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Wordpress Themes Dev. Better Image Management With WordPress - Smashing Magazine. With the advent of sophisticated and user-friendly content management systems like WordPress, textual content has become increasingly easier to manage. The architecture of these systems aims to deliver a well-formed code foundation; this means that if you are a good writer, then your content will be just as awesome as the structure and quality of the code that runs it.

However, media handling is, by nature, not the greatest. In many cases, images are used merely to make the website look good, not to supplement the content. Little care is usually taken to make these elements as useful as their textual counterparts. They are often tacked on as an afterthought; the owner thinks, “If all of my posts have an image, surely I should find something quickly for this next one as well.” Because the content of images cannot be parsed by search engines, making sure they are rich in meta information before publishing them is important. Understanding And Using Images Link And the correct way would be: <? Using the WordPress Uploader in Your Plugin or Theme. WordPress has a nice media uploader dialog that it uses on the editor pages. Now wouldn’t it be nice if you could use it to handle image uploads for part of a plugin or theme you’re writing?

Maybe you want to add an easy way to change the logo in a theme? A simple “Upload Image” button would work quite well for that, wouldn’t it? It’s fairly simple to implement, providing you already have a bit of experience with the WordPress API. The first step is to prepare your HTML. Put it wherever the code for your admin page is. You want to have a text input for the image URL, and a button that will launch the uploader dialog. <tr valign="top"><th scope="row">Upload Image</th><td><label for="upload_image"><input id="upload_image" type="text" size="36" name="upload_image" value="" /><input id="upload_image_button" type="button" value="Upload Image" /><br />Enter an URL or upload an image for the banner.

Now that the easy part is out of the way, it’s time to start making it do something. That’s it. Free Simple Email Service Plugin for WordPress | WP SES. WordPress Mobile Pack. The WordPress Mobile Pack 2.0+ has been completely rebuilt from the ground up and repurposed to empower bloggers, publishers and other content creators to go beyond responsiveness and 'appify' the content of their blog. WordPress Mobile Pack 2.0+ is supported on: iPhones, Android smartphones, Windows Phone 8, Firefox OS. Compatible browsers: Safari, Google Chrome, Android - Native Browser, Internet Explorer 10 and Firefox. The pack has been tested on WordPress 3.5 and later.

Please read the Known issues and limitations list before installing. The WordPress Mobile Pack 2.0+ eliminates the hassle of dealing with high development costs, approval processes with various app stores, poor discoverability due to the closed environment of native apps and finally, one of the biggest injustices aimed towards the publishing industry in general - the shared revenue constraint. What the WordPress Mobile Pack 2.0+ enables you to do: Cross-platform mobile web applications.

Phablets & Tablets Support. AutoBlogged™ WordPress Autoblog Plugin « WordPress AutoBlog Plugin AutoBlogged™ WordPress Autoblog Plugin. WordPress, Multisite and BuddyPress plugins, themes, news and help – | Plugins, themes, how to, help and more. Soumettre des articles, Trouver des articles, Annuaire de recherche d'articles - Shortcode WordPress : afficher les documents liés aux billets – Attachments shortcode.

J’ai récemment eu besoin d’afficher de manière élégante les pièces jointes à des articles et des pages. Seulement, avec un WordPress qui autorise l’ajout de documents autres que des images/vidéos et rien pour les insérer proprement dans un contenu, la tâche est loin d’être aisée. Un coup de XHTML et roule ma poule ! Oui ! Si j’étais le rédacteur du site (comme ici). Mais il n’en est rien.

Voici donc un shortcode WordPress qui affiche la liste des pièces jointes. Le shortcode en action Table des matières Code source Le shortcode présenté dans ce billet nécessite la présence de la classe abstraite d’aide à la création de shortcode PPM_Shortcode. Copiez le code qui suit dans le fichier functions.php de votre thème1. Il vous faut également intégrer à votre thème les styles CSS qui suivent.

Ou si vous utilisez SCSS : Différents styles d’affichage Le shortcode attachments propose trois formats d’affichage des pièces jointes : medium, large (par défaut) et small. [attachments style="small"] ID. L'Écho des Plugins WP.
