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P2P University. P2P And Education: Robin Good Interviews Peer-To-Peer Evangelist Michel Bauwens. P2P and Education: Robin Good Interviews Michel Bauwens 1) Comparison Between The History of Ancient Rome and a P2P Society I often compare the change from capital society to a peer to peer society as something very similar to the change from the slave-based society of Rome to the feudal society in the Christian west.

P2P And Education: Robin Good Interviews Peer-To-Peer Evangelist Michel Bauwens

And so basically what happened was that Rome had a crisis of extensive development: in other words it could no longer grow in space. When a slave-based empire cannot grow in space, what happens is that slaves become expensive, and then usually it's replaced by another empire. But that didn't happen with Rome: what happened was that the society moved from a production by slaves for the roman market, you know exchange value, making commodities which could be sold, it moved to a society based on the production of the use value by serfs instead of slaves. Peer-To-Peer Recognition of Learning in Open Education. Jan Philipp Schmidt United Nations University MERIT Christine Geith Michigan State University Stian Håklev University of Toronto Joel Thierstein Rice University.

Peer-To-Peer Recognition of Learning in Open Education

Peer-to-peer learning. This article or section is a stub.

Peer-to-peer learning

A stub is an entry that did not yet receive substantial attention from editors, and as such does not yet contain enough information to be considered a real article. In other words, it is a short or insufficient piece of information and requires additions. There are several variants, e.g. Social peer-to-peer processes.