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Sweet. Smoothie Recipes For Everything. Who knew that the solution to most our problems could be solved with a smoothie?!

Smoothie Recipes For Everything

Smoothie Recipes For Everything infographic from Super Skinny Me gives you the ingredients and visually represents the amount of each that should put in. Trying to lose weight? Want to de-stress? Or maybe just want a bedtime drink. This infographic has it all. Is there anything as versatile, adaptable and convenient as a smoothie? The major issue I have with this design is that the proportions visualized for each smoothie aren’t accurate to the recipe. Also, the actual amounts of each ingredient aren’t shown. Found on 21 Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Ingredients. Recently, there has been a great deal of debate regarding the link between “drinking your calories” and obesity.

21 Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Ingredients

Of course, this debate focuses mainly on the harmful effects of sodas and other sugary drinks.However, an unforeseen side effect of this debate has been the recent uncertainty regarding whether or not breakfast smoothies are a healthy choice. The simple fact is that breakfast smoothies are a perfectly healthy breakfast option if they are made with wholesome ingredients. The right breakfast smoothie can help keep you and your family full for hours and prevent mid-afternoon junk food cravings. Best of all, by being creative with the infinite list of breakfast smoothie ingredients available to us today, you can enjoy a new and delicious breakfast every day of the week.

The following is a short list of healthy ingredients you can use to spice up your favorite breakfast smoothie recipes: Peanut Butter Breakfast Smoothie Recipe Your Morning Chocolate Fix Breakfast Smoothie Recipe. Green Tea Smoothie Recipes {Guest Post} 19.5K Flares Twitter 11 Facebook 90 Pin It Share 10.3K Google+ 2 StumbleUpon 9.1K Email -- Email to a friend Made with Flare More Info 19.5K Flares × Smoothies are a regular breakfast item in our house, usually consisting of a variety of fruits, coconut yogurt, and some almond or coconut milk.

Green Tea Smoothie Recipes {Guest Post}

However, I’m always looking for new ways to make these smoothies even healthier. Today, I have a guest post by Alex Bonari, a freelance writer and researcher for College Scholarships, who offered to introduce Green Tea Smoothies to you and me. How To Make a Green Tea SmoothiesMaking your own green tea smoothie may sound intimidating at first, but it’s actually a relatively easy process if you know what you’re doing.If you like to drink green tea on a regular basis then you are probably already aware of the fact that green tea has numerous health benefits, as it is known to treat headaches and indigestion, and also acts as a powerful antioxidant as well.

Clear Skin From the Inside Out : Green Smoothies. Green Smoothie In, Radiant Glow Out Her 5-year-old butt sat firmly planted on the chair, not by will.

Clear Skin From the Inside Out : Green Smoothies

By force. Psychic mom-force. Giant, wracking sobs shook her body, as she swallowed for air through the hands over her tortured mouth. “Just ten,” the apron-wearing fascist in the kitchen yelled. She was alone. On which was … an entire serving of peas. (“Just ten,” she thought, sobbing even in her brain.) Delicately, as if it were toxic waste, she pinched a pea between her tiny thumb and forefinger. “One.” “Two.” “Three.” Enough to save her, she hoped. “Don’t be so melodramatic! The fascist in the kitchen would never relent. Three days a week. Until one day, she won. Yes. So for the longest time, I was really hesitant to try this green smoothie (or green monster, depending on which part of the internet you’re on) thing, because … sometimes I’m still that little girl, pinching her nose and gagging. This has not happened with a single green smoothie I’ve ever made. Why? Related Posts: