News21 have helped us put together a talented team of judges, including Michael Jacobson of the Center for Science in the Public Interest. In 2009, Jacobson proposed the above design tweaks to the current Nutrition Facts label. Rethink the Food Label is an ongoing collaboration with GOOD and News21. How to Preserve Your Food Without Electricity. By Anthony Gucciardi Whether you’re facing Hurricane Sandy or not, it is essential to know at least a few ways in which you can preserve your food without any electricity.

If you reside on the East Coast and are within the main trajectory of Hurricane Sandy, chances are that you will be without power for at least a considerable amount of hours (or potentially days). The good news is that you don’t have to let all the items in your refrigerator or freezer rot. Instead, follow these simple tips to ensure that your food remains cool, fresh, and ready to eat along with the rest of your food supplies. In the event of a major disaster, this is highly essential as the amount of food you can retain without electricity will directly impact your quality of life. This article will specifically cover preserving the freshness of your food in such a scenario. For overall preparedness, I recommend you read 5 Ways to Prepare for Hurricane Sandy. Tips for preserving before you lose power: Natural Society.


Boisson. Aliment. Additif. Bisphenol. Anorexie. AVC. OGM. Ne jamais manger. Recette. Sous vide. Truc. Objet. LE NUTELLA EST MORT. 15 petites dattes (environ 90 g.)*125 g. [1/2 cup] de purée (‘beurre’) d’amandes entières60 ml. [4 Tbsp] de sirop d’agave ou d’érable (voire miel très liquide)30 g. [1/3 cup] de poudre de caroube15 ml. [1Tbsp] d’eau * Même indication que pour la Choconette si vous n’aimez pas les dattes ou que les dattes ne vous aiment pas. Préparation : 1. Réhydratez les dattes dans de l’eau chaude pendant une dizaine de minutes (ou 2 heures dans de l’eau froide) 2. Alors, qui est votre Miss Pâte à Tartiner de l’année ?

Entre les deux, j’avoue, difficile de choisir… Ces pâtes à tartiner se gardent au frais un mois environ. Mais vous allez me demander : et la petite dernière ? Et bien, la benjamine, elle est décidément bien timide… et je crois aussi qu’elle préfère jouer les stars et avoir sa propre page à elle toute seule. . … et puis, si vous le souhaitez vraiment, retrouvez-la ici. Et vous, avez-vous laissé tomber le Nutella ? Notes : [1] Selon les pays, les ingrédients du Nutella varient. 13 Evidence-Based Medicinal Properties of Coconut Oil.


Saine alimentation. Bio. U S Food and Drug Administration Home Page. USA: Le sénat passe la loi de protection de Monsanto lui accordant l’immunité face à la justice. Best Natural Remedies From Around the World. L'alimentation vivante : Les plus récentes : CASA Vidéos. Brown Rice or White Rice: Which is Healthier? (You Might Be Surprised!) Alright. I’m just gonna come right out and say it. That’s right. You heard me. I LOVE WHITE RICE. I’m getting pretty sick of people lumping together white rice in the same category as other “refined carbs” such as that oh-so-scary white flour and sugar on which people blame every single disease and disorder known to man. Eye. “Cut out those refined carbs!

Well I say, think again, healthy diet dogma-spreaders. Rice is delightful. White Rice vs Brown Rice Are you convinced that brown rice truly is superior to white? Brown rice is brown because it’s got the bran on it. The germ is extremely susceptible to rancidity, which is bad because of the very high content of polyunsaturated fat it contains, which is easily oxidized, and leads to all sorts of problematic reactions in the body. The bran is good for pretty much nothing but fiber. Many people eat way, way too much fiber, which can lead to serious digestive disorders, and even colon cancer. Fiber. Oh, alright, fine. Stop the Hate! Yes. Aymeric Caron : "Un jour, nous cesserons de manger de la viande" Selon Aymeric Caron, "l’homme n’est pas vraiment omnivore". (D. R.) Le reporter Aymeric Caron, végétarien convaincu, pense que nos habitudes alimentaires vont changer. Il vient de publier un manifeste en faveur du végétarisme intitulé "No steak" chez Fayard.

Que vous inspirent les scandales liés à la viande ? Cela ne m’étonne pas. Vous dites qu’un jour, nous ne mangerons plus de viande… Est-ce une prédiction ou un souhait ? J’en suis convaincu. Mais l’homme n’est-il pas omnivore par essence ? Il a été omnivore, c’est vrai, à une période de son histoire, mais les premiers hommes ne mangeaient pas de viande. Comment votre discours pourrait-il être entendu dans un pays d’élevage comme la France ?

C’est vrai qu’il est probablement plus dur d’y faire bouger les mentalités que dans les pays anglo-saxons. Selon vous, la France aurait vingt ans de retard en matière de végétarisme… No Steak, Aymeric Caron, éditions Fayard, 19 €, 340 P. Au-delà de nos propres fourchettes | Marie-Claude Lortie | Marie-Claude Lortie. Je suis au symposium Terroir, à Toronto, un événement annuel de discussion sur toutes sortes de thèmes alimentaires organisé depuis sept ans par Arlene Stein. La salle est remplie de chefs, de producteurs, de clients, de journalistes, de penseurs, de multiples invités internationaux prestigieux. Et un thème revient depuis un moment: qui a accès à cette nourriture bio, éthique, naturelle et généralement anti-industrielle propre et juste dont on parle sans cesse depuis que le mouvement Slow Food a lancé sur la scène mondiale une vaste réflexion sur la qualité de ce qu'on mange?

La vérité, affirme Nick Saul, un des conférenciers, coordonnateur d'un nouveau groupe de centres alimentaires communautaires, c'est que «les pauvres ont été laissés pour compte dans une révolution menée d'abord et avant tout par les consommateurs». Et les consommateurs de classe moyenne. «Il faut s'éloigner du citoyen consommateur et revenir au citoyen juste mangeur. Au menu? «On gaspille tellement, lance-t-il. Shop Cuisinart Mix-It-In Soft Serve Ice Cream Maker ICE-45 at CHEFS. The Chicken Chick: Make Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) with the Mother for pennies a gallon. Why You Should Ditch Canned Foods. Votre jus d'orange contient-il un édulcorant interdit? Le lundi 9 décembre 1996-- INITIATIVES PARLEMENTAIRES (116) Caffeine Content.