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CICNS - Sectes - Minorités spirituelles - un autre regard. Keynes on Worker Utopia Through Perpetual Threat of War – Hayden’s Note Attached. Posted on Nov 20, 2012 in Economic News , Political Issues Presenting 74 seconds of pure Krugmanism from the mouth of the man himself – John Maynard Keynes – in this 1939 (pre-war) radio address on the beginning of The Grand Experiment. Hayden’s Note: I don’t think the experiment ever ended, do you? Unemployment continues to rise and “defense” spending is at an all time high. This is the cat-chasing-his-own-tail sort of bedtime story that most Keynesian followers still believe is the way to peace and prosperity – keep buying bullets, bombs, and missiles!

George Orwell would be proud. Funniest part IS: most warmongering “Republicans” scream about Keynesian economic policy when they can attach it to a Liberal/Democrat, but in reality, they, too, are followers of Keynes to a T. {*style:<b> Related Articles: </b>*} Perpetual War for Perpetual Employment IMF Calls for US Dollar Replacement – Hayden’s Note Attached Army Suicides Hit Record High – Again. The "Monsanto Rider": Are Biotech Companies About to Gain Immunity from Federal Law? Congressman Jack Kingston, Georgia, Chairman of the House Agriculture Appropriations Committee poses questions before the House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee in Washington, D.C., Tuesday, March 6, 2012. Kingston was voted "legislator of the year for 2011-2012" by the Biotechnology Industry Organization, whose members include Monsanto and DuPont.

(Photo: Bob Nichols / USDAgov)While many Americans were firing up barbecues and breaking out the sparklers to celebrate Independence Day, biotech industry executives were more likely chilling champagne to celebrate another kind of independence: immunity from federal law. Unless the Senate or a citizen's army of farmers and consumers can stop them, the House of Representatives is likely to ram this dangerous rider through any day now. In a statement issued last month, the Center For Food Safety had this to say about the biotech industry's latest attempt to circumvent legal and regulatory safeguards: Rep. . · It shuts out the USDA.

Truthout | Fearless, Independent News and Opinion. Ces Tartuffe de journalistes. Mohamed merah ⎪tf1 « Droit à l’information », « liberté de la presse », « règles déontologiques » : les journalistes n’auront pas lésiné sur les grands mots pour justifier la diffusion sur TF1 – et quelques autres chaînes de la TNT – d’extraits des échanges entre Mohamed Merah et les policiers qui encerclaient son appartement de Toulouse.

Sans vouloir jouer les donneurs de leçons – tous les médias auraient fait la même chose s’ils avaient été en possession de ces enregistrements – je dois vous avouer mon agacement, pour ne pas dire plus, à l’endroit de ces Tartuffe qui nous parlent morale quand il ne s’agit que de scoops et parts de marché. Les journalistes sont des dealers et la came était bonne. Je ne suis d’ailleurs pas choqué. Les machines à produire de l’info que sont les médias n’ont pas d’états d’âme. Robert Ménardvous recommandecet ouvrage. Les de Paul-Vincent Paquet. Les dessous de l’Allemagne. En attendant le black-out, tous à la bougie ! Le temps passe si vite que l’on a oublié l’hiver. Il y a une dizaine de jours, la France claquait des dents et battait des records de consommation électrique chaque soir ou presque. On attendait de vastes coupures dans les régions les plus fragiles, comme Paca ou la Bretagne.

Moi, j’en ai profité pour écrire deux papiers dans Charlie-Hebdo la semaine passée, que je vous mets ci-dessous, en complément des billets précédents de Planète sans visa. Hum, on nous aurait donc mené en bateau ? Pas possible. Pas possible, n’est-ce pas ? Les papiers de Charlie : Notre France va-t-elle connaître un krach électrique ?

Comme c’est bien organisé ! Boiteux, t’es chic comme tout. Comme on peut s’en douter, personne ne vérifie rien. Un exemple parmi 500 000 autres : la cité des Grands Pêchers, à Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis). Face aux gueulantes, EDF sort une arme de destruction massive nommée publicité : la propagande Vivrélec déferle à partir de 1996 sur la France. Compter 100 000 Km en tout. Shining a light on the world’s biggest companies. Filed under - Private sector The world’s 105 biggest companies are worth more than US$11 trillion. They touch the lives of people across the globe. But just how much do we know about their impact on daily lives? Too often, citizens experience little benefit from global economic activity while suffering the consequences of unethical corporate activity.

Transparency in Corporate Reporting assesses the disclosure of steps these companies have in place to fight corruption. It also looks at companies’ transparency footprint across 177 countries: to what extent are earnings and taxes in specific countries made public. Companies are scored from 0-10 based on their disclosure of various sorts of business information important for investors and the general public: where they pay their taxes, their corporate structures and what they are doing to prevent corruption. The world’s largest companies are increasingly committed to reporting on their measures for preventing corruption.

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