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Keystone XL Pipeline Will Raise Gasoline Prices, Not Just Environmental Concerns | Tom Steyer. The last thing Americans, or the American economy needs, is another jump at the gas pump. A new report by Consumer Watchdog finds that's what America will get if the president approves Keystone XL pipeline: a 25 cent to 40 cent gas price hike in the Midwest, and pain at the pump all the way to California. Environmental security has rightfully been a rally cry of clean air advocates opposed to the Keystone XL pipeline, which poses tremendous environmental hazards from leaks of the oil itself to emissions of toxic additives on the line to greater carbon output in refining of tar sands oil. New evidence shows economic security and energy security are equally important reasons for the president to oppose the pipeline. Statements from pipeline developers reveal that the intent of the Keystone XL is not to help Americans, but to use America as an export line to markets in Asia and Europe.

As a businessman, I can understand that profit motive. The GM genocide: Thousands of Indian farmers are committing suicide after using genetically modified crops. By Andrew Malone Updated: 00:48 GMT, 3 November 2008 When Prince Charles claimed thousands of Indian farmers were killing themselves after using GM crops, he was branded a scaremonger. In fact, as this chilling dispatch reveals, it's even WORSE than he feared. The children were inconsolable. Mute with shock and fighting back tears, they huddled beside their mother as friends and neighbours prepared their father's body for cremation on a blazing bonfire built on the cracked, barren fields near their home. As flames consumed the corpse, Ganjanan, 12, and Kalpana, 14, faced a grim future. Human tragedy: A farmer and child in India's 'suicide belt' Shankara, respected farmer, loving husband and father, had taken his own life. Unable to pay back the equivalent of two years' earnings, he was in despair.

There were still marks in the dust where he had writhed in agony. Moaning, he crawled on to a bench outside his simple home 100 miles from Nagpur in central India. So who is telling the truth? Horrified woman, 27, discovers that headaches and scratching sounds inside her head are FLESH-EATING MAGGOTS. Rochelle Harris, 27, went on holiday to Peru with her boyfriend this yearOn the flight back she developed excruciating headaches, face pain, started hearing noises in her head and fluid then leaked from her earWent to A&E where doctors thought she had a minor ear infectionBut closer inspection revealed a New World Army Screw Worm fly had laid eggs in her ear which had burrowed 12mm into ear canalLuckily they had not spread to brain or near any major blood vesselsSurgeons removed the flesh-eating creatures and Rochelle made a full recovery By Rachel Reilly Published: 11:23 GMT, 16 July 2013 | Updated: 14:57 GMT, 16 July 2013 A woman has spoken of her terror at discovering that she harboured flesh-eating maggots inside her ear.

When Rochelle Harris, 27, from Derby, returned from the holiday of a lifetime in Peru, she thought little of the headaches that she had started to develop on the flight back to the UK. Scroll down for video They thrive in hot, tropical countries. 15 of the Strangest Deaths. If you were a child in the 90s, you'll have seen Anastasia, so you know who Rasputin was. What you might not know is that this guy was just as hard to kill in real life as he was in the movie. Now, since the eyewitness accounts vary, we can never be absolutely certain as to what happened, but the commonly accepted story is this: worried about Rasputin's influence over Tsarina Alexandra, members of the extended Romanov family potted to off him using cyanide.

However, after consuming the pastries and wine containing the poison (supposedly enough to kill five men), Rasputin was still kicking. So they shot him and left him for dead in the living room. Why Turmeric May Be the Diseased Liver's Best Friend. How to Make Perfectly Ripe Avocado Trick - Cooking. I rarely buy avocados as they are expensive, Mania doesn’t like them and, what’s more, I never know when it is ripe enough to gain the best taste for avocado & garlic butter.

However I am a big fan of it and this is why, I was happy to find this awesome Perfectly Ripe Avocado Trick on Northwest Edible Life blog. The author of this cool site has finally made it clear for us avo lovers, how to recognize the right ripeness and not to be introduced to the problem of rotten fruit anymore. Each time you decide to make your favorite guacamole or salad using this exotic fruit follow the steps shown on the pictures and you will win the fresh and delicious meal instead of with wasted money and bad mood. If you liked this life-hack, be sure to follow them for more stuff on NWedible facebook profile. To see the full article click the link for Perfectly Ripe Avocado Trick. 6 Things to Keep Your Memory Sharp. Coconut Oil Researchers are growing more and more optimistic about the relationship between coconut oil and memory preservation. One prominent researcher, Dr. Mary Newport, discovered that coconut oil showed exceptional promise with regards to dementia and Alzheimer’s prevention, as the medium-chain triglycerides found in coconut oil fuel certain brain cells that have a difficult time utilizing carbohydrates, the brain’s main energy source.

(Read more about coconut oil and it’s benefits for brain health) Omega-3 DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) While the brain’s main energy source is glucose, it’s building blocks are primary comprised of fatty acids, more specifically, Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Crossworld Puzzles and Brain Teasers Crossword puzzles and brain teaser exercises keep parts of the brain active that may otherwise fall into a rut. B-vitamins B vitamins provide a tremendous benefit to brain health. Coconut OilOmega-3 Related Posts. Eden Foods - Kiwi Banana Smoothie - Recipe. Ma cuisine végétarienne gourmande. 8 (Easily Avoidable) Ways to Lose Your Prospect’s Trust. Arrivé à Lac-Mégantic, le grand patron de MMA se défend | Tragédie ferroviaire à Lac-Mégantic. Oups! Une erreur est survenue nous empêchant d`afficher le contenu demandé. Cliquez ici pour obtenir la dernière version plugiciel Flash.

Le reportage de Karine Bastien La première apparition d'Edward Burkhardt, le grand patron de la compagnie propriétaire du train qui a déraillé, provoquant l'explosion meurtrière de wagons-citernes au centre-ville de Lac-Mégantic, s'est faite sous haute tension, mercredi. Dès qu'il a été aperçu dans la rue, le président de Rail World, la maison-mère de la compagnie Montreal, Maine and Atlantic Railway (MMA), a été rapidement encerclé par des dizaines de journalistes.

Pendant une trentaine de minutes, il a fait face à un barrage de questions, alors que des passants lui criaient des noms et que les agents de la Sûreté du Québec (SQ) étaient sur le qui-vive. Si Edward Burkhardt se dit « terriblement mal » et « dévasté » par la tragédie, il a offert des excuses du bout des lèvres. « Une série d'événements se sont déroulés. Il défend sa version Résidents en colère.

TAKE CARE OF YOUR EYES WHILE USING PC. During a recent visit to an optician, one of my friend was told of an exercise for the eyes by a specialist doctor that he termed as 20-20-20. It is apt for all of us, who spend long hours at our desks, looking at the computer screen. I Thought I’d share it with you. Step I :- After every 20 minutes of looking into the computer screen, turn your head and try to look at any object placed at least 20 feet away. Step II :- Try and blink your eyes for 20 times in succession, to moisten them.

Step III :- Time permitting of course, one should walk 20 paces after every 20 minutes of sitting in one particular posture. Circulate among all if you care. Merck admet l’inoculation du virus qui provoque le cancer. La division vaccin de Merck, admet l’inoculation du virus qui provoque le cancer par le biais de vaccins. L’interview choquante censurée menée par un médecin historien Edward Shorter pour la télévision publique de Boston WGBH et Blackwell Science a été coupée du livre “The Health Century” en raison de sa teneur – l’admission que Merck a traditionnellement injecté le virus (SV40 et d’autres) dans la population partout dans le monde. Ce passage contenu dans le documentaire " In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood & Bioterrorism", produit et librement crée par les associations de protection des consommateurs et l’experts de santé publique, le Dr Leonard Horowitz, caractérise l’entrevue avec le plus plus grand experts en vaccins du monde, le Dr Maurice Hilleman, qui explique pourquoi Merck a propagé le sida, la leucémie et d’autres fléaux horribles à travers le monde: Quels sont les dangers?

Posté par jean Meunier Like this: Un deuxième train de la mort au Lac Megantic ! – La syncope – Matthieu Bonin. Your Social Media Marketing Initiatives Must Start With Strategy. Companies must create a plan for the strategic use of social media for the same reason they must have a business plan. The outcome that results from developing a strategy serves as a map for the organization’s methodology for using social media for the needs of companies and their customers.

A company without a documented strategy for its social media marketing is like a catamaran without a rudder. No wind blows in favor of a ship without a destination. Strong gusts of wind that fill the sails are of no benefit to the vessel without charts or rudders. The same holds true for companies that don’t have clearly defined plans. They set sail with social media and get straight to tactics without a strategy and are surprised when they’ve run ashore. In my experience, the issue stems from the way members of the C-Suite are at odds about social media as a whole and their uncertainty regarding whether social media marketing delivers any value. Creating a Social Media Marketing Strategy Is Vital. Livestream - Watch thousands of live events & live stream your events. Formation 3d et infographie programmation Établissement de formation spécialisé en effets spéciaux et jeux vidéos situé à Sherbrooke et sur la Rive-Sud de Montréal.

Social Mediopolis | The Capitol of Social Media. Web Sites - Six Reasons Your Website Will Fail. Although the dawn of the Web was nearly two decades ago, many small and midsize businesses (SMBs) still have a limited, ineffective online presence. That wouldn't be much of an issue if the Internet hadn't long ago replaced hardcopy Yellow Pages as the go-to source for business information. vSplash's SMB DigitalScape data, based on an analysis of 1 million SMB websites worldwide last year, provides a clear demonstration of how poorly equipped SMB websites are for the digital age.

Let's go through the most alarming findings and examine the top reasons SMBs are failing online. 1. Not Built Right (for Mobile Devices) 93.3% of SMB websites are not mobile-compatible and will not render successfully on mobile devices, including smartphones. The gap is widening between consumer adoption of digital platforms and deficiencies in SMBs' digital presence. 2. 80.5% of SMB websites have no social media links—Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn, foursquare, etc. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Blending Essential Oils For Beginners | Growing Up Herbal. Have you ever wondered how to blend essential oils together? I know I did when I first started using them on myself and my kids. I’d buy a bunch of single oils as well as several synergy blends because I didn’t know how to make them myself. Synergy blends are combinations of oils that all work well together and promote something specific like relaxation, energy, keeping bugs away, etc. These blends of essential oils can be used for their aromatherapy purposes as well as their medicinal purposes.

Over time, I’ve become more confident in blending essential oils myself as a result of learning how to do it and practicing. Now I can’t help you with the practicing, but I can help you with learning how to do it. Not only will blending essential oils yourself save you money, but it will boost your confidence and help you learn how to use them effectively within your family! What Result Are You Looking For? Why do you want to blend oils together? How To Choose Quality Essential Oils Categories ginger. Is Monsanto Trying To Kill Us With GMO Frankenfoods? Monsanto is the same company that manufactured DDT, Agent Orange, PCB, dioxin and aspartame. Cancer is being linked to PCB exposure. Thousands of U.S. soldiers as well as Vietnamese civilians have cancer because of being exposed to Agent Orange during the Vietnamese war. These people are suffering the horrible consequences of this chemical being sprayed in the jungles, leaching toxic and deadly chemicals into the water, soil and the air.

Children are being born with birth defects, and thousands are dying of cancer caused by the exposure. My best friend’s husband was exposed to Agent Orange during the Vietnamese war, and he is now 100 percent disabled with skin cancer on his arms. What Is GMO? Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are plants that have been created in laboratories of companies such as Monsanto, Dow, DuPont and others.

Roundup®-Ready Crops When Roundup is sprayed on crops, they resist the herbicide; the weeds die, but the crops don’t. What Foods Are GMO? We Must Boycott GMOs. Land Workers' Alliance - Sustainable Food Trust. Editor's picks I received this statement in an email yesterday, circulated to the UK food-group as a statement of concern about the on-going, and largely unmentioned, progress of the EU-US Transatlantic Trade Agreement.

Not only is it pertinent and well-written, it clearly succeeds in drawing attention to concerns that everyone should be paying attention to. The Transatlantic Trade Agreement threatens to undermine the food security of all of us, not to mention allowing US-approved products into our food-system, which contain chemicals or medicines that are currently banned in Europe. Please share this statement where possible, this is a vitally important issue that we should be hearing more about. Land Workers’ Alliance statement on Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership “We are a coalition of farmers, growers and land workers representing the interests of small-scale producers across England and Wales. Fourthly; we are farmers, growers and landworkers.

Photograph by Helena Eriksson. NRJ 102.7 Val-d'Or :: Prémonition? La pub du Musi-Café de Lac-Mégantic - La Faune NRJ 102.7 :: La Faune NRJ 102.7. Dimanche matin à Lac-Mégantic. Dimanche matin, Lac-Mégantic retenait ses larmes, la petite ville faisait semblant que c’était un dimanche matin comme les autres. La piste cyclable de la Baie-des-Sables grouillait d’enfants et de mamans. Dans les quartiers évacués, escortés par des policiers, les gens allaient chercher des médicaments, nourrir le chat, ramasser du linge. Comme ce jeune couple, rue Dollar.

Sur la galerie, le mari s’impatientait : Envoye, Sylvie, laisse faire les souliers, t’en auras pas besoin. Les policiers souriaient. Rue Baie-des-Sables encore, le D Daniel Brochu sort de chez des amis. Serait un dimanche comme les autres à Lac-Mégantic, si Lac-Mégantic existait encore. J’ai rencontré Frederick au cimetière. Frederick Gay était cuisinier au resto-bar Le Haricot, rue Frontenac, pas loin du Musi-Café, dans le quartier où tout a flambé. Frederick était chez lui quand ça a sauté. « J’ai couru avec mon chien le plus loin que j’ai pu – je ne savais pas que la serveuse avait décidé de fermer à minuit. La responsabilité civile. Dustin Hoffman in Tears As He Explains Something That All of us Need to Hear. L’incroyable histoire de Cassandra Bankson. Acne Foundation Routine Flawless Skin (Full Coverage Tutorial) Cystic & Scaring Diamondsandheels14. (80) Le bonheur ça vient de l'intérieur ! Cancer-in-a-Can? The horrific true story of how Pringles are made. Bush Administration Officially Found Guilty of War Crimes- Lawyer Says “We WILL Get Bush”

Is spinach really a good source of iron or not. Top 10 Ways to Prepare Kale. Glamorous wavy hair cut in less than a minute. Le pouvoir du vinaigre blanc: 22 astuces. Weird Facts You Can't Believe Are True. Where are they from? Mystery intergalactic radio bursts detected. Fibromyalgia Mystery Finally Solved! BEST Workout Motivation - Never Give Up! Moteur économique, non polluant, fonctionnant avec les rayons du soleil. Moteur stirling béta. LE CERVEAU À TOUS LES NIVEAUX! Free large file hosting. Send big files the easy way! Méthode simple pour retrouver son chat. Blog Archive » L’espace entre…. - Notre lien canhumain et opinions. (169) Just watch this I am sure you will share it :) ! HORSES BLOWING BUBBLES IN THE WATER.

5 Evil Ways Companies Are Charging You For Doing Nothing. Europe : Interdiction d'utiliser des semences traditionnelles, pourquoi c'est funeste ? | Europe et International | Cadres institutionnels. Push-pull (agriculture) RAW FOR BEAUTY. Turmeric produces mind-blowing recovery from dementia symptoms, multiple case studies show.

L'amarante Pourrie la Vie des OGM de Monsanto - lespacearcenciel sur (13:35) 20 Natural Pain Killers. Former drone operator says he's haunted by his part in more than 1,600 deaths. PepsiCo Says It Will Halt Use of Aborted Fetal Cells in Flavor Research. Un village malade du pétrole? | Agnès Gruda | Les sables bitumineux. Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Hot Dogs. Un serpent d’un mètre au centre-ville | Actualités. (131) think you're strong? Stéphane Waite est le nouvel entraîneur des gardiens | Canadien | Sports. Fact: in 2011, japanese scientists created “edible steak” from human stool.

Vers la création d'embryons chimériques animal-humain ? 15 of the Strangest Deaths. MORE Brand Logos with Hidden Symbols. The Important Thing About Yelling | Hands Free Mama. Exposing Kashi Cereal For The Poison That It Is. Ten Surprising Facts About Rejection. L'ail pour les équidés : ses effets indésirables - anneetcat. Why is violent crime so rare in Iceland?