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Vote on bills in congress | Votetocracy. State and County QuickFacts. COSTOFWAR.COM - The Cost of War. About | Embed | Notes & Sources To embed the Cost of Military Action Against ISIS counter on your website, blog, etc, follow these simple instructions: 1) Add the following javascript to your page: Add the following code wherever you want the counter to show up: NOTE: This doesn't need to be a <div>. Use whatever tag you need. A Note About Style We've intentionally left out any styles for this embeddable counter, instead leaving it up to you to provide styles consistent with the look of your site. <div id="npp-widget-cost-military-action-against-isis" class="npp-widget"><h3 class="npp-widget-title"> Cost of Military Action Against ISIS </h3><p class="npp-widget-summary"> Every <span> hr(s)</span>, taxpayers in <span></span> are paying <span>$###</span> for <span>Cost of Military Action Against ISIS</span>.

This counter displays the estimated cost, since June 16, 2014, of military operations against the Islamic State (also known as ISIS or ISIL), in nominal (non-inflation-adjusted) dollars. Gallup.