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The İnner Life Of The Cell Harvard University HQ. David Bolinsky animates a cell. Inside a Cell.


Mitosis. Science Objects: Cell Theory. Science NetLinks: Cells 2: The Cell as a System. Photo credit: Purpose To review cell structures and investigate how the components of a cell operate as a system. Context This lesson is the second of a two-part series on cells. At this grade level, research suggests that understanding of systems can now be made more explicit. In Cells 1: Make a Model Cell, students compared a plant and animal cell and then made a model of a cell. Cells 2: The Cell as a System encourages students to view the cell as a system. Planning Ahead Preview the Cells: A Busy Factory resource used in this lesson. Students will read seven pages of online material in this lesson. Motivation Begin by reviewing the organelles included on the Science NetLinks student sheet, Inside of a Cell.

Once you're comfortable with students' understanding of basic cell structures and functions, tell them they're going to switch gears for a moment and think about systems. Ask students these questions: With what systems are you familiar? Development Then ask this question: Graphics Gallery. Images from the Microscope.

Stem Cells

CELLS alive! Table of Contents. Home of CELLS alive! Protein synthesis: an epic on the cellular level. Inside a Cell. DLC-ME Home Page.