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My Creative Flavors: Refreshing Pomegranate Ice Tea with a Orangey Twist. Pomegranate is an all time favorite of mine. I've been playing with the idea of making an ice cream or a sorbet, for some weird reason haven't been able to find much of my fvt fruit in the markets. Even went to an extent of Buying a bottle of POM, hmm... inference = can't beat the freshness. So here we are trying my hands on making a strange concoction which delivered well. Many people don't get Ice Tea, never mind these blokes, I love ice tea.

What can beat a chilled can on Arnold palmer (Half Lemonade / half Ice Tea) on a warm & humid summer day.Back to pomegranates, today we will learn how to cut one without leaving a mess on your clothes & turning the juice into a great Ice Tea recipe which I'm sure you'd love reading more than I loved making it. How to cut/de-seed a Pomegranate: Make sure you are not wearing whites & in fact wearing an apron is safe. Make sure your hands are always inside the water, this will ensure juice doesn't splatter all over. Job done :) Cheers ... Favorite summer drinks: iced coffee, strawberry limes. Do you know the frightening feeling you get every time you bite on something hard like a little stone which had been hiding in your rice or bread and you hear the cracking noise in your head and you think, damn this was my tooth?

How relieved I have been every time it turned out it had been a false alarm! Unfortunately this time it is my tooth for real that cracked and the strange thing is, I heard the breaking noise and didn’t have to wonder what happened, I instantly knew. Eating has been tricky since a couple of days and I managed to behave well, I didn’t spill on anybody and didn’t loose my food while chewing. In a couple of days will be my dentist appointment and I am half anxious because of the treatment and half looking forward to be finally able to eat like an adult again. Because this week I am having a hard time chewing I am coming up with my favorite summer beverages of this year.

Take a bite: Speaking of beverages, I made this gin gin mule some nights ago and loved it! Tequila-Soaked Watermelon Wedges. Carrot Orange Ginger Juice. Thursday January 27th, 2011 in Home Cooking It all started with Jack Lalanne. I was in a hotel room, flipping through the channels while waiting for Mr. B and I landed on the always-running informercial for a Jack Lalanne juicer. My thumb paused over the remote as I watched Jack push an entire section of pineapple through the juicer in seconds flat.

My stomach growled. A few months later, the infomercial gone but not forgotten, we stumbled upon a funky juice shack in Austin, Texas. Basing my decision on hundreds of glowing Amazon reviews, along with features like a 700 watt motor with 14,000 rpm and an extra large feed tube, I ended up purchasing a Breville Compact Juice Fountain. The juicer makes short work of produce and best of all cleans up in a flash. Following Mr. Disclosure: This is not a paid or sponsored review. Carrot Orange Ginger Juice (Printable Recipe) Serves 2-4 Ingredients: 1 lb carrots, washed and ends trimmed 1 lb oranges, peels removed 1 oz ginger root, peeled. Step-by-Step: Amazing Spiced Chai Concentrate – Tasty Kitchen Blog. Warm spices, strong tea and steamed milk swirling around in my tummy make chai lattes a favorite during the winter months. It warms me from the inside out in a way that puts coffee and tea to shame.

Unfortunately, the chai concentrate from certain coffee chains is too sweet. But there is something better. It never occurred to me to make my own chai. (Certainly it must be too hard.) Here are the ingredients you’ll need: cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, star anise, cloves, black pepper, nutmeg, orange zest, tea bags, brown sugar, honey, and vanilla. Start by bringing 4 1/2 cups water to the boil on the stove. Then you need some orange zest. The recipe says to use a piece of ginger. Once the water has come to a boil, remove the pot from the heat and add the tea bags. Then add your cinnamon sticks (we only add two—it just looks like we’re using four because we broke them in half). Then add your star anise and seven cardamom pods. Now you are left with delicious, homemade chai concentrate.

Description. Strawberry Margarita Jell-O Shooters. Strawberry Margarita Jell-O Shooters Margarita Jell-O Shooters ~ A fun farewell to summer and a festive edition to your Sunday football tailgate party or gatherings. For another Jello shooter variation like this one, check out my Lemon Drop Jello Shooters cut into the shape of lemon wedges and my Rocky Candy Shooters shaped just like the rock candy you loved as a kid. Strawberry Margarita Jello Shooters As many of you know, my Lemon Drop Jell-O Shooters are my issued dish from my girlfriend who holds the annual tailgate kickoff amongst our friends. Now that we can finally make the next one in two weeks, she has again requested Jell-O shooters. That being the case, I opted to try what you see here.

Besides how cute and fun are these? Printthis recipe Saveto recipe box Yield: Makes 24-30 Shooters Ingredients: 24-30 Strawberries Margarita Mix 1 box Strawberry Jell-O8 ounces tequila, preferably reposado or blanco6 ounce CointreauSalt for garnish Directions: Strawberry Prep: A few notes: Leave a Comment. Frozen Coconut Limeade.