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The Elegant Universe: Pt 1. The Elegant Universe: Part 3 PBS Airdate: November 4, 2003 NARRATOR: Now, on NOVA, take a thrill ride into a world stranger than science fiction, where you play the game by breaking some rules, where a new view of the universe pushes you beyond the limits of your wildest imagination. This is the world of "string theory," a way of describing every force and all matter from an atom to earth, to the end of the galaxies—from the birth of time to its final tick, in a single theory, a "Theory of Everything. " Our guide to this brave new world is Brian Greene, the bestselling author and physicist.

BRIAN GREENE (Columbia University): And no matter how many times I come here, I never seem to get used to it. NARRATOR: Can he help us solve the greatest puzzle of modern physics—that our understanding of the universe is based on two sets of laws that don't agree? NARRATOR: Resolving that contradiction eluded even Einstein, who made it his final quest. S. BRIAN GREENE:The atmosphere was electric. S. The Zodiac-Bible In The Stars. Not many folks have heard about the Bible in the stars. This is definitely NOT astrology. Astrology can't even put three signs together to make a story, whereas, the 48 constellations that make up the true Zodiac all go together to tell the story of Jesus, the Redeemer.

The story includes His birth and life prophesy(the first four major Signs; 16 constellations), His dealings with His elect people(the second four major Signs), and His coming in triumph over Satan( the last four major Signs). You can listen to an introduction, a detailed account of the first sign, Virgo, and a summary of the whole Zodiac by going to the Zodiac section of the Straight Talk Archive . This page also includes the Lunar Zodiac, which, while approaching the subject from a totally different place, still tells the same story of the Redeemer. Below, I've included a Harmony that resulted from my study of this subject. Joseph A. You'll notice that the Biblical Zodiac doesn't start with Aries. Joseph A. Who made it? Astronomy of Babylon. With the exception of the Venus tables of Ammiza-duga, which probably originated in the seventeenth century BC, most of the surviving Mesopotamian astronomical texts were written between 650 and 50 BC.

These clay tablets with cuneiform writing are called astronomical diaries, and they are the unmistakable observations of specialists: professional astronomer-scribes. A typical diary entry begins with a statement on the length of the previous month. It might have been 29 or 30 days. Then, the present month's first observation - the time between sunset and moonset on the day of the first waxing crescent - is given, followed by similar information on the times between moonsets and sunrises and between moonrises and sunsets, at full moon. At the end of the month, the interval between the rising of the last waning crescent moon and sunrise is recorded. Assyrian star map from Nineveh (K 8538).

If we are seeking immortality, the sky is a good place to start. The Zodiac, Cherubim & The Sphinx - Zodiac astrology mythology, Ezekiel 41:18 And it (the paneling of the holy place of the temple) was made with cherubs ...and two faces were to a cherub, the face of a man, toward the palm tree from here, and a young lion's face toward the palm tree from there. It was made to all the house round and round...on the wall of the temple. Myth and God's Message in the Heavens The pictures found today in the zodiac were not developed by the Greeks, but were in place perhaps as early as 4000 B.C. predating even the civilizations of Sumeria . These pictures were not merely arranged in haphazard order to aid in the tracking of the star movements, but with the purpose of depicting an epic narrative.

Authors like Bullinger and Seiss have suggested that there is a deeper meaning, one that goes beyond even the most illuminated of occult interpretations. The zodiac is a pictorial story of God's plan of salvation on earth. Sphinx were often placed at entrances to palaces or temples of antiquity. Printer friendly version. Astral Projection Main Page. Earth's_Location_in_the_Universe_SMALLER_(JPEG).jpg (JPEG Image, 5000 × 2500 pixels) - Scaled (20%)