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Protection: Mers & Océans / Seas & Oceans

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Pêche durable : comment bien choisir son poisson ? Le poisson, je n’en mange pas toutes les semaines.

Pêche durable : comment bien choisir son poisson ?

J’adore ça et les enfants aussi mais nous mangeons souvent végétarien à la maison. Parfois, je vais au marché couvert pour compléter mes courses et je passe devant l’étal du poissonnier. Me vient alors l’envie de cuisiner un poisson au four, que je servirai juste avec un filet d’huile d’olive et quelques gouttes de sauce tamari. Devant les dorades, les filets de saumon et les dos de cabillaud, je zieute toutes les étiquettes. D’où ce poisson vient-il ? Dans une autre vie, j’achetais du poisson selon mes envies. Pêche durable : comment bien choisir son poisson ? Home : Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Iroise : le premier parc naturel marin. Protecting the Ocean.

World’s Largest Single Marine Reserve Created in Pacific The area around the Pitcairn Islands is one of the most pristine places on Earth.

Protecting the Ocean

Swimming With Wildlife in the Seychelles Meet some of the wildlife enountered on the latest Pristine Seas expedition to the Seychelles. Value passed to resize filter must be a valid URL. Gabon Unveils Huge Marine Reserve The protected area will cover 18,000 square miles of ocean—home to great hammerhead sharks, manta rays, whale sharks, and tiger sharks. Watch: Rare Sea Devil Fish Caught Made famous in the movie Finding Nemo, a sea devil is caught on film for the first time. Mapping the World's (Few) Protected Seas Gabon and the U.S. have new marine reserves, but just a fraction of the seas are protected. The Antarctic's New Way to Melt Ice shelves lose more mass through melting where the ice meets the sea than by shedding icebergs, a new study says. Marine Food Chain : World's Seafood Footprint : Top 20 Catch. Sea Shepherd Investigation Results in Indictments for Serving Whale Sushi in California.

February 1, 2013 Pennywise lead singer Zoli Teglas shows his support for Sea ShepherdFile Photo Back in 2010, Sea Shepherd activist, pelican rescuer and lead singer for Pennywise Zoli Teglas discovered that the Hump Restaurant in Santa Monica was serving whale meat to special customers.

Sea Shepherd Investigation Results in Indictments for Serving Whale Sushi in California

Sea Shepherd responded with an investigation and sent in undercover activists to gain the trust of the sushi restaurant until they were able to become special customers. Whale sushi was ordered and pieces of the whale were placed in plastic bags for DNA analysis. The tests proved positive for the meat being from Sei whales.

With this evidence, Sea Shepherd brought in Louie Psihoyos and his crew from Oceanic Preservation Society (OPS), the producers of the film, "The Cove. " Sea Shepherd and OPS worked with the United States government to send activists back into the Hump wired with mics to secure further evidence. Japan halts whale hunt after Sea Shepherd clashes. Updated Thu 21 Feb 2013, 10:35am AEDT Sea Shepherd is claiming victory after Japan temporarily suspended its annual whale hunt in the Southern Ocean.

Japan halts whale hunt after Sea Shepherd clashes

On Wednesday the anti-whaling group claimed two of its boats, the Steve Irwin and the Bob Barker, were rammed by a Japanese ship in Australian Antarctic waters. It said the attacks happened after they were ordered to leave the area by one of the boats in the Japanese whaling fleet. It also claimed armed Japanese coastguards threw "concussion grenades" at activists on the ships. Japan's fisheries agency has denied those reports, but confirmed that one of its factory ships, the Nisshin Maru, rammed two boats belonging to Sea Shepherd. However, it said the clashes happened after activists came too close to a Japanese vessel which was refuelling. Japan's Institute of Cetacean Research has announced it has stopped work for the time being because it is too difficult to refuel. "They're losing tens of millions of dollars," he said.