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26 Free (or Free-to-Try) Content Curation Tools | SEW. Content is still king, but it isn't always practical or cost effective for marketers to produce brand-new, meaty, thought-leadership level content pieces on a regular basis. That's where curating content can come in handy. Content curation offers a nearly limitless method of fueling your inbound marketing efforts. Unearthing and sharing the quality content of others allows you provide your audience fresh content on a regular basis to serve any interest, industry, or market.

What's more, sharing and celebrating the work of others helps get you on their radar and can forge valuable, long-term relationships with the content authors. To help you curate, here's a list of 26 tools you can use to find, aggregate and share your content with the world, be it in a blog roundup, big list of resources or to share via social. Note that some of these tools do all the work, and some are merely tools that lead up to the share. 1. Price: Free business account; Promoted Pins offered as a premium service 2. Pinterest. Storify · Make the web tell a story. Netvibes – Social Media Monitoring, Analytics and Alerts Dashboard.

Home - Bag The Web. Build engaged audiences through publishing by curation. | – Be a publisher. 10 Of The Best Content Curation Tools. As more online platforms embrace social media, content curation will continue to lift its key role in the preparation and delivery of content, and the messages it conveys in various forms. But what gave rise to content curation? Why is it important? How does it work? And which content curation tools will you need? Content curation means sorting and showing Web content in a well-structured way, focusing on a central idea. Step by step a content curator chooses, classifies, organizes, and publishes information. The curator has the discretion to choose and share the best, most relevant content to a certain community.

The Importance of Content Curation Tools A content curator offers a valuable skill to people who want to find high-quality content because looking for sensible information will increasingly need time and effort in this age of social media, wherein digital content is plethoric. Content curation creates thought leadership for brands and organization. 1. 2. 3.

Aggregators 1. 2. 3. Curation Traffic™ - WordPress Content Curation Theme & Plugin. Content Curation by Robin Good | ZEEF. 15 top-notch content curation tools. Content curation tools play an important role in the content planning and publishing process. Before we provide you with our picks for the Web’s best content curation tools, let’s go back a step revisit the origins of content curation and the specific role it plays. The role content curation plays across the social Web Content curation has risen in significance for a number of reasons: 1. There are associated benefits of curated content, including the ability to serve up frequent content and increased opportunities for interaction, which can help exposure over time. How content curation works Content planning varies by channel. The best forms of curated content are evergreen, as opposed to news-based content, which has a shorter shelf-life.

Examples of evergreen content include FAQs, how-to guides and tutorials, industry definitions, and resource lists (such as this one). Imagery also plays a key role in the curated content you locate and repurpose (as images don’t have to be time sensitive). MentorMob - Lifestyle Learning. Content Curation Tools. What is Content Curation? As instructors, we are all information curators. How do you collect and share currently relevant content with your students? How do your students research and share information that they find with the rest of class? What tools do you use to manage or facilitate presentation of resources? Is it public? Can students access it at other times? Modern web tools make it easy for both students and instructors to contribute online discoveries to class conversations.

How can I use Content Curation in My Class? Instructors are using online content curation tools in the classroom to: The following are some real-life examples of how content curation tools are being used in education. Pinterest is a pinboard-styled social photo sharing website. Storify is a way to tell stories using social media such as tweets, photos and videos. allows users to create and share their own themed magazines designed around a given topic. Get Started Using Content Curation Tools. Storify · Make the web tell a story. LibGuides Community Site. Helpified - Learn more skills faster. Welcome! - eduClipper. EduCrate. Thanks for checking out EduCrate! We see you're on a mobile/tablet device or a screen with a small resolution. Please note EduCrate is currently best experienced on a laptop or desktop with the browser window expanded fully.

Native mobile and tablet designs are in the works, so in the meantime you may notice some wonkiness! Proceed anyway "Radiohead - House of Cards" Add this content to a crate: Select a crate to add to: Add to a new crate: Add to crate Importing content from Twitter Step 1: Connect Log in to your Twitter account to connect it to EduCrate. Step 2: We look for links We scan your past tweets for media links you've tweeted from YouTube, SoundCloud, Vimeo, and DailyMotion. We scan your timeline for media links you’ve posted from YouTube, SoundCloud, Vimeo, and DailyMotion. We scan your profile for links to any videos you’ve uploaded or favorited. We scan your profile for links to any sounds you’ve uploaded or favorited. Step 3: We import your media. Make Your Images Interactive - ThingLink. Top 10 Teacher Tools for Digital Curation. 1- Feedly Feedly is a news reader for creative minds a fast and stylish way to read and share the content of your favorite sites. 2- Bag The Web BagTheWeb helps users curate Web content.

For any topic, you can create a bag to collect, publish, and share any content from the Web. 3-Pearltress Pearltrees allows users to organiz thier digital content into a tree-like diagram that is neat and easily navigable. 4- Bundlr Create topic pages with photos, videos, tweets and documents. 5- Listly This is a great tool I started using recently. 6- Diigo Diigo is all about social bookmarking. 7- This is another of my favourite digital curation tools. 8- Pinterest Given its expanding popularity as a visual bookmarking plaform, I have started using Piterest since its incetion and I must say that I become an addict to it now. 26 Free (or Free-to-Try) Content Curation Tools. Content is still king, but it isn't always practical or cost effective for marketers to produce brand-new, meaty, thought-leadership level content pieces on a regular basis. That's where curating content can come in handy. Content curation offers a nearly limitless method of fueling your inbound marketing efforts.

Unearthing and sharing the quality content of others allows you provide your audience fresh content on a regular basis to serve any interest, industry, or market. What's more, sharing and celebrating the work of others helps get you on their radar and can forge valuable, long-term relationships with the content authors. To help you curate, here's a list of 26 tools you can use to find, aggregate and share your content with the world, be it in a blog roundup, big list of resources or to share via social. 1. A granddaddy of content curation, in practice if not in tenure, Pinterest is one of the Internet's most popular sites for culling content. 2. Price: Free 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10.