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Node.js, Django, LAMP Servers. Sinatra. Express - node.js web application framework. Dannycoates/node-inspector. How to debug node.js applications. Using Eclipse as Node Applications Debugger · joyent/node Wiki. First, there is new Nodeclipse project, that lets to create, edit and debug Node.js application in fully integrated way.

Using Eclipse as Node Applications Debugger · joyent/node Wiki

It uses modified Eclipse debugger plugin for V8 (with some bugs below fixed). The usage is much simplified (right-click .js file Debug As→ Node Application). Old information below is left for referenced as node is the same. Eclipse debugger plugin for V8 can be easily used to debug node scripts. (On OSX 10.5 the plugin requires an Eclipse 64 bit Version, started with Java SE 6). Chromedevtools - Google Chrome Developer Tools for Java. The project is no longer actively maintained This project provides debugging tools for developers writing applications that run on Google Chrome or its open-source version Chromium or any V8-based application.

chromedevtools - Google Chrome Developer Tools for Java

The tools enable you to debug JavaScript inside these browsers over the TCP/IP protocol. If you are looking for information on the Google Chrome browser built-in Developer Tools, please have a look at this official primer. This project comprises: A ChromeDevTools SDK that provides a Java API that enables a debugging application to communicate with a Google Chrome browser from the localhost using the TCP/IP-based Google Chrome Developer Tools Protocol or WebKit Remote Debugging Protocol. Intro to making a web server with nodejs and express.