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RFID chips Under skin for employees

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Privacy. The corporate tenants of a Swedish high-tech office complex are having RFID chips implanted in their hands, enabling access through security doors, as well as services such as copy machines, all without PIN codes or swipe cards.


The employees working at Epicenter, a 15,000-square-foot building in Stockholm, can even pay for lunch using their implants -- just as they would with the swipe of a credit card. The owners of Epicenter say they want the facility to be a "magnet for fast growing digital companies and cutting-edge creative corporate initiatives. " "The fact that some people at the Epicenter office have chosen to replace their key fobs with NFC implants is their own personal choice," said Hannes Sjöblad, founder of Bionyfiken, a Swedish association of Biohackers. "It's a small, but indeed fast-growing, fraction which has chosen to try it out. " Internet of Things, une avancée remarquable, mais vulnérable. Éloïse Gratton February 17, 2015 Auteure: Sixtine Balot, Étudiante au cours de DRT6929E La société suédoise Epicenter, spécialisée dans les projets d’innovation numérique a récemment fait l’objet d’un éclat médiatique.

Internet of Things, une avancée remarquable, mais vulnérable

En effet, cette dernière a pris la décision d’implanter des puces RFID (Radio Frequence Identification) sous la peau de plusieurs centaines de ses employés.