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Marcypenner (marcypenner) on Pinterest. Gustav klimt. Diario de un taller de artes plasticas por Antonio Alvarez Gordillo. Mudanza La nueva direccion de mi blog es esta: Para una consulta pormenorizada de los trabajos disponibles (técnica, formatos, precios, etc): Durante mas de un año he publicado este blog que algunos pacientemente habeis seguido. Me gusta el diseño y me gusta la facilidad de su uso, pero es muy difcil crecer en el y tener nuevos seguidores. Por eso he decidido mudarme. Espero que los que lo seguíais sigáis haciendolo en la dirección nueva. Hasta siempre y gracias por todo. Exposicion en Algeciras El próximo viernes 22 de Enero y hasta el 22 de Febrero se podrá ver una pequeña selección de mis grabados en la Arteteteria 4 gatos en la calle Regino Martinez 3 de Algeciras. Para mas información podéis consultar su blog: Esta exposición ha sido posible gracias al empeño de mi amiga Trini, de Olga y del dueño de Arteteria J. , que aunque no lo conozco personalmente debe de ser un encanto.

Y nada mas. que la disfrutéis los que podáis entre aromáticos tés y ricas tartas caseras. Grabados navidad 2009 mapas. ROMERO BRITTO - Sculptures. Art That Inspires Me / Love the bottom right print... Kate Spade's home as photographed by Todd Selby... via Oh Happy Day. 581969_10150842307210530_706215529_12433723_940679792_n.jpg (480×480) Alicia Hummel (imprintalish) on Pinterest. Jhen At Stark Love (jhenstark) on Pinterest. Let’s party! 25 Handmade Gifts Under $5.

If your gift list is long and your budget is small here are some great Handmade Gifts that you can make.

25 Handmade Gifts Under $5

Keep in mind that handmade items are not just beautiful but special… I love to give them and I love to receive them. In my opinion they are the best! Jersey Knit Bracelet Lovely! This would make a perfect gift for any of your girlfriends. You can choose the colors and recycle t-shirts that you have around the house. Cheap and cute! Tutorial Paper Clip Earrings Tutorial This is a brilliant idea… and the possibilities are endless. Love it! Printed Candles Who doesn’t love a candle? Reversible Coffee Cup Sleeves. I’m gonna tell you right now, you can’t throw a rock and not hit a tutorial for a coffee cup sleeve out there on the web.

Reversible Coffee Cup Sleeves

Reversible, not reversible, buttons, Velcro, skinny, wide, you name it. For that matter, you can probably work a pattern out yourself. However, just in case your rock lands here, I’m going to share my version with you. I’ve made a few of these for Christmas and birthday gifts. You can see the one I made for my grandma here. Projects to make / All sizes.

Projects to make / crochet infinity scarf. Projects to make. For the Home / Love this for kids art. For the Home / reading nook. I like / iheartprintsandpatterns: I ♥ Etsy - Eloise Renouf. I like / striped camera strap. Inspiring rooms. Party ideas / love this on so many levels! Party ideas / Bunting. Party ideas / Reserved for Corrine Magical Tea Party 20' Paper by MaraMay. Ideas I want to try / Glue buttons together on a balloon. Once glue had dried, pop balloon ! And there you have a button bowl! Party ideas / no helium necessary, up-side down balloons. Diy {burlap cork board} A few months ago I gave a little makeover to our bulletin board at church, a project that was inspired by this message board from Ballard Designs.

diy {burlap cork board}

I loved the simplicity and the low cost of the project and so I had been wanting to make one on a smaller scale for my own personal space. This week I finally got around to it and do I ever love the results! Want to make your own? You know you want to :) Here are the steps... What you'll need: - cork board - fabric (I used burlap but you can use whatever you like.) - upholstery tacks (I found mine at Jo Ann Fabrics) - scissors - staple gun - hammer Cut out the fabric a few inches bigger than your board. Staple the fabric to the back of the board.

Push the upholstery tacks around the edge of your board. Hammer in the tacks and continue all the way around the board. And that's it! Bow Belt. We're always looking for fun ways to add embellishments and touches of color to our outfits especially in the winter when we tend to get bored with everything and anything.

Bow Belt

With bows being fiercely back in style, what better way than with a bright bow belt! You can pick any color for this but we'd recommend something solid and cotton.