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JS Frameworks

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Kendo UI - jQuery HTML5 framework for desktop, mobile app development, HTML5 data visualization. Elabs/serenade.js. rAppid.js - the Rich Internet Application Javascript MVC Framework. Rhysbrettbowen/PlastronJS. Soma.js. Soma.js or Get to the site What is soma.js?


Soma.js is a javascript framework. It is a lightweight framework that has been created to build loosely-coupled applications. DimitarChristoff/Epitome. Stapes.js - a (really) tiny Javascript MVC microframework. Introduction For a quick introduction to Stapes, follow the tutorial, and write a todo app in less than 100 lines of code.

Stapes.js - a (really) tiny Javascript MVC microframework

Write your Stapes modules like this Then, use it like this. var module = new Module('Emmylou'); module.sayName(); Examples There are three examples available to get a taste on how to write a Stapes.js application. Code for these examples is available in the development download. Note that the two todo examples are also available from TodoMVC. Creation methods These methods aid in the creation and extension of classes, or modules. Subclass Module.subclass( [object] ) Sammy.js / A Small Web Framework with Class / RESTFul Evented JavaScript. Industry Leading JavaScript Framework for Building Desktop Web Apps. Petermichaux/maria. Build Awesome Javascript MVC Applications - Spine. CanJS. Agility.js Javascript MVC library. Knockout : Home. Ember.js - About.

AngularJS — Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework. Backbone.js.