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Facebook Twitter KNikkiGardner created by harlemsjewel based on Fashion Photographer. Antoine Msika's posterous - Home. 2012Watch: Lithium Technologies Is On A Roll, Raises $53m And Plans Move To San Francisco. Posted by Tom Foremski - January 13, 2012 Lithium Technologies co-founder Lyle Fong.

2012Watch: Lithium Technologies Is On A Roll, Raises $53m And Plans Move To San Francisco

Lithium Technologies is on a roll - the Emeryville based company recently raised $53.4 million and has a full order book for its enterprise social media platform. Thursday evening Lithium Technologies held a dinner celebrating the publication of its Principal Scientist Michael Wu's new book, "The Science of Social.

" I was very impressed with the people I met and will follow up with a more in-deph profile of the company later this month. Lyle Fong, co-founder (above) and Chief Strategist is very interesting. Mr Fong says he rarely plays video games anymore but he did try out Skyrim over the holidays. Silicon Valley Watcher - at the intersection of technology and media. Wordpress. CloudExplorer on HubPages. How to Create a HubPages Article, Part 1. Molometer. The simplest way to make money online, that actually works, is to join a relatively new social network that 'pays you' for every comment, like, view and share that you make.

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Computers are very useful, but they cannot create content, this is one area where people are far superior to machines. Someone has to produce this content. Just think the new events that happened today. How much did you make on Facebook in the last year? HubPages. A writers' community. How to make pages on

Social Media Tips And More. What I Learned Running My Own Business. Way back in 2007 I decided to strike out on my own and begin consulting.

What I Learned Running My Own Business

I had a number of clients and things were going well. The snag? I wanted to buy a house and banks were simply not loaning money to folks who didn't have W-2 income. Well, they might but not to those who didn't have 20% to put down and Bay Area housing prices made that difficult. At the time one of my clients was anxious to get me more involved and by early 2008 we agreed on an arrangement where I'd work three days a week as an employee, giving me the ability to pursue consulting the other two days. But in 2010 I was turning down more business than I was taking on and I lost a few prospective clients because they weren't sure I had enough bandwidth. Strangely, it was a bit more nerve-wracking this time around. So how'd it turn out? Well, all in all, 2011 was a great year. The Power of Gratitude. Squidoo : Welcome to Squidoo. Oneighty Creative Unveiling the process for client… — Get a Free Blog Here.

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Custom Design

Custom Design is a paid upgrade that costs $30.00 per blog, per year. It replaces the Custom CSS and Typekit fonts upgrades. All of the Custom Design tools can be accessed through the Appearance → Customize in your blog dashboard where you can use the right-side menu to open panels for Colors, Fonts, and CSS. You can also access the same tools by going to Appearance → Custom Design and using the tabs at the top of the page. Preview Custom Design Before Purchase Anyone can preview the Custom Design upgrade tools for free.

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