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In wall pet bowl: Pet Supplies. Too Much of a Good Thing: Overexcitement in Exercise. Physical exercise is necessary and healthy for all dogs. However, there are a few common problems we see in client’s dogs who are not exercised properly. Today we’ll discuss one of the biggest problems, overarousal due to exercise, and the myth that you should exercise “crazy” dogs more. Layla adores lure coursing, and it's great exercise for her, but it also makes her overly aroused. Arousal refers to a dog’s level of excitement and emotional control. Highly aroused dogs are stressed. Why does this matter? Consider this, then. What does this have to do with our dogs? If this sounds like your dog, there is hope! In future posts, we’ll discuss other common exercise pitfalls as well as some great ways to exercise your dog. Like this: Like Loading... Le loup, ennemi ou nature ? Paroles de bergers. Envoyé spécial, Rochejean (Doubs) Quelle place pour le loup, dans l’environnement et dans le pastoralisme ?

Quelles solutions aux problèmes qu’il pose ? Réunis à la ferme d’alpage de la Petite Echelle, à Rochejean, sur le massif du Mont d’Or (Doubs), une trentaine de bergers pyrénéens, alpins et jurassiens ont débattu dimanche 3 novembre de ces questions à l’occasion des rencontres nationales des associations de bergers. Un premier constat s’impose. Si tous rejettent l’idée de l’éradication de canis lupus, les bergers sont hyper sensibles sur le sujet et demandent des réponses « efficaces » à leurs soucis : « 5 500 brebis sont mortes sur 250 communes de l’arc alpin où l’on recense 1 300 patous (chiens de protection) », dit Antoine Le Gal, berger dans le haut Verdon et représentant au GNL, le groupe national loup.

. « Frappée par la violence des bêtes et de mon employeur » Distinguer éleveurs et bergers Quand, en outre, les choses paraissent « imposées de l’extérieur », la coupe déborde. Do Dogs Have a Musical Sense? The Benefits of Canine Rehabilitation & Conditioning. Dogs with pain or injuries benefit from veterinary rehab specialists. By Lisa Rodier About a decade ago, my then-young Bouvier, Jolie, had surgery to repair a herniated disc. From reading Whole Dog Journal, I was vaguely aware that veterinary physical therapy or rehabilitation existed; these specialties were mentioned in “Recovery From a Fetch Injury” in the August 1999 issue, as well as October 2000’s “Swimming Back to Soundness.”

I decided that a similar modality would help Jolie, and set out to find a veterinary rehabilitation specialist to help us with her recovery. I asked the veterinary orthopedist who had diagnosed Jolie’s condition, but while he thought some sort of pool-based therapy might be useful for my dog, he didn’t know anyone who offered such a service. Fast forward 10 years, and the field of veterinary rehabilitative medicine, sometimes referred to as Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R), has blossomed. It’s physical therapy(but don’t call it that) Birth control for dogs. Winnipeg Free Press - PRINT EDITION By: Ashley Prest Posted: 11/6/2013 1:00 AM | Comments: Debra Vandekerkhove (left) and Jill Britton want to stop the practice of shooting dogs to control their population in Norway House.

A microchip containing a contraceptive could be implanted in female dogs to curtail overpopulation in northern communities. It would mean an end to shootings and surgery. It's working in Alberta and Labrador so Winnipeg rescue worker Debra Vandekerkhove and the Norway House Animal Rescue are going to take the implant program to Norway House, about 800 kilometres north of Winnipeg. The program involves imbedding a contraceptive microchip beneath the skin of a female dog. "It's a first step," said Vandekerkhove, whose program will target 150 dogs in March. "The implant might be a solution for them at this time and then we can follow through with a spay and neuter clinic and get a partnership going. The Norway House plan is based on the program developed by Dr.

TOUX DE CHENIL (BORDETELLA) 1ere partie - Kennel cough part 1. Juillet / Août 2010 Numéro Toux Bordetella ou chenil est généralement exigés par les chenils et les hôpitaux vétérinaires. Ces vaccins sont livrés à une incroyablement forte proportion de chiens et la raison n'est pas de protéger votre chien: la raison est de protéger ces installations contre la responsabilité. Les propriétaires qui poussent à ces vaccins peuvent être assument plus de responsabilité que ce qu'ils peuvent manipuler et les enjeux sont très élevés. La vérité, c'est que les vaccins ne sont pas seulement inefficaces, mais ils sont loin d'être sûr. Pourtant, ils sont systématiquement faits pour lutter contre une maladie spontanément résolutive qui équivaut à autant de danger pour votre chien comme le rhume fait pour vous.

Ce qui est intéressant, c'est que lorsque vous amenez votre chien chez le vétérinaire pour son vaccin Bordetella, il aura déjà été exposés à la flore naturelle: tous les animaux sont exposés à la fois Bordetella et Parainfluenza avant la vaccination. Tag Archives: Dogs Who Can't Stop Looking In The Mirror. 74% des régimes BARF sont déséquilibrés. D’après un article du Dr Géraldine Blanchard dans le magazine Animal Santé & Bien-être n°40, repris sur son site cuisine-a-croc, une étude indépendante allemande a examiné la composition de nutritionnelle de 100 régimes BARF : il en ressort que 74 % se sont avérés déséquilibrés, carencés ou excessifs. « Les problèmes les plus fréquemment rencontrés sont une constipation, voire une occlusion ou perforation intestinale, une carence secondaire en cuivre et zinc, des troubles osseux liés à la consommation d’os et donc de calcium et phosphore en quantité excessive. Les autres problèmes sont les carences ou excès en vitamines A, D et du groupe B. » explique t’elle.

Elle complète une autre étude publiée en 2002. Qu’est ce que le BARF ? Le régime BARF (Biologically Appropriated Raw Food ou Bones and Raw Food) est né en Australie il y a une vingtaine d’année. Ainsi le régime industriel qui l’a remplacé serait, selon l’auteur, la cause de nombreuses maladies du chien domestique moderne. Références : We ♥ Pets Blog. Posted 6 months ago By Allison Espiritu We’ve all heard it time and time again dogs can eat “this” but they can’t eat “that”, but you have to admit it’s pretty hard keeping track of what is on the “No” and “Yes” list.

Here are a few key foods that may have left you stumped as far as giving into your pooch pals begging. SHARE to keep your dogs happy and healthy! Dogs CANNOT eat salt While you and Fido are sharing the couch you find yourself throwing him a couple salt-filled potato chips. Dogs CAN eat salt-free snacks like popcorn and pretzels We can’t resist them and I’m sure your dog can’t too. More about: Dogs, Welcome FreeKibblers!

À l'École de l'Éducation Canine | Le shaping | À l'École de l'Éducation Canine. Clicker Training Free Shaping will unfold your dog's learning abilities! Clicker Training Free Shaping! An explosive combination! If you really get into clicker training you will understand why I describe it as an explosive situation. You will be teaching your dog to think for himself! You might learn your pet is smarter than what you thought! Free Shaping Behavior Shaping is an advanced dog training method because the trainer needs to be patient, observant and have great timing when delivering the reward. Shaping is a powerful technique because you can use it to train your canine friend complex behaviors.

Shaping is a positive method because you will never use force or discomfort. Clicker training free shaping combined! Shaping builds on Capturing a dog behavior When using the dog training method Capturing, we would sit and wait for the animal to do the behavior. Shaping goes one step further. Shaping with a clicker We will use the clicker to MARK each of those "small behaviors" successively. Here is a summary of how the game of clicker training free shaping goes: Wag This Way: Left or Right Offers Insight | Wilde About Dogs. I just got back from the Association of Professional Dog Trainers conference, where one of the seminars I presented centered on the lesser known aspects of canine body language. Among other things, I discussed a study from Bari University in Italy about tail wagging. The study involved 30 mixed breed dogs between the ages of one and six.

There were 15 intact males and 15 non-oestrus females. These were family pets, by the way, whose owners had agreed to participate. The dogs were put into narrow box-like structures with cameras that would track not only which direction their tail wagged, but the precise amplitude. There was a slat at the front of the box through which the dog could see out. (Imagine one of those movies where the character knocks on a door in a seedy neighborhood and the doorkeeper slides the slat open to ask for the password.) Each dog was presented with a stimulus for one minute, rested 90 seconds, and then saw another stimulus. Why would that be? Like this: Mean Dog Tricks on Halloween - 'Splash's Revenge' How does he do it » DogHeirs | Where Dogs Are Family « Keywords: training video.

Office Dog Games | The Honest Kitchen. At our pet friendly office, we’ve been collecting fun dog game ideas & playing them over the years with our ten office dogs. We find the magic combination of treats & games = love & fun for everyone! Feel free to try out these games with your pups and let us know if you have game ideas of your own! Here are some of our favorite games: make it rain smoochie poochie race goin' fishin' hide a wish duck hunting a note of caution: Many dogs are delighted by flying, hidden or dangling treats and games with hidden treats. Make it rain Find a clear area to gather the pups, then grab a handful of Pecks and toss them as high as you can into the air, preferably into a more open area of the room. Back to top smoochie poochie race Find an unoccupied hallway and have one person hold back the hounds with a whiteboard, or another piece of lightweight office furniture.

Goin' fishin' hide a wish Ask a co-worker to distract the office dogs so they don’t see what you’re up to. Duck hunting. Why I Refuse to Use a Retractable Dog Leash. My dog Mayzie spent the first two years of her life at the end of a six-foot rope in someone's backyard. So when we adopted her, there were countless things she was afraid of.

One of those was going for walks. Before she was rescued, her world had been tiny. She had no idea what to do with the concept of big, open spaces. To help ease her into what most dogs consider "the very best thing in the whole world," my husband and I walked her on a quiet trail not far from our house. One day my husband leashed up her and our other dog, Ranger, and headed out the door. Not knowing what to make of this "thing" that was obviously trying to kill her, Mayzie sprinted down the trail with the leash bouncing and banging loudly behind her. Mayzie darted off the trail and my husband lost sight of her. When they returned to the house, my husband made a beeline to the trash can and threw away the leash. Lack of Control They Pose a Danger to Dogs They Pose a Danger to Humans And this woman is not alone.

Tag Archives: dogs who outsmarted their owners. (2355) Bassets Artesiens Normands Delouchicoye. The challenges of the modern dog trainer – APDT 2013. Is there any other profession that requires such a diversity of talents as dog trainer ? We become a dog trainer because of our passion for dogs, but the reality can be very different than the expectations. As a dog trainer, chances are, you’ll teach more people than you’ll ever train dogs! Dog trainers need to have good training technique, along with a keen understanding of dog behavior and applied behavior analysis.

But without the ability to communicate and teach those concepts clearly while offering compassionate support and practical solutions to the dog guardians who hire us, results are limited, if not nil. As the 19th convention of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT) closes its doors, celebrating 20 years of supporting dog trainers across the world, one thing is clear, dog training has become, over the years, an artful combination of animal science, human psychology, effective business practices and technology.

Ken Ramirez APDT 2013 Brian Hare APDT 2013 Like this: Tous les chiens sont des individus. Tous les chiens sont des individus, ce qui signifie que : nous devons voir tous les chiens pour ce qu’ils sont vraiment, libre de tous préjugés, stéréotypes et hypothèses infondées sur un pedigree, une étiquette sur la race, l’apparence physique ou l’histoire passée. Traduction : Le génome du chien est constitué d’environ 20 000 gènes. La variation de 50 gènes détermine la race en définissant les traits physiques. La variation de très peu de gènes détermine la forme de la tête d’un chien. Chez les chiens brachycéphales, c’est uniquement 1 gène.

Cela signifie que moins de 1% des gènes d’un chien déterminent l’apparence physique. Seule une toute petite poignée de gènes déterminera l’apparence extérieure d’un chien. Trad. : Quand nous regardons un chien et que nous voyons la race, nous observons seulement environ 50 de ses 20 000 gènes. Trad. : Quelles sont les différences entre les chiens pure race et les croisés ? L’écrasante majorité des chiens dans les refuges sont des chiens croisés. Contactez-nous. Raw Myths Dispelled - Part I. Pet Tales: Saying 'no' positively. Victoria Stilwell is the famous face of "positive" dog training and the star of Animal Planet's show "It's Me or the Dog. " For two hours last Sunday, Ms. Stilwell charmed, entertained and informed 200 people who paid $40 to $125 to learn the tricks of her trade. I think we also learned why Ms. Stilwell is a star. She is pretty, with long brown hair swept up atop her head.

She speaks calmly with one of those English accents that enchant so many of us. Ms. "If you like a dog's behavior, reward it. Confrontational methods and abusive handling don't work in the long run, she believes, and they may make dogs behave aggressively. "I am skinny," she said. Snarling dogs biting other dogs and threatening to bite people were featured on clips from her TV show, which she showed to the audience. "It's important to know you do not cure a dog in 42 minutes," she said. What we see on the show "is just the beginning" of the training process, she said.

Here are some of her tips from Sunday's lecture: Ms. Fear & anger are shocking enough! | Fearfuldogs' Blog. Do you know what this dog is saying? Photo courtesy of Olathe Animal Hospital in Olathe KS The use of punishment, of any kind, for cases of fear and aggression is contraindicated, meaning the risk of making the situation worse is greater than potential benefit. The idea that you can slap someone across the face and have them come to their senses is the stuff of old movies. Try it with a person and then be ready to duck while you’re waiting to hear, “Gee thanks I needed that,” when instead they take swing back at you. If a shock collar or other means of punishment is needed to interrupt a commonly occurring problem behavior the solution begins by keeping a dog out of any situation in which the behavior is likely to be displayed. Changing responses, especially responses that are the result of an overwhelming emotion, is slow going.

Few would argue that it makes sense to punish a dog that is cowering and hiding. And that is the point. Like this: Like Loading... 21 Awesome Dog Breeds You've Never Heard Of And Need To Know About Immediately. (967) Paul Dethyse. (964) Conférence sur le Comportement canin. (967) Ivan Balabanov. (966) Paw Man - Timeline Photos. Le chien le plus grand du monde, George le géant, est mort. Les tiques: une super astuce pour les enlever ! | Kitkat & Co. Collie online: Le coup de chaleur...Attention, DANGER.! Identifying Pet Emergencies: When to See a Vet, Stat! Organic dog trainnig has arrived. It’s NOT Circovirus | Science of Dogs. Préparer le régime BARF pour son chien - Le BARF.

Why Some Dogs Develop Fear Related Aggression. Dog Harness Mobility & Support Harness for Dogs, Dog Leads Dogs Sling Dog Mobility Harnesses Worldwide. (417) Trouver une bonne garderie pour chien en Montérégie, par Geneviève Thibeault. Élevage Art ou Science. (416) Devrais-je accoupler mon chien? Leaving the Scene: Clarifying the Science of Negative Reinforcement. Comment entraîner un chiot à ne pas sauter sur un jeune enfant. Du loup au chien. La porte-parole de la SPA Katherine Macdonald explique la mise en scène: une femme enceinte dans une cage (Entrevue) La vérité. Oui, Fido a des émotions | Faits divers et judiciaire. Le dégriffage. Follow The Leader - Toronto Dog Training & Obedience School.

What Is Dog Circovirus (DogCV)? Accueil - Une friandise qui tue les animaux?