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Fireworks! Stop bemoaning your dog’s firework phobia… and start fixing it instead. It’s that time of year. People in the US have been celebrating Independence Day in a big way, and my Facebook news feed is flooded with angry posts from the owners of terrified dogs complaining about their neighbors and cities. Nothing inspires quite so much helplessness and rage as watching your dog squeeze himself under the toilet or bed, trembling and drooling, for the fifth day in a row.

Photo by Travis Estell Advice on these threads mainly focuses on management: thundershirts, pheromone therapy, aromatherapy, exercise, melatonin, and white noise are all common suggestions. Most of the best-intentioned advice continues to miss the point, though. Take a moment to truly think about this. So, how can you help your dog get through fireworks? There are many different ways to do this, and this is where bringing an experienced, certified trainer in on your case can prove invaluable. This is straightforward Pavlov stuff. Another Potentially Dangerous Dog Trainer. When dog owners are considering hiring a dog trainer they have no shortage of options. The internet is flooded with all manner of businesses, products and individuals touting results and guarantee’s. Many tout credentials and associations with organizations to assure the dog owner they are spending their hard earned dollars well and getting the best service. What many of the dog trainers do not tout is the how they will train the dog, how they will educate the dog owner and what exactly are the methods they use and if there are risks associated with those approaches.

Many trainers will promote various collars, both choke and electronic and many talk about “dominance” and “leading the pack” and of course the ever popular “life time guarantee” is seen all too often. They do not explain that dogs make associations based on being safe, unsafe or neutral due to functions of the amygdala – the fear regulating part of the brain. It is not the fault of the dog. Or at least do a version of it. Thank Dog! Bootcamp - Obedience & fitness for dogs & owners. Le blog de francoise. Dogs imitate novel human actions and store them in memory. Dogs can learn, retain and replay actions taught by humans after a short delay. According to a new study by Claudia Fugazza and Adám Miklósi, from Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary, this deferred imitation provides the first evidence of dogs' cognitive ability to both encode and recall actions.

The research is published in Springer's journal Animal Cognition. Domestic dogs are particularly keen on relying on human communication cues. They learn by observing humans and are easily influenced by humans in learning situations. Living in human social groups may have favored their ability to learn from humans. Fugazza and Miklósi looked at whether dogs possess the cognitive ability of deferred imitation. Eight adult pet dogs were trained by their owners with the 'Do as I do' method and then made to wait for short intervals (5-30 seconds) before they were allowed to copy the observed human action, for example walk around a bucket or ring a bell.

Le rôle du renforcement et des renforçateurs en education canine | Le blog de Kimberley JOHNSON. Le renforcement a pour but d’augmenter, de maintenir, ou par voie de conséquence, de faire disparaître un comportement donné. Les comportements continueront d’apparaître tant qu’ils seront correctement renforcés (avec un bon taux de renforcement). Qu’il s’agisse de renforcement primaire, de renforcement secondaire ou de renforcement intrinsèque, il s’agit dans les trois cas de renforcement positif.

Mais quelle est la différence entre ces trois types de renforcement ? Quel est l’intérêt de l’un ou de l’autre ? Lequel privilégier ? Les renforçateurs primaires dans l’éducation canine Un renforçateur primaire est quelque chose qui va satisfaire un besoin biologique ou un besoin physique de manière immédiate, sans aucun apprentissage antérieur. Ils sont peu nombreux, dans notre cas nous allons retenir la nourriture (friandises essentiellement). Les renforçateurs secondaires dans l’éducation canine Les renforçateurs intrinsèques : ils sont attachés au comportement lui-même.

Association of Pet Dog Trainers Ireland News and Events | Association of Pet Dog Trainers Ireland (APDTI) OhMyDog! Dog Training The Hague | Fun-packed and science-based dog training in The Hague. The Dog Trainer : Who’s in Charge Here – and Why It Should Be Your Dog. Episode 198: May 13, 2013 | | by Jolanta Benal, CPDT-KA, CBCC-KA Pretty much everything we read about dog training and life with dogs assumes that the human should be in charge. The paradigms vary.

Some are just plain ugly, urging coercive and painful methods to get dogs to “obey.” Others, like the idea of “leadership,” aren’t necessary or scientific but can be benign and even useful. But pretty much everybody who writes or speaks about training, me included, emphasizes that it’s the human in the relationship who sets the rules. Today, I’ll talk about why you might want to turn that idea upside down, and put your dog in charge instead. This episode is brought to you by Let’s start with two questions. The answer to the first question is, if we’re honest with ourselves, “Not much.” Of course, most of us take our dogs’ needs and likes into account. Also, some choices shouldn’t left to dogs. A famous experiment done 40 years ago involved two groups of rats. Tip #1: Be Consistent. Dog-ibox. 16 Things You Should Stop Doing In Order To Be Happy With Your Dog | Roger Abrantes. Cover photo from the author’s book from 1986 “Hunden, vor ven” (The Dog, Our Friend) (photo by Ole Suszkievicz).

Here is a list of 16 things you should stop doing in order to make life with your dog happier and your relationship stronger. Difficult? Not at all. You just need to want to do it and then simply do it. You can begin as soon as you finish reading this. 1. Like most things in life, being a perfectionist has its advantages and disadvantages. 2. If you don’t have a good sense of humor, don’t live with a dog. 3. When life with a dog is often dictated by Murphy’s Law, if you attempt to control your dog’s every move, you’ll end up with an ulcer or fall into a depression. 4.

When things go wrong, and they will, I assure you, don’t waste your time apportioning blame. 5. The world is full of irrational, unfounded old wives’ tales. 6. We are over swamped by labels because labels sell, but they only sell if you buy them. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Life is great! Related articles. Notre charte. Luna - The Last Chapter. Everyone has a last chapter, also our pets.

Luna, after a fight lasting probably more than 5 years, although we'll never really know for sure, finally lost her last struggle at 11.20 a.m. on November 5, 2007 and was relieved of her pain. We miss her terribly, but are glad that she's not suffering anymore. I for one, although it goes against everything else I believe in, am sure she is waiting right now at the Rainbow Bridge for me, along with Sugar, Penny, Coffee and Max. Rainbow Bridge: Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.

There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... Luna - Greater Swiss Mountain Dog mix. Stress and learning | Dissecting Behavior. The Yerkes-Dodson Law In 1908, Yerkes and Dodson published findings of a remarkable phenomenon they discovered regarding the relationship between arousal and performance. The law asserts: The speed of learning and performance increases with arousal; however, it quickly reaches an optimal intensity where learning and performance then deteriorate.Both weak stimuli and strong stimuli result in slow habit-formation.The more difficult the task, the lower the optimal level of arousal for maximum performance.

“A stimulus whose strength is nearer to the [minimum] threshold than to the point of harmful stimulation is most favorable to the acquisition of a habit.” (Yerkes & Dodson, 1908) Yerkes-Dodson Law Hebb’s graph of the Yerkes-Dodson Law (image source: wikipedia) Two things eventually arise from dog training methods that involve prolonged arousal or stress. Harsh punishment and the “Hang” – a dog’s fight for survival What is dog training References: Grohmann, K., Dickomeit, M. Mair, R. McEwen, B. Risk Factors and Prevention of Bloat in Dogs. Canine bloat, or gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV), is the number-one cause of death for several large and giant breeds. It is a life-threatening disorder and if left untreated, results in death.

Bloat occurs when the stomach fills with food, water and/or gas. This results in increased pressure that enlarges and compresses the stomach and eventually causes the stomach to rotate or twist into an abnormal position. When the stomach twists, it actually crimps the inflow and outflow of gastric contents and blood to and from the stomach. This in turn cuts off the blood supply to the organ causing a cascade of events that can eventual cause death.

Common signs of "bloat" include excessive drooling and unproductive vomiting. Breeds thought to be at high risk include: Akita, bloodhound, collie, Great Dane, Irish setter, Irish wolfhound, Newfoundland, rottweiler, Saint Bernard, standard poodle and Weimaraner. Risk Factors Dr. Episode 39: Interview with Michael Ellis on Tugging – Part 1. Too hot outside, even for the dog! Pension Pour Chiens et Chats. La nourriture de votre compagnon n'est pas incluse dans le forfait. Vous devez apporter sa nourriture pour ne pas perturber ses habitudes alimentaires. Arrivée et départ : durant les heures d'ouverture seulement. Aussi disponible: promenade à domicile. Ajoutez un soin au spa à tout séjour de 4 jours et plus pour 1/2 prix. (91) Incredible video of a reunion with a wolf pack. Clauses de baux résidentiels interdisant la possession d'animaux de compagnie.

Pour signer cette pétition, vous devez compléter 3 étapes : Étape 1 : remplissez le formulaire sous le texte de la pétition et envoyez-le (vous devez accepter les conditions à respecter pour pouvoir signer la pétition avant d’envoyer le formulaire). Étape 2 : consultez votre boîte de courriels et ouvrez le message envoyé par l’Assemblée. Étape 3 : dans ce message, cliquez sur le lien vous permettant d’enregistrer votre signature. Vous ne pouvez signer la même pétition qu’une seule fois. Texte de la pétition CONSIDÉRANT QUE dans un bail de location ou un règlement d’immeuble la clause qui interdit de détenir un animal de compagnie va à l’encontre du respect de la vie privée et la jouissance paisible des lieux reconnus par la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne; CONSIDÉRANT QUE le Code civil du Québec reconnaît un animal comme un bien meuble; CONSIDÉRANT QUE l’animal de compagnie a un effet bénéfique sur la santé physique et mentale de personnes; Nombre de signataires : 6055.

À quel point les chiens peuvent-ils apprendre d'autres chiens? Friederike Range et Zsófia Viranyi de l'Université de médecine vétérinaire de Vienne ont étudié un groupe de loups et de chiens élevés ensemble au Wolf Science Center. Ils ont d'abord constaté que les loups collaborent mieux ensemble que les chiens.

Dans une série d'expériences, ils ont observé les comportements de loups ou de chiens partageant une source commune de nourriture fournie par les chercheurs. Bien qu'il y ait plus d'agressivité chez les loups, chaque loup, même le dernier de la hiérarchie, réussissait à négocier une part de nourriture. Les chiens étaient moins agressifs, mais le partage était beaucoup moins collaboratif. Le chien alpha monopolisait la nourriture et ceux de rang inférieur restaient simplement à l'écart. Ils ont ensuite laissé les loups et les chiens voir comment ouvrir la boìte par l'une ou l'autre de ces méthodes avant de les laisser essayer par eux-mêmes.

Voyez également: Psychomédia avec sources: Science, Psychology Today.Tous droits réservés. PSY 4090, L'APPROCHE BEHAVIORALE DE LA PERSONNALITÉ. Pour obtenir une version PDF offrant une meilleure qualité d'impression, cliquez ici Signification du mot behavioral. Le mot anglais behavior signifie comportement. L'emploi du mot behavioral est un anglicisme. Dans ce sens premier, originel, il est préférable d'employer l'adjectif français exact, comportemental, c'est à dire «qui réfère au comportement, qui tient ou relève du comportement».

Mais le mot est aussi employé dans trois autres sens qui impliquent des conceptions particulières de la psychologie. Pour mieux rendre certaines de ces implications théoriques, il est devenu plus ou moins traditionnel d'employer l'anglicisme behavioral (francisé souvent en béhavioral et béhaviorisme) même si certains psychologues français parlent de comportementalisme et comportementaliste pour capturer ces trois autres sens. Behaviorisme Le behaviorisme, comme tel, est une conception spécifique de la psychologie. Personnalité comme ensemble d'habitudes: Watson et Guthrie. 2e EXAMEN Notes. Sophie_astuces » COMPORTEMENT DU CHIEN. 1. Définition La narcolepsie est un trouble de la régulation des états de veille. Elle est caractérisée par 2 symptômes cardinaux : une somnolence diurne excessive et des attaques de cataplexie survenant en plein éveil. Cette maladie est très proche de la narcolepsie humaine, découverte en 1877 par Westphal puis mieux étudiée en 1880 par Gélineau (d’où son appellation de maladie de Gélineau).

La narcolepsie canine a été découverte en 1973 par William C. Dement (Stanford University) et ses collaborateurs, chez plusieurs races comme le Doberman pinscher, le Labrador retriever, et le Beagle. 2. Cette pathologie se transmet chez le chien selon un caractère autosomal récessif à pénétrance complète, désigné sous le nom de canarc-1. Rappels : Le sommeil normal est constitué de deux états différents qui alternent au cours de la nuit : le sommeil lent ou profond, pendant lequel le cerveau est au repos complet, et le sommeil paradoxal, pendant lequel il existe une activité cérébrale intense. 3.

Who’s in Charge Here – and Why It Should Be Your Dog. (92) You have to watch this one Suki 8 months. Darwin Pond. The Human Ego vs Safety- Dog Tricks Training. You wouldn't teach... ACL Repair in the Dog - Anterior Ligament Injuries in Dogs - Repair and Healing | NZYMES.COM. ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) surgery in dogs is a commonly done surgical procedure in veterinary practice. When the anterior cruciate ligament is torn or stretched, instead of moving like a hinge, the knee joint will actually make a sliding motion. This abnormal motion and instability creates trauma within the joint that leads to wearing of cartilage, increased synovial fluid production and inflammation. Clarification: For this discussion, the term 'Anterior' may be used interchangably with 'Cranial', which is more correct in a discussion of an animal.

How Does an Injury Happen? A torn cruciate ligament can occur in any dog if just the right (or wrong) forces impact the knee joint. Most commonly seen in larger breeds of dogs and in dogs that are overweight, the ACL surgical procedure does not actually repair the torn ligament but rather replaces the ligament with artificial material that takes over the function of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament. Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture. What is a “pit bull”? | Happy Pit Bull.

Greeting dogs, how and what are we teaching them? | Responsible Dog ~ It's all about dogs. Kaspa, le premier « chien de démence » du Royaume-Uni - Société. Why Does My Herding Dog Seem to Hate Labs? Schoep and John: 'Adventure' ends as beloved Schoep the dog dies - Boston News. DogNostics eLearning Teaching Tuck Sit and Rock Back Sit. Hot-Weather Fun With Your Dog.

Classifying dogs’ (Canis familiaris) facial expressions from photographs. Taking Responsibility. (3) Billy golden retriever de 2 mois et demi parti trop tôt. What To Do If You See A Yellow Ribbon on a Dog's Leash. Wolves and Dogs: Similarities and Differences with Ken McCort, July 26-28, 2013. Are Dogs 'Kids?' Owner-dog relationships share striking similarities to parent-child relationships. (94) Timeline Photos. The 25 Funniest GIFs Of Animals Being Jerks. Patel Chirag "Motivation, rewards, reinforcement", the dog-ibox Shop. Laisses d'Agility: pourquoi étrangler ? - Agil-Dogs chiens et agility. Animaux | vivre animaux domestiques compagnie |