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Gallica. Hemeroteca Digital. Biblioteca Nacional de España. Paper of Record. About Paper of Record Conceived by electronic publishing and web pioneer, R.J. (Bob) Huggins in a local Ottawa, Mexican restaurant in 1999,® is a Global pioneer of searchable newspaper image documents presented in their original published form. The Toronto Star, (circulation 650,000) became the first newspaper in the world to have its entire history from 1892 to present, digitized for the world to see and search. This revolutionary process changed forever how large metropolitan newspapers conduct their research and became the genesis for®. Just to give you some context on how society has gathered our daily information for the past five centuries. The Internet is but a very small child with its' commercial adoption in the early 1990's.

Television is introduced to our living room's in the nineteen fifties and changes forever our world view. Yet it is the Newspaper that is the constant that has documented daily, much of what we know of our world today. HNDM. NAUTILO - Entrar. Persée : Portail de revues en sciences humaines et sociales. Libros Colgados.

El Libro Total - La Biblioteca digital de América.

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The 100 Best Books of All Time. Many publishers have lists of 100 best books, defined by their own criteria. This article enumerates some lists of "100 best" books for which there are fuller articles. Among them, Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels (Xanadu, 1985) and Modern Fantasy: The 100 Best Novels (Grafton, 1988) are collections of 100 short essays by a single author, David Pringle, with moderately long critical introductory chapters also by Pringle. For publisher Xanadu, Science Fiction was the first of four "100 Best" books published from 1985 to 1988.

The sequels covered crime & mystery, horror, and fantasy. Lists[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] My Library. Enlace de bibliotecas digitales. European History Primary Sources |