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The Age of Aquarius (The Aquarian age) LOVE KNOWLEDGE, LIVE TO LEARN.. Ideas banks... Did You Know? Metamotivation. Metamotivation is a term coined by Abraham Maslow to describe the motivation of people who are self actualized and striving beyond the scope of their basic needs to reach their full potential. Maslow suggested that people are initially motivated by a series of basic needs,[1] called the hierarchy of needs.

Maslow states, “Self-actualizing people are gratified in all their basic needs (of belongingness, affection, respect, and self-esteem)”.[2] Once a person has successfully navigated the hierarchy of needs thus satisfying all their basic needs, Maslow proposed they then travel “a path called growth motivation”.[3] In Maslow's view[edit] Not all people that satisfy their basic needs automatically become driven by B-needs. Quotes. Quotes. Bad-Ass Quotes. Dropping knowledge. Think Tanks & orgs. Philosophical Talks. Quotes. Find quotes about anything and everything. FACTS / THEORIES / KNOWLEDGE. Big Thinkers. Food for the Mind. Ideas of interest. TED. Alternatives.