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Small as your finger but they are not insects but monkeys - StumbleUpon. Law Of The Wild :: :: Best Quality! The Law Of The Wild says "Kill ONLY when you are hungry. " Photographer Michel Denis-Huot, who captured these amazing pictures on safari in Kenya's Masai Mara in October last year, said he was astounded by what he saw: *UPDATE: While these pictures are indeed real, the outcome after the encounter below did not fare well for the young deer. Nevertheless, these are remarkable photographs. 6a00d8341c103953ef011571f3b2d1970b-pi from Siesta by Istvan Lichner. Susie_with_kittens.jpg from

Mila's Daydreams. Une excellente initiative de Adele Enersen, en provenance d’Helsinki avec ce projet intitulé « Mila’s Daydreams ». Pendant la durée de son congé maternité, elle met en scène et imagine quotidiennement les rêves de son bébé. L’ensemble est à découvrir dans la suite de l’article. 0515wallpaperys-15_1600.jpg from Heroic Squirrel Saves Her Baby | Crazy Earth. For a moment, this dog believed that he got very nice piece of meat when he caught that little squirrel baby. But, suddenly, something jumped on him and took it’s attention while little squirrel managed to escape. Heroic squirrel mother acted very brave in this situation and saved her baby’s life by an heroic act that deserves lot of respect.

Some people could learn a lot of from this squirrel. Animal Magic.