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How To Make Soft Pretzels.


Sides. Nini Makes: Five minute pizza dough. Ordering pizzas aren't an option for us, no delivery guys would come all the way out to where we live - but that's probably a good thing.

Nini Makes: Five minute pizza dough

Our pizza dough recipe is so easy, I make it by lunchtime and it's ready to roll for dinner. It literally takes only five minutes (not including rising) and tastes amazing. Recipe: 500g strong flour (I use 250g strong flour and 250g plain flour if the children are going to roll it as this combo is a bit less stretchy and easier to roll but tastes the same)1 tsp salt10g of dried yeast315ml of warm water1 tablespoon honey Mix the yeast with the warm water and add the honey.


Desserts. Homemade Irish Cream Liqueur. I learned to cook from my mom, who works a certain kind of magic in the kitchen.

Homemade Irish Cream Liqueur

Of all the things I’ve learned from her, how to make homemade Irish cream liqueur may not be one of the most practical, but it is one of my favorites. The short version of this recipe is: Add all ingredients to your blender. Breads. Breakfast.