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National Rail Enquiries. DVLA Personalised Registrations - Buy private number plates direct from the DVLA. From £250 fully inclusive. Professional Military Development (Air) - Online. BITE # pubs and bars - Welcome to the Ace Cafe London. Santander Online Banking. Important message from the National Crime Agency The NCA have issued an alert in relation to a mass email spamming event. The emails are delivered with an attachment that contains ransomware; this infects your PC and encrypts your personal files.

A time sensitive ransom is requested by the criminals in order to obtain the decryption code. Advice to customers All official emails sent by Santander will be personally addressed to you. Click on the link below to see advice from the National Crime Agency. FHM Men's Magazine | Sexy Girls, News & Men's Fashion | The Saltiness Report | Sixthman | LIVE LOUD. Summertime at Sixthman is a season of reflection- we think about lessons learned from recent cruises, we refine our approach for the upcoming cruises and identify team members who are ready to grow and try new roles. We’re fortunate to set the stage for so many moments with guests and artists, and this past March, we got a chance to celebrate our 50th Full Ship Charter on The Rock Boat.

We’ve learned a lot since the 1st charter in 2002- we’d built a simple website, and invited guests to put down a $99 deposit on a cruise that may or may not happen. The six artists we invited said we were crazy, but they agreed to come if we got the ship. After 1,000 guests took the plunge that first time, we convinced some businessmen to loan us almost $1,000,000 to rent a ship for 4 days so we could launch a music festival.

In what seemed like only a few weeks later, we’d completed our 52nd charter. - Andy Levine. Google. West Ham United | Welcome.