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Curadoria Digital na Educação

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Sans titre. Para saber más sobre ABP- Symbaloo Gallery. 15 herramientas para la curación de contenidos. Curación de contenidos en la escuela (infografía) 10 Herramientas web para crear y compartir. Estamos en los tiempos de compartir, de ese modo nos enriquecemos y podemos observar y aprender nuevas experiencias.

10 Herramientas web para crear y compartir

En el blog “contar con TIC” su editora, Silvina Carraud nos ofrece un listado de 10 herramientas para poder crear y compartir contenidos y poder aplicarlos en el aula. Aquí os lo dejo. Finalizaron las clases y al tener tiempo disponible podemos hacer balance de distintos aspectos de las actividades realizadas, logros alcanzados, errores que evitaremos volver a cometer (con suerte) y, sobre todo los aprendizajes adquiridos en este ciclo. Entre esos aprendizajes conseguidos se hallan las herramientas web que implementamos en 2014 o que, si bien las utilizábamos con anterioridad, notamos que nos resultan indispensables para la tarea de crear y compartir contenidos.

8 Trucos increíbles para buscar en Google y ganar tiempo [INFOGRAFÍA] Pierre Lévy: “Professores interessados devem me seguir no Twitter, no ou no Wordpress” Como usar o conceito de curadoria digital em sala de aula. Como usar o conceito de curadoria digital em sala de aula Com a consolidação do uso da internet e da produção de conteúdos por mais pessoas, a quantidade de informações disponíveis na rede se tornou incalculável.

Como usar o conceito de curadoria digital em sala de aula

Navegar entre elas e saber encontrar a informação certa na hora certa virou um desafio, que está sendo enfrentado com o trabalho dos curadores digitais. Create or Curate? One of the current hot topics in e-learning is curation.

Create or Curate?

But what exactly is curation? And what relevance does it have to e-learning? Interestingly the word derives from the Latin cura – meaning literally someone ‘who cares’. Curators have existed for thousands of years and their role is defined as follows: Traditionally, a curator or keeper of a gallery, museum, library or archive oversees an institution’s collections and is responsible for the safe keeping, display, documentation and interpretation of the objects and artefacts in the collection. Interpretation is the key word here. So in the simplest terms curation is about organising, displaying and interpreting stuff. Mídia e Educação: Novo E-Book: Curadoria digital e o campo da comunicação. Why Curation Will Transform Education and Learning: 10 Key Reasons.

There is a growing number of key trends that are both rapidly revolutionizing the world of education as we know it and opening up opportunities to review and upgrade the role and scope of many of its existing institutions, (as the likeliness that they are going to soon become obsolete and unsustainable, is right in front of anyone's eyes).

Why Curation Will Transform Education and Learning: 10 Key Reasons

George Siemens, in his recent Open Letter to Canadian Universities, sums them up well: 1) An Overwhelming Abundance of Information Which Begs To Be OrganizedThe goal is not (and probably it never was) to learn or memorize all of the information available out there. It's just too much even if we focus only on the very essence of it.

The goal is to learn how to learn, to know where to look for something and to be able to identify which parts of all the information available are most relevant to learn or achieve a certain goal or objective.This is why new digital literacy skills are of such great importance. From the New York Times: "...Mr. Do you suffer from Information Overload Syndrome - IOS?


What is Curation? Comparatif de 12 solutions de curation. Dans le cadre du dossier sur la curation que jai eu le plaisir de coordonner pour la revue Documentaliste et Sciences de linformation de mars 2012 ( ), jai eu loccasion de réaliser un comparatif de 12 solutions dont je vous propose ci-dessous quelques éléments complémentaires.

Comparatif de 12 solutions de curation

Vous pouvez aussi télécharger cet article au format PDF sur Slideshare Plutôt que de nous concentrer sur les services dont le positionnement marketing est explicitement celui de la curation, nous avons donc choisi de « brasser large » en choisissant des services qui, à minima et sauf exception répondent à la définition proposée par la Wikipedia : « La curation de contenu () est une pratique qui consiste à sélectionner, éditorialiser et partager les contenus les plus pertinents du Web pour une requête ou un sujet donné ». Toutefois, cette définition oublie selon nous un élément essentiel. Les douze solutions sélectionnées Les services retenus et le positionnement quils revendiquent sont les suivants : Images Vidéos. Curadoria de conteúdo – Quando isso começou? (em inglês) If you’re doing any reading about Content Curation as part of an overall content marketing strategy, you sometimes see writers referring to this as something new.

Curadoria de conteúdo – Quando isso começou? (em inglês)

I remember when I started really getting interested in it back in 2011. So is it new? When did content curation begin to be included as a content marketing strategy? Actually, it’s a pretty broad question, so let’s narrow it down to this: when did Content Curation begin to be discussed as a strategic content marketing tactic? I turned to our good friend Google, using time-sensitive searches to see what I could find. 1998 – Nothing (data curation is a different issue).1999 – Nothing2000 – References to curation of content for libraries (no marketing).2001 – Nothing2002 – Nothing2003 – O.K., you’re getting the idea, right? Content Curation: Earliest Thoughts February, 2007; Jeff Jarvis. Curación de Contenidos.
