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Online Security

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Security in-a-box | tools and tactics for digital security. Anonym mit dem Smartphone surfen: Orbot: Proxy with Tor für Android. Nachdem der 29-jährige Edward Snowden, der als technischer Assistent für den Auslandsgeheimdienst CIA gearbeitet haben soll, Details über das streng geheime Überwachungsprogramm PRISM des US-Geheimdiensts NSA ans Licht gebracht hat, ist die Besorgnis um die Privatsphäre größer denn je. Mit Hilfe des PRISM-Systems verschafft sich die NSA Zugriff auf Daten in Google (Gmail, YouTube & Co), Facebook, Microsoft (Skydrive, Live, Skype & Co) Yahoo! , PalTalk, AOL und Apple und kann im Prinzip überall mitlesen.

Wer nichts von Vorratsdatenspeicherung & Co. hält und seine Privatsphäre schützen möchte, kann auch anonym durchs Internet surfen und kommunizieren, ohne seine Identität preiszugeben. Anonymität lässt sich am PC beispielsweise mit Tor herstellen – einem Netzwerk, das den Datenverkehr verschlüsselt über verschiedene Server leitet, um die Spuren und die wahre Herkunft des Nutzers zu verwischen. You searched for secure email - Page 3 - The ultimate guide to staying anonymous and protecting your privacy online - Slideshow. Now more than ever, your online privacy is under attack. ISPs, advertisers, and governments around the world are increasingly interested in knowing exactly what you’re up to when you browse the web. Whether you’re a political activist or simply someone who hates the idea of third-parties scrutinizing your surfing habits, there are plenty of tools available to keep prying eyes off of your traffic. In this post, I’m going to highlight 19 ways to increase your online privacy.

Some methods are more complicated than others, but if you’re serious about remaining private, these tips will help shield your traffic from snoops. Justified paranoia You might not think you have anything to hide, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t enjoy the benefits of online privacy. In time for Black Hat and DEFCON, we’re covering security, cyberwar, and online crime all this week; check out the rest of our Security Week stories for more in-depth coverage as the week goes on.

(Image credit: ºNit Soto, edited) Encrypted email isn’t secure, but if you must use it, here are some Lavabit alternatives. Last week, FBI raids on Freedom Hosting and child porn distributors took down Tor Mail, a secure email provider for users of the Tor network. A few days later, secure email provider Lavabit, which had previously provided whistleblower Edward Snowden with an email address, closed its doors. Its owner left a cryptic message stating he’d been forced to choose between betraying the American people and shutting down.

It’s possible that Snowden wasn’t the target — a search warrant for child pornography was executed against on June 10 — but it’s possible that the two cases together had an impact on the decision to shut down the service. The day after Lavabit closed, Silent Circle announced it would also discontinue its own secure email client. With multiple vendors dropping out of the race at the same time that consumer interest in secure email services is heating up, what are your options? Intrinsic insecurity It’s imperfect, but such criteria are the best we have. Secure Email and Cloud Alternatives to Gmail and Dropbox. Back in June last year, confidential documents leaked by Edward Snowden indicated that major email and cloud storage providers like Google, Microsoft, and others were part of the NSA’s top secret surveillance program called PRISM.

And if that wasn’t enough, there have been numerous reports of companies snooping on their customers themselves. All these revelations have made Internet privacy a burning issue, with many privacy-conscious users now turning to services that claim to be secure from prying eyes of the NSA and law enforcement. In this article, we take a look at some of the privacy-focused email and cloud storage services that have either sprung up or gained popularity in the wake of what has popularly been referred to as the Summer of Snowden. Secure email services Lavaboom Lavaboom is a Germany-based email service founded this year by Felix Müller-Irion.

Lavaboom, which is currently in private beta, offers both free and paid versions. Protonmail Tutanota Dark Mail Spideroak Tresorit.