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Social Media News and Web Tips – Mashable – The Social Media Gui. HOW TO: Create a World-Class Online Community for Your Business. Name the companies that set the standards for social media use in business. Nothing coming to mind immediately? Me neither. Telligent, an enterprise collaboration software company, believes that some day the same answer will immediately occur to both of us. "We think that if you give [leaders in corporate social media use] a little more time, you won't even have to do research," says Cecilia Edwards, Telligent's senior director of strategy.

Edwards and Telligent CTO Rob Howard are releasing a white paper today that delineates what these standard-setting communities of the future will look like. 1. Don't pour resources into creating an online community without defining what business objectives you want it to accomplish. 2. Howard and Edwards found that a personal touch was an important factor in an online community's success. 3. Like guests arriving to a dinner party, successful online communities make sure to welcome their new members adequately. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Online Marketing Blog | Internet Marketing Blog. 14 fantastic things we found on the internet this week This round-up covers a whole two weeks’ worth of brilliant entertainments, distractions and hijinks that we found on the internet.

Yes the round-up took the extended Easter weekend off. It gorged itself on roasted meats, truffle chocolates and port before swearing at its family and waddling off back home to watch the entire first series of Hannibal in bed. Does that mean that this week’s edition will be a double-bumper load of wonderful content? You’d think so wouldn’t you? Here’s the round-up, that will no doubt include a Game of Thrones reference somewhere...

Read more... Eight inspirational examples of mobile innovation from Asia If you are looking solely at Western countries for new mobile innovations, you are looking in the wrong place. Asia is where to look for new and interesting insights into our mobile future. China and India, in particular, with their large populations and geographies are seeing new mobile innovations take off. Share and Discover Web Trends. Blog marketing interactif, buzz, marketing viral, web design et. Stratégies - Marketing, Communication, Médias, Marques, Conseils.