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DIY/How to/Household. 5 Pokemon Episodes BANNED From America. There are hundreds of episodes of the Pokemon cartoon, and although almost all of the episodes have made their way onto American televisions, a tiny few have been banned.

5 Pokemon Episodes BANNED From America

These are the episodes that have been pulled from circulation, or that never even aired... The Legend of Dratini There’s no official reason why 4Kids Entertainment, the American distributor of Pokemon, banned this episode, but it probably has to do with several scenes where guns are pointed in people’s faces. For a show about a 10-year-old who travels around the wilderness fighting dragons, psychic poultry, and monsters with swords for arms, guns are just TOO VIOLENT. Also, there’s an interrogation scene where Meowth puts on a Hitler mustache. Holiday Hi-Jynx In this holiday episode about Team Rocket trying to get revenge on Santa Claus (seriously), Ash and friends encounter Jynx, a lost Pokemon that belongs to Santa. 6 Insane Coincidences You Won't Believe Actually Happened. America's Freak Luck During the Battle of Midway The Battle of Midway may be remembered as one of the most spectacular naval battles in history and one of the huge turning points in the Pacific theater, but it started out as a pure clusterfuck for the Americans.

6 Insane Coincidences You Won't Believe Actually Happened

Despite going into battle with most of Japan's game plan in their pocket thanks to American codebreakers/Bothan spies, the U.S. Navy had little to show for it in the early hours of June 4, 1942. Just about every aircraft that took on the Japanese that day was destroyed, and all without delivering any serious damage. In short, the Battle of Midway started off like the Battle of Endor, only with every fighter in the Rebel Fleet crashing into the Death Star's deflector shield. Where it Gets Weird: There was one squadron of American dive bombers lead by Lieutenant Commander C. His squadron started dropping like flies until, in an act of sheer luck that would make even J.K. Where it Gets Even Weirder: ...when he wasn't busy being a pimp. 6 Real World Da Vinci Codes That Aren't Full of Crap.

Thanks to Dan Brown, everyone has one of two responses to the idea that there are hidden codes in ancient works: Either you immediately believe them, because of that mind-blowing Da Vinci Code book, or you immediately mock them, because of that bullshit Da Vinci Code book.

6 Real World Da Vinci Codes That Aren't Full of Crap

The truth is somewhere in the middle. There are, after all, some fairly weird encoded messages that actual academic types have identified. And some of them are even about Freemasons. The Michelangelo Code Encoded Messages About: Jewish mysticism. Cracked has mentioned before that Michelangelo appears to have cleverly painted God to look like a giant brain in his Sistine Chapel fresco... ... but according to a prominent professor at Yeshiva University, the rabbit hole goes much, much deeper than that: Michelangelo's work is packed full of symbols of Jewish mysticism.

T-shirt evangelism is famously effective. So, in kabbalah, the Hebrew letter gimel symbolizes g'vurah, or justice and punishment. Above: Sarcasm. See?