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5 Ways Google Tools Can Make Education More Exciting | Edudemic. Google’s no stranger to the education space. Teachers have been benefiting from the tools they create for years. Every time Google adds a new product or tool to their offerings, teachers get to work figuring out creative ways their students can benefit from it. Whether or not you’ve been using Google tools in your classroom for years or are just now starting to consider their potential, a little inspiration never hurts. If you want to break outside of some of the obvious uses and give your students something fun and exciting to work on with Google, one of these ideas could do the trick. Assign Students Expert Interviews with Google Hangouts Several educators have used Google Hangouts to bring famous people and politicians into the classroom for lectures or discussions.

Have them each identify an expert or professional on the subject of their choice and set up an interview with them over Google Hangouts. After their interview, have students write up a recap of what they learned from it. Google Tutorials. This page contains tutorials for using Google tools. The tutorials that I've created you are welcome to use in your own blog, website, or professional development session. Before using the tutorials created by others, please contact their creators.

Google Docs for Teachers 2012 Google for Teachers Google for Teachers II - Google Earth Across the Curriculum - How to remove the Navigation Bar from Blogger Blogs. Google Voice. VoiceMail Transcription. Number porting in Google Voice. SMS to Email. Conference Calls. Make calls from your computer. Creating a blog using Blogger. Adding Static Pages to Blogger. Posting to your Blogger blog from your phone. Be Proactive: Using Google Docs to Collect Data for IEP Goals! | Teaching Special Thinkers.

As most of you know and maybe some of you are about to find out very soon, special educators have a daunting amount of paperwork to go along with all the other tasks we do on a daily basis. This paperwork is very important, tedious, and requires so so so much time that sometimes we don't have time to truly enjoy the joy we get from our jobs (the kids) because we are overworked and stressed. I have tried several free trials of "IEP data collecting" apps and only find myself in awe that these companies think their product is worth the amount of money they charge underpaid teachers for their less than flexible product.

Then stepped in Google Docs - my true love (other than my husband, and my beloved Ipad, of course). I use google docs for literally every ounce of data collection I have, I can create whatever kind of forms I want specific to each student and it spits out tons of graphs, spreadsheets, circle charts - I die! First things first, you have to have a Gmail account. Isn't it lovely?! 46 Things you can do with Google Classroom Alice Keeler Excellent. 60 Smarter Ways To Use Google Classroom. 60 Smarter Ways To Use Google Classroom by Terry Heick Google Classroom is quietly becoming the most powerful tool in education technology. It may lack the visual appeal of iPads, or the student credibility of a BYOD program. It may not be as forward-thinking as we’d like here at TeachThought, but Google Classroom excels in providing solutions for a broad swath of teachers who have a variety of expertise and comfort level with education technology.

So below are (at least) 60 thing you can do with Google Classroom. 60 Smarter Ways To Use Google Classroom.