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Peer review

Facebook Twitter : portail de revues en sciences humaines et sociales. Peerage of Science. The Five Stars of Online Journal Articles — a Framework for Article Evaluation. …ou l’évaluation d’articles en ligne à l’aulne de l’open data. Dans cet article (1) David Shotton propose un cadre pour l’évaluation d’articles de revues en ligne à l’instar des 5 étoiles de l’Open Data.

Un article se voit ainsi attribuer 5 étoiles représentant les critères qui le situent par rapport à ce que serait un article “idéal” au regard du web de données, à savoir une publication : revue par les pairs,en libre accès,au contenu enrichi (grâce aux technologies du web)dont les données et métadonnées sont disponibles, en libre accès,sous un format exploitable par la machine. La taille des étoiles est proportionnelle à la note attribuée pour chacun des critères (de 0 à 4). Cette notation, somme toute arbitraire, doit surtout permettre de visualiser l’apport potentiel des technologies du web pour améliorer la communication scientifique par les publications.

Vu dans Digital Humanities Co-animatrice du pôle Technologies de l'IST de l'INRA. Peer Evaluation : Home page. Peerage of Science: a new social network service for scientific peer review. Printer friendly version Share 18 January 2012 Suomen Akatemia (Academy of Finland) A group of researchers at the University of Jyväskylä, Janne-Tuomas Seppänen, Mikko Mönkkönen and Janne Kotiaho, has created and founded Peerage of Science, a social network service that provides a new and better way to conduct scientific peer review.

The service is free for researchers. Approximately 1.4 million peer-reviewed scientific articles are published annually worldwide. Researchers feel that peer review is unreasonably slow, as it often takes approximately one to four years to have a finished study published. The quality of the research counts - Peerage of Science solves these problems. . - There are already over 500 researchers from 27 countries and from over 200 research institutes registered on the service. The first “Reviewed by Peerage of Science” articles will most likely be published in the beginning of the year. The Future of Peer Review. This guest post was written by Richard Price, founder and CEO of — a site that serves as a platform for academics to share their research papers and to interact with each other.

Instant distribution Many academics are excited about the future of instant distribution of research. Right now the time lag between finishing a paper, and the relevant worldwide research community seeing it, is between 6 months and 2 years. This is because during that time, the paper is being peer reviewed, and peer review takes an incredibly long time. 2 years is roughly how long it used to take to send a letter abroad 300 years ago. Many platforms are springing up which enable research distribution to be instant, so that the time lag between finishing a paper, and everyone in the relevant research community worldwide seeing it, is measured in hours and days, rather than months and years. What about peer review? Content discovery on the web But has the research been done to a high standard? Peer Evaluation - What, who, how & why.