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WordPress Custom Post Type Code Generator | Themergency. How to Create WordPress Shortcodes. One of the primary reasons why WordPress is the most popular CMS platform available is the sheer level of customizability that it brings to the table. Today, we'll review the process of integrating one of those popular features, shortcodes, in the most user friendly way possible, into our theme.

Even though there are a few trillion options to choose from, WordPress has comfortably taken the crown as the king of CMSs and blogging platforms with its incredible flexibility. A shortcode is one of those features that ratchet up the user friendliness of the system. However, most implementations still require you to remember the shortcode itself. When you've created a masterpiece of a theme, the usability shouldn't really lag behind.

It's called a shortcode and it has been part of the base WordPress installation since it hit version 2.5. Here, you can define your own codes to use within your theme. If you've ever embedded a gallery with WordPress, you've already used a shortcode! Questions? How to Increase the Maximum File Upload Size in WordPress. Best Wordpress Plugins to Watermark Blog Post Images Automatically. Wordpress Video & Audio Players: 10 Beautiful HTML5 Examples. “Every video I’m in,” says Lady Gaga, “every magazine cover, they stretch you; they make you perfect. It’s not real life.” No, m’lady, it’s not. But that’s the curse we publishers suffer — we’d like to make things look better if possible. (And just as a side note, not to be picky, but the word “perfect” may have been a stretch there.) Anyway, with that in mind, in this post we’re going to review and compare 5 WordPress video player plugins that are meant to make your videos look better.

Perfect? Better? New to WordPress – A Native Player If self-hosted videos are an important part of your site, then perhaps you know about the relatively recent addition of the built-in WordPress video player. Now when you insert a video from your media library, or even just place a link to a video in a post, you will see a native video player wrapped around the video. That’s a nice addition, but the player is still relatively simple. WordPress Built-In Player Info and Download Here are the main features: 4. Cum să scrii cu diacritice în Wordpress? | Pauza mea de relaxare. Eeee, m-a pocnit acu vreo două zile gândul că vreau sa apuc standardul tastaturilor româneşti cu diacritice, că doar suntem români, nu?

Mi-am dat repede seama că asta este doar o scuză de doi bani şi că pot scrie cu puţin efort chiar şi acum cu diacritice pe blog, mai ales ca l-am vrut in limba română. Am primit instantaneu sfaturi de la Undelete, Nicu, Rasebo prin comentariile de la articol. Problema pe care am avut-o era cam aşa: scriam in panoul de control un text cu diacritice, ele erau afişate corect;când dădeam să-l public, în locul diacriticelor apăreau doar semne de intrebare. Cum am rezolvat problema: în setările de afişare din panoul de control WordPress, m-am asigurat ca am – Encoding pentru pagini și feed UTF8;în phpMyAdmin, am setat modul de gestiune al bazei de date WordPress – connection collation – să fie UTF8;apoi am refăcut tabelele comments şi posts astfel încât modul de gestiune a tabelelor să fie utf8_romanian_ci. şşşş ţţţţ ăăăăă îîîîîî ââââ uuuuuurrrrraaaaaaaaaaa.

How to install wordpress. Support » Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted. Antistandard: Sir! Please regard your tone and choice of words! Really, If you want help within a community, ranting and raving unnecessarily about the object in question is NO way to get help! Now, i looked up how to get rid of this error and people advise to re-install wordpress again (WHICH I JUST DID!!) Okay, I am not sure what exactly you looked up to try to troubleshoot your problem, but I will see what I can do to respond anyway. Man, if I was a php developer I would make an awesome, stable Shopping Cart with great shipping options and then charge $5 to buy it.

I find it necessary to remind you that the key word in your statement is IF. WordPress is always bringing out flippn updates that make everyones adrenaline kick in just before you click the upgrade button because more times than not, you get a flippn error message where you have to start you life all over again. In computing, errors happen. I mean, what the **** is memory allocation anyway ?? Again, please moderate your tone. How to Display Recent Posts with Thumbnails in WordPress.

15th Nov 2010 | Posted by Eko S. | 42 Comments In the previous tutorial, we have explained how to add wordpress thumbnail features on your theme. As we all know, since WordPress 2.9 added an image thumbnail feature which allows you to assign an image to an article to make it the post image like it’s often used in magazine style themes. In this tutorial we will show you how to add post thumbnails to your recent posts on sidebar without a plugin.

Let’s started! Step 1. Make sure your theme has supported WordPress post thumbnail feature, you can check this feature in post editor (Posts > Edit) below the categories. If your theme doesn’t support that feature, you can see our previous tutorial, Quick Tip : Make A Post Automatic Excerpt With Image Thumbnail on WordPress 2.9+ Step 2. Open file sidebar.php (We use twenty ten theme) and insert the following code, start from line 54 As shown below -Click the image to more clearly- Explanation of the code Step 3. Add Comments (+) Trackbacks/Pingbacks.