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ECJ overturns data retention directive

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In this regard, Cecilia Malmström, Commissioner for Home Affairs said that “The judgment of the Court brings clarity and confirms the critical conclusions in terms of proportionality of the Commission’s evaluation report of 2011 on the implementation of the data retention directive.

The European Commission will now carefully asses the verdict and its impacts. The Commission will take its work forward in light of progress made in relation to the revision of the e-Privacy directive and taking into account the negotiations on the data protection framework” . EU executive plans no new data retention law. The Court of Justice of European Union declared invalid the Data Retention Directive no. 2006/24. On April 8, 2014, the Court of Justice of European Union declared invalid the Data Retention Directive no. 2006/24 (Judgment in Joined Cases C-293/12 and C-594/12, Digital Rights Ireland and Seitlinger and Others) For the Court of Justice, although the retention of data required by the directive may be considered to be appropriate for attaining the objective pursued by it, the wide-ranging and particularly serious interference of the directive with the fundamental rights at issue is not sufficiently circumscribed to ensure that that interference is actually limited to what is strictly necessary.

However, the Court of Justice issued its judgment taking into account as follows: Regarding the temporal effects of the finding of invalidity of Directive 2006/24, it is important to point out that given that the Court did not limit the temporal effect of its judgment, the declaration of invalidity takes effect from the date on which the directive entered into force. The Court of Justice of European Union declared invalid the Data Retention Directive no. 2006/24. EU Member State Privacy Regulators Ponder Response to End of Data Retention Directive. By Jabeen Bhatti, Brett Allan King, Ali Qassim, Rick Mitchell, Bogdan Turek, Stephen Gardner, Eric Lyman, Christine Pirovolakis and Marcus Hoy April 22 — The recent invalidation of the European Union Data Protection Directive (2006/24/EC) was in large part welcomed by EU privacy officials, but what it means for specific data retention activities in the 28 member states in the bloc isn't clear, they told Bloomberg BNA.

The directive was adopted in 2005 to require EU countries to adopt laws obliging telecommunications companies and Internet service providers to retain certain communications contact data for up to two years and to provide it to law enforcement authorities if requested. On April 8, the European Court of Justice, the EU's highest court, ruled that the directive contravened the privacy rights of individuals. The ruling, which came amid continuing EU concerns about government surveillance of communications, including the efforts of the U.S. Germany Spain, Portugal U.K., Ireland.  La CJUE invalide la directive sur la conservation des données   EU tuomioistuin totesi tietojen säilyttämi... Tiedote 08.04.2014 16.414395688 Euroopan unionin tuomioistuin totesi 8. huhtikuuta 2014 antamassaan päätöksessä, että EU:n tietojen säilyttämistä koskeva direktiivi on pätemätön.

Tietojen säilyttämisestä annetussa direktiivissä eli niin sanotussa pakkotallennusdirektiivissä säädetään, että sähköisten viestintäpalvelujen tarjoajien on säilytettävä palvelujen käyttäjien liikenne- ja paikkatiedot sekä palvelun tilaajan tai käyttäjän tunnistamiseksi tarvittavat tarpeelliset tiedot. Direktiivi kuitenkin kieltää viestinnän sisällön ja haettujen tietojen säilyttämisen. Direktiivin tavoitteena oli yhdenmukaistaa jäsenvaltioiden tietojen säilyttämistä koskevia säännöksiä ja varmistaa näiden tietojen saatavuus vakavien rikosten torjuntaa, tutkintaa, selvittämistä ja syyteharkintaa varten. Unionin tuomioistuin totesi, että kyseisellä direktiivillä puututaan yksityiselämän suojaa ja henkilötietojen suojaa koskeviin perusoikeuksiin laajamittaisesti ja erityisen vakavasti.

Lisätietoja. EU tuomioistuin totesi tietojen säilyttämi... Proiectul de Lege pentru modificarea si completarea OUG nr. 111/2011 privind ... Félix Braz: "L’arrêt de la CJUE souligne clairement que tous les droits fonda... La Cour de Justice de l’Union européenne (CJUE) a déclaré invalide en date du 8 avril la directive 24/2006 sur la conservation des données sur base notamment des articles 7 et 8 de la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne qui consacrent la protection de la vie privée et la protection des données à caractère personnel. Sans remettre fondamentalement en cause la légitimité même de la conservation des données comme instrument utile pour les enquêtes pénales, la Cour déclare que le principe de la proportionnalité n’a pas été respecté par la directive.

Étant donné que la Cour n’a pas limité son arrêt dans le temps et n’a pas prévu de dispositions transitoires, la déclaration d’invalidité prend effet à la date d’entrée en vigueur de la directive le 3 mai 2006. L’arrêt de la CJUE souligne clairement que tous les droits fondamentaux des citoyens de l’Union européenne sont à respecter. Communiqué par le ministère de la Justice. Félix Braz: "L’arrêt de la CJUE souligne clairement que tous les droits fonda... PRESS RELEASES - Press release - Data retention directive: Commissioner Malms... European Commission Statement Brussels, 8 April 2014 Data retention directive: Commissioner Malmström's statement on today's Court judgment "The judgment of the Court brings clarity and confirms the critical conclusions in terms of proportionality of the Commission's evaluation report of 2011 on the implementation of the data retention directive.

Background The Data Retention Directive was adopted in the aftermath of the terroristic attacks in Madrid in 2004 and London in 2005 as there was a sense of urgency to harmonize the European efforts to investigate and prosecute the most serious crimes. The Directive requires Member States to ensure that telecommunication operators retain traffic and location data generated or processed by service and network providers for the purpose of investigation, detection and prosecution of serious crimes, as defined by national law. In 2011 the Commission issued an evaluation report as required by Article 14 of the Directive. For more information. European Court overturns EU mass surveillance law. By Kirsten Fiedler The European Court of Justice today ruled that the EU legislation on mass surveillance contravenes European law. The case was brought before the Court by EDRi member Digital Rights Ireland, together with the Austrian Working Group on Data Retention.

After eight years, this affront to the fundamental rights of European citizens has finally been declared illegal. Eight years of abuses of personal data and eight years of reassurances from EU Member States and the Commission that the measure was legal said Joe McNamee, Executive Director of European Digital Rights. In today’s press release, the Court stated that by requiring the retention of those data and by allowing the competent national authorities to access those data, the directive interferes in a particularly serious manner with the fundamental rights to respect for private life and to the protection of personal data. In short, Judgement Press release (pdf) Implementation Report (pdf)

Data retention laws breach privacy rights, says legal advisor to the EU's highest court. Advocate General Pedro Cruz Villalón has recommended that the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) rule that the EU's Data Retention Directive be deemed to be "incompatible with the Charter of Fundamental Rights", according to a statement issued by the CJEU. The CJEU is not obliged to follow the opinion of Advocate Generals when issuing its judgment on cases, but it does so in the majority of cases. However, Cruz Villalón said that whilst the Directive should be scrapped he said the CJEU should suspend a ruling on the invalidity of the law to allow EU law makers to create a replacement law that delivers "the measures necessary to remedy the invalidity found to exist".

The Data Retention Directive was established in 2006 to make it a requirement for telecoms and other electronic communications companies to retain personal data for a period determined by national governments of between six months and two years. EU top court rules EU data retention law invalid. Cp140054en. [MàJ] La Cour de Justice invalide la directive sur la conservation des données. Mise à jour : La Cour de justice vient à l'instant de déclarer invalide la directive sur la conservation des données. Nous reviendrons dans quelques instants plus en détail sur les raisons qui ont guidé cette décision (l'arrêt au format PDF et notre analyse.) Deux affaires d’importance vont être rendues demain par la Cour de Justice de Luxembourg. La CJUE décidera en effet si oui ou non la directive sur la conservation des données est valide au droit européen.

Une déclaration d’invalidité aura des conséquences sur tous les pays européens. La directive 2006 du 15 mars 2006 sur la conservation de données vient modifier une directive de 2002. Quelles sont les données qui doivent être conservées ? Deux affaires nées en Autriche et en Irlande En Autriche, le Verf assungsgerichtshof doit trancher trois recours « formés respectivement par le gouvernement du Land de Carinthie, M. Une directive, des obligations, mais pas de garantie Un délai de 2 ans est bien trop long. EU Data Retention Directive Declared In Violation Of EU Law. IP-Watch Interns Summer 2013 IP-Watch interns Brittany Ngo (Yale Graduate School of Public Health) and Caitlin McGivern (University of Law, London) talk about their Geneva experience in summer 2013. 2:42.

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A guide to Geneva-based public health and intellectual property organisations. Monthly Reporter Access the Monthly Reporter Archive > EU Data Retention Directive Invalidated : : Privacy and Information Security Law Blog. Top EU court overturns data retention directive | News | DW.DE | 08.04.2014. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) on Tuesday overturned a controversial EU directive that allowed telephone and email providers to store private citizens' data en masse for scrutiny by investigators in later cases of serious crime. The Luxembourg-based court ruled that the directive - passed by bloc's Council of Ministers in 2006, after terrorist attacks in London and Madrid - amounted to a grave intrusion into the private lives of citizens in the 28-nation bloc.

"The directive interferes in a particularly serious manner with the fundamental rights to respect for private life and to the protection of personal data," the ECJ wrote, because it required providers to retain data and allowed national authorities to access it. Exact data on a person's location, travel movements and social contacts were recorded without the affected person ever being informed, the judges said. The court declared the directive as "invalid.

" Directive challenged Impact on NSA debate? Ipj/msh (dpa, epd, Reuters)