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The General Prologue - Translation. SUPERSTITIONS IN SWIZTERLAND by Andrei Reneses de Saralegui on Prezi. 10 Strange Superstitions From Around The World. Weird Stuff Superstitions are a big part of thousands of people’s daily lives.

10 Strange Superstitions From Around The World

Some cannot bear the thought of stepping on sidewalk cracks while others cannot complete a meal without throwing a pinch of salt over their shoulder. Some superstitious beliefs are far stranger than others as the entries on this list show. 10Awkward Silence Ever been out for a night on the town, just hanging out with your friends, all talking at the same time? This happens daily in all corners of the world. Others are convinced that silence falls at 20 past any given hour because at this time angels start singing and humans stop their conversations to turn their attention toward the beautiful sound. The superstition is thought to have started out as a quote taken literally. 9Talking Animals The story of the birth of Jesus is told all around the world at Christmastime.

This superstition hails from the Scandinavian legend that Jesus was born at exactly midnight. 8Carlos Menem 7Ship Names 6Wedding Veil 5Spirit Houses. Silence Falls on Conversation at Twenty Past the Hour. Legend: Even in the most crowded of rooms, an inexplicable silence will invariably strike conversationalists at twenty past the hour.

Silence Falls on Conversation at Twenty Past the Hour

Origins: Ever notice how conversation spontaneously seems to die out at twenty after the hour? If so, you're not have noted it too. Why does this happen? There's no right which in itself is reason enough to attempt to explain it away with superstitious belief. A 1948 book about superstitions proffers this explanation for the phenomenon: Sudden silence — itmustbetwentyafter The most popular superstition on this subject, however, is the belief that when, for no apparent cause, everyone in a group suddenly seems at a loss for something to say, it must be twenty minutes after the hour. For those who believe that the Great Emancipator died at a sudden silence is supposed to occur automatically ever since, through some supernatural agency.

Weird & Wacky Superstitions by Shivanii Arun. I’m sure that you know somebody who is very superstitious.

Weird & Wacky Superstitions by Shivanii Arun

The type of person who, when encountered with a black cat, turns around in the other direction, and goes the much longer route (not referring to you, Mum). I am sure that if you have a superstitious friend that they complain to you that Friday the 13th is coming up (again, not referring to anybody…Davina!) But anywa y, the next time that your superstitious friend or family member comes to you with their ailments, show them this blog! You can ask them innocently whether they believe in these superstitions… Stay forever young by carrying an acorn Forget anti-ageing creams – people really used to believe that carrying an acorn would ward off longevity and lead to a better life. Don’t chew gum at night (in Turkey) Want to avoid morning breath? Never give gloves as a present Well, you can give them, but you have to receive something in return or you and the recipient of the gloves get bad luck.

10 Bizarre Medieval Medical Practices. Creepy Medicine is one of the cornerstones of modern civilization—so much so that we take it for granted.

10 Bizarre Medieval Medical Practices

It wasn’t always the case that you could just waltz into a doctor’s office to have them cure what ailed you. In medieval times, for example, things were a lot more dangerous, and a lot stranger. 10 Boar Bile Enemas Enemas in medieval times were performed by devices called clysters. Even kings were high up on the clyster. 9 Urine Was Used As An Antiseptic Though it may not have been common, there is evidence to suggest that urine was occasionally used as an antiseptic in the Medieval Era. This isn’t quite as insane as it seems: urine is sterile when it leaves the body and may have been a healthier alternative than most water—which came with no such guarantee of cleanliness. 8 Eye Surgery (With A Needle) During the Middle Ages, cataract surgery was performed with a thick needle.

Of course, eye surgery changed rapidly once Islamic medicine began to influence European practices. 4 Trepanning. Health and Medicine in Medieval England. Health and medicine in Medieval England were very important aspects of life.

Health and Medicine in Medieval England

For many peasants in Medieval England, disease and poor health were part of their daily life and medicines were both basic and often useless. Towns and cities were filthy and knowledge of hygiene was non-existent. The Black Death was to kill two thirds of England’s population between 1348 and 1350. In 1349, Edward III complained to the Lord Mayor of London that the streets of the city were filthy: No one knew what caused diseases then. Other theories put forward for diseases included “humours”. Astronomers blamed the planets going out of line As important, no-one knew how diseases spread – the fact that people lived so close together in both villages and towns meant that contagious diseases could be rampant when they appeared; as happened with the Black Death.

Physicians were seen as skilled people but their work was based on a very poor knowledge of the human anatomy.