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Freeman-on-the-Land (1/8) Introduction to the justice system | History of the judiciary. An ancient system When you see a judge or magistrate sitting in court, you are actually looking at the result of 1,000 years of legal evolution. It’s doubtful that anyone asked to design a justice system would choose to copy the English and Welsh model. It’s contradictory in places, and rather confusing. However, the judiciary is still changing and evolving to meet the needs of our society, and despite its oddities it is widely regarded as one of the best and most independent in the world. A real ordeal Justice for the Anglo-Saxons and even after the Norman invasion of 1066 was a combination of local and royal government. Today, going on trial in an English and Welsh court is not exactly a comfortable experience.

Under this system, the accused would be forced to pick up a red hot bar of iron, pluck a stone out of a cauldron of boiling water, or something equally painful and dangerous. Fighting for freedom? The earliest judges The justices in eyre were not, to put it mildly, popular. Excellent article with insightful principles. The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes. Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura HAARP pt 2/4 (HQ) Why Police Officers Lie Under Oath. THOUSANDS of people plead guilty to crimes every year in the United States because they know that the odds of a jury’s believing their word over a police officer’s are slim to none. As a juror, whom are you likely to believe: the alleged criminal in an orange jumpsuit or two well-groomed police officers in uniforms who just swore to God they’re telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but?

As one of my colleagues recently put it, “Everyone knows you have to be crazy to accuse the police of lying.” But are police officers necessarily more trustworthy than alleged criminals? I think not. Not just because the police have a special inclination toward confabulation, but because, disturbingly, they have an incentive to lie. That may sound harsh, but numerous law enforcement officials have put the matter more bluntly.

The New York City Police Department is not exempt from this critique. Mr. Photo All true, but there is more to the story than that. Continue reading the main story. Man in Prison for a Murder He Had No Connection to Will Go Free After 23 Years. Photo Credit: March 21, 2013 | Like this article? Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. David Ranta, a 58-year-old man who spent 23 years in prison for a crime he almost certainly didn’t commit, will most likely be released from prison in the upcoming days. A detective named Louis Scarcella was on the hunt to convict someone for Werzberger’s murder, and broke several rules in order to convict Ranta, including keeping few written records and reducing the sentences of two prisoners in exchange for their information.

According to 13-year-old witness Menachem Lieberman, Scarcella even coached him to ‘pick the guy with the big nose,’ when he went in to identify the murderer in the lineup room. Ranta told the court: Now you people do what you got to do because I feel this is all a total frame setup … When I come down on my appeal, I hope to God he brings out the truth because a lot of people are going to be ashamed of themselves. Michio Kaku - Aliens and the 3 Types of Civilization. UFO2013 - Dr. Michio Kaku Top Secret Military War Plans. The Truth May Scare You (Part 1) The Truth May Scare You (Part 2) The Truth May Scare You (Part 3) The Truth May Scare You (Part 4) The Truth May Scare You (Part 5) John Pilger - Freedom Next Time part 2. John Pilger - Year Zero - The Silent Death of Cambodia [1979] John Pilger. Krokodil: Russia's Deadliest Drug (NSFW)

Suicide Rate Rises Sharply in U.S. UK suicide rate rises 'significantly' in 2011. 22 January 2013Last updated at 13:08 ET Men aged between 30 and 44 were most likely to take their own life in 2011 The number of people taking their own life in the UK rose "significantly" in 2011, latest figures from the Office for National Statistics have shown. Some 6,045 people killed themselves in 2011, an increase of 437 since 2010. The highest suicide rate was among men aged between 30 and 44. About 23 men per 100,000 took their own lives. On average, across both sexes, 11.8 people per 100,000 population killed themselves in 2011, up from 11.1 people the previous year.

The ONS data revealed there were 4,552 suicides by men in 2011, more than three times the number by women and the highest rate since 2002. The suicide rate among middle-aged men aged 45 to 59 was also high, increasing from 21.7 deaths in 2006 to 22.2 deaths per 100,000 people in 2011. Ministers also announced a new suicide prevention strategy aimed at cutting suicide rates and supporting families affected by suicide. List of countries by suicide rate. The following is a list of suicide rates by country according to data from the World Health Organization, in which a country's rank is determined by its total rate deaths officially recorded as suicides in the most recent available year, last updated in 2011.

The WHO statistics are based on the official reports from each respective country, and therefore, no more accurate than the record-keeping in the specific country. Incidence of suicide tends to be under-reported due to both religious and social pressures, and possibly completely unreported in some areas. Since the data might be skewed, comparing suicide rates between nations is statistically unsound. Male and female suicide rates are out of total male population and total female population, respectively (i.e. total number of male suicides divided by total male population). A world map showing countries according to their number of suicide committers per 100,000 people. See also[edit] Notes[edit] References[edit] External links[edit]

Suicide Forest in Japan. The Bridge. I've picked up 250 bodies from the bottom of Beachy Head.. but nothing prepared me for tragic little Sam. Each night, John Bridger lays his pager beside his bed and prays that it doesn't go off. At any moment, its buzz could send him to a heartbreaking and highly dangerous job at Britain's most notorious suicide spot, the 530ft cliff known as Beachy Head.

In his 12 years as a volunteer coastguard, John has seen it all - from the ones he has saved to the 250 bodies he has helped recover. The 3,800 volunteers across the UK usually refuse to be interviewed in case they encourage copycat suicide attempts. But the shocking suicide pact of Neil and Kazumi Puttick - who jumped to their deaths with their dead five-year-old son Sam in their backpack earlier this month - has led him to speak out. The tragic trio were buried last week while John, 41, carried on with the work which has won him two bravery awards.

Although he works in sales for a lift-maker, John and all the other volunteers carry pagers and are ready at any moment to drop their day job and race to the shore. "I was really worried for him. The Cannibal Warlords of Liberia (Full Length Documentary)