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- ejemplos de nuestros servicios – Proyectos de reforma, interiorismo y decoración. Rápido, económico y con resultados increibles. Estamos ya acostumbrados a exigir la etiqueta de eficiencia energética cuando compramos electrodomésticos. Saber su consumo nos ayuda a decidirnos por uno u otro modelo, y es frecuente que nos decantemos por equipos más caros si a cambio obtenemos un mejor rendimiento y, por consiguiente, un ahorro de energía. Al fin y al cabo, a largo plazo, podemos amortizar la inversión extra y siempre tendremos un aparato de mayor calidad. A partir del 1 de junio de 2013, cuando compremos o alquilemos una vivienda, dispondremos de una información similar. Desde hoy será obligatorio que los propietarios faciliten a los compradores o inquilinos la etiqueta energética de la vivienda, una pegatina como la de los electrodomésticos en la que se especifica el grado de eficiencia energética de la casa, es decir, cuánta energía consume para alcanzar el grado de confort necesario.

La podremos ver en todos los anuncios de venta o alquiler. Modelo de etiqueta de eficiencia energética. ¿Cuál es el procedimiento? After effects tuto/efecto escribir a mano,manera mas facil y rapida. Architecture Competitions, Events & News. The Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence (RBA) celebrates transformative urban places distinguished by their economic and social contributions to our nation’s cities.

Winners offer creative placemaking solutions that transcend the boundaries between architecture, urban design and planning and showcase innovative thinking about American cities. One Gold Medal of $50,000 and four Silver Medals of $10,000 will be awarded. Projects must be a real place, not just a plan or a program, and be located in the 48 contiguous United States. Award winners may use prize money in any way that benefits the project. Each biennial award cycle is documented with detailed case studies about the winners and lessons learned about urban development in America. NO FEE TO ENTER. Apply here: Novel Installation 2012 039. Projects : isssstudio. Dfab Studio. 4_3-ORIGAMI-FOLDING.pdf. HG-A | LIVE COMPONENTS. Part to Whole, Exhibition, MMCA(National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art), Seoul Korea,2014 Everything in nature is made up of components.

It starts from basic components like atoms and molecules, and grows to bigger components like tissues and organs in order to construct a ‘live’ body. The artificial environment is quite the same. It all starts with basic components like points and lines, and grows to surface and finally construct a space. Part to Whole is ‘space’ defined by the whole came from the flow of repetition. The set of circles moving along the curve constructs continuous void space. It digs the specific volume out of the cube, which maximizes available space and minimizes materials at the same time. 자연의 모든 물리적 환경은 개별적인 요소로 구성된다. Part to Whole 은 부분의 반복적 흐름이 전체를 만들어낸 ‘공간’이다. Sponsored by Housing Plus, Korea Forest Service All Photos © Kyungsub Shin. PATH | architecture design fabrication | Matt Hutchinson.

PATH | architecture design fabrication | Matt Hutchinson.