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The Plum Village Online Monastery. Teachers. Famous Buddhist Quotes & Sayings. Conglomeration of Interesting Sites. Universal Fellowship of Life - Words of the Masters Gallery. Mindfulness Bell. Deep shit. Science. How to meditate. Meditation articles. Photo credit: mariskar For thousands and thousands of years meditation has been helping people achieve good health, a long life and lasting happiness. But just as little as 200 years ago you had to travel to India, China or Japan to learn anything about this wonderful practice.

Now, however, with the help of scientists and engineers we can study meditation on the internet and meet Tibetan lamas in our own towns! For those of you interested in meditation I have put together a list of 13 articles that could help you change your life. Karmapa teaches a Buddhist text for lay people At the Kagyu Monlam the 17th Karmapa taught a text called Nagajurna’s Letter to a Friend which is a letter that the author sent to his friend, the king. Meditation.