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6 Top Tips For Managing a Coworking Space. We recently brought you some best practices for working with others in coworking spaces. But there's another side to the coworking coin. In this post we offer advice for those involved in the management of such premises. We have spoken to experienced coworking organizers to get their essential tips on how to offer a better coworking space. Those tips include how to pick the best layout, how to get people more engaged and how to nurture the community. Whether you're thinking of starting a space, are already running a fledgling space or even if you're a seasoned manager, we think you'll find something useful here to take back to your coworking office. 1.

A coworking space is as much about the people within it as the physical premises. "Do put people off if you have any doubt that they will embrace a coworking ethos. And stay vigilant with regular members to ensure that everyone is being respectful of the community. "Similarly do garden the community," advises McCarthy. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. "Managing a coworking space is the best version of human ressources development" Coworking. Coworking is a style of work that involves a shared working environment, often an office, and independent activity. Unlike in a typical office environment, those coworking are usually not employed by the same organization.[1] Typically it is attractive to work-at-home professionals, independent contractors, or people who travel frequently who end up working in relative isolation.[2] Coworking is also the social gathering of a group of people who are still working independently, but who share values,[3] and who are interested in the synergy that can happen from working with like-minded talented people in the same space.[4][5] Coworking offers a solution to the problem of isolation that many freelancers experience while working at home, while at the same time letting them escape the distractions of home.[6][7] Coworking is not only about the physical space, but about establishing the coworking community first.

History[edit] Coworking in Europe[edit] Zonaspace in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Coworking Tools & Tips. Efficient Agile Tools for Freelancers: The Magic and Importance of Process Software developers have been using Agile methodology for many years now, to help increase productivity, efficiency and quality. The methods themselves have huge benefits for small teams. They help to control costs, solve specific problems in rapid succession, allow for adaptability and place focus on the end user. But what are agile methods really? And what can freelancers, who often work alone, learn from this now popular approach to design and development? Entrepreneurs who started companies at coworking spaces & are now going big Ezeep, Coffee Circle and Orderbird are three young companies that began their businesses in Berlin’s Betahaus, a prominent European coworking space.

Hey you startup people out there: have you ever written a business plan? Coworking Blog. Office Space For Lease | NextSpace Coworking | About Us. The Innovative Alliance | Collaborative Coworking Community. Comment créer un espace de coworking? L'AWT a établi une liste non exhaustive de critères de réussite qu'il convient de prendre en compte lors de la création d'un espace de coworking Créer une communauté La base d'un espace de coworking repose sur la création d'une communauté de membres (les coworkers). Dans le cadre de l'appel à projets Coworking, l'appui sur des communautés et réseaux existants doit être démontré.

Ces entités doivent pouvoir être listées et leur participation assurée (communautés d'entrepreneurs, cercles d'étudiants et universités, hautes écoles, entreprises, réseaux locaux, associations, etc). La diversité des acteurs du projet et de ses cibles est un élément essentiel pour assurer une base solide à l'espace de coworking. Quelques outils utiles à exploiter: créer une mailing-list;créer un blog;communiquer via les réseaux sociaux (par exemple: groupe sur LinkedIn, profil Twitter, page Facebook, etc.) Identification du lieu Voici une série de critères à prendre en compte dans le choix du lieu: Fixer les tarifs.