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Internet blockout 18/01

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They're Turning Off The Web. Jane on WordPress Protests the Protect IP Act. The blackout on is active.

Jane on WordPress Protests the Protect IP Act

It is an interstitial, but you have to scroll all the way to the bottom to get the clickthrough link. It will go away if you click that link and be replaced by the Stop Censorship ribbon for 1 hour, at which point the cookie expires and you have to do it again. We’ll run the blackout for 24 hours. Yes, it will annoy you. For this editor, SOPA web protest left an impression. Boy, yesterday was tough.

For this editor, SOPA web protest left an impression

If you're a curious sort like me, the day of protest against the Stop Online Piracy Act and Protect IP Act (SOPA and PIPA, respectively, like the names of two little pugs) really cramped your style. Benhuh: All Cheezburger sites will... SOPA blackout spreads across the Internet. The blackout movement to protest the Stop Online Piracy Act that began with reddit and Wikipedia has spread to many major sites across the Internet, many of which are important examples of Web entities that could be shut down without due process by SOPA-like legislation.

SOPA blackout spreads across the Internet

Below are some of our favorites. Tumblr Tumblr was one of the original sites to move against SOPA and PIPA by showing users a blacked-out dashboard when they logged in. Stop the Internet Blacklist Legislation. SOPA blackout: Bills lose three co-sponsors amid protests. Three co-sponsors of the SOPA and PIPA antipiracy bills have publicly withdrawn their support as Wikipedia and thousands of other websites blacked out their pages Wednesday to protest the legislation.

SOPA blackout: Bills lose three co-sponsors amid protests

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) withdrew as a co-sponsor of the Protect IP Act in the Senate, while Reps. Lee Terry (R-Neb.) and Ben Quayle (R-Ariz.) said they were pulling their names from the companion House bill, the Stop Online Piracy Act. Opponents of the legislation, led by large Internet companies, say its broad definitions could lead to censorship of online content and force some websites to shut down. In a posting on his Facebook page, Rubio noted that after the Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously passed its bill last year, he has "heard legitimate concerns about the impact the bill could have on access to the Internet and about a potentially unreasonable expansion of the federal government's power to impact the Internet.

" Facebook, Google join to fight Internet piracy legislation. Posted at 10:58 AM ET, 11/15/2011 Nov 15, 2011 03:58 PM EST TheWashingtonPost (TRUTH LEEM - REUTERS) Facebook, Google and other Silicon Valley Internet giants put aside their competitive battles Tuesday and jointly warned federal lawmakers against anti-piracy legislation they fear could place too much responsibility on firms like them.

Facebook, Google join to fight Internet piracy legislation

A House legislative proposal has drawn fresh attention from Internet firms and venture capital investors who are at odds with Hollywood and record labels advocating for stronger laws. Silicon Valley giants Twitter, Yahoo and LinkedIn also signed onto the letter that asks leaders of the Senate and House Judiciary Committees to be more specific in any new rules to ensure online firms aren’t liable for pirated material that may appear on their sites. Online giants say they support efforts to fight against illegal exchange of copyrighted material on the Internet. Hollywood’s trade group, the Motion Picture Association of America, and the U.S. Namecheap Joins in SOPA/PIPA Blackout by www. January 18th, 2012 By: THN News (The Hosting News) – Namecheap, a leading international domain name registrar and web host, will be blacking out its front page on January 18th in protest of pending SOPA and PIPA legislation along with many other websites, including Cheezburger, reddit, Wikpedia and other popular online communities.

Namecheap Joins in SOPA/PIPA Blackout by www

Earlier, Namecheap CEO Richard Kirkendall said, “While we at Namecheap firmly believe in intellectual property rights, SOPA is like detonating a nuclear bomb on the internet when only a surgical strike is necessary. This legislation has the potential to harm the way everyone uses the Internet and to undermine the system itself. At Namecheap, we believe having a free and open Internet is the only option that will continue the legacy of innovation and openness that stands for everything we all value in our modern society.” Social news site will be turning its website black on January 18th from 8am to 8pm EST.

About Namecheap Comments: No related posts. What the SOPA blackout really looks like. Wikipedia and some other large websites are “blacking out” Wednesday to protest legislation that would limit online freedom in an effort to protect copyright interests.

What the SOPA blackout really looks like

(Learn more about that legislation in our guide to what journalists need to know about SOPA and PIPA.) Here’s how some of those protesting sites look this morning. || Related: How to access Wikipedia Wednesday (and other workarounds) | Wikipedia substitutes trend worldwide on Twitter Google has blacked out its logo and links to an “End Piracy, Not Liberty” page that allows users to learn more and contact Congress. The English version of Wikipedia has a new home page today, which explains why it is blacked out and links to an article about SOPA and PIPA. Wiki addicts can access the mobile version of the site. Canton » Stop SOPA – PIPA protest. That’s the title of my Slaw post for today. It reads as follows. Here are some of the sites that are going dark today, or changing their home pages in protest over the proposed US legislation.

For more information on why this legislation is so bad, check out these sites, or search for “SOPA” on Slaw or, or just Google it. Why We've Censored We’ve blacked out the headlines on our website homepage today as part of a global internet protest against two radical anti-piracy bills pending in Congress — legislation that threatens to usher in a chilling internet censorship regime here in the U.S. comparable in some ways to China’s “Great Firewall.”

Why We've Censored

SOPA and PIPA, the bills in question, are in tactical retreat as this story goes live, but it is almost certain their backers are already planning the next round, in a process that will continue in one form or another ad infinitum. Under the current wording of the measures, the Attorney General would have the power to order ISPs to block access to foreign-based sites suspected of trafficking in pirated and counterfeit goods; order search engines to delist the sites from their indexes; ban advertising on suspected sites; and block payment services from processing transactions for accused sites.

If the same standards were applied to U.S. Photo: David Papazian/Corbis. Protests against SOPA, PIPA go viral. News January 17, 2012 05:02 PM ET Computerworld - In a remarkable example of a grassroots campaign gone viral, several websites including Google, Reddit, Wikipedia, BoingBoing, Imgur and Tucows, are planning an unprecedented Internet "strike" Wednesday to protest controversial anti-piracy legislation being considered by Congress.

Protests against SOPA, PIPA go viral

Tumblr Takes Fight Against SOPA Up A Notch, ‘Censors’ User Dashboards. Congress is in the process of kneecapping the web as we know it with a House bill called the Stop Online Piracy Act (a similar bill, called the Protect IP Act, is in the Senate).

Tumblr Takes Fight Against SOPA Up A Notch, ‘Censors’ User Dashboards

In a misguided attempt to curb piracy on the web, the bills would introduce website blocking at the DNS level, among other things, in a way that would effectively amount to censorship. And they could have disastrous implications. The threat is so serious that many of the web’s largest companies, including AOL, eBay, Facebook, LinkedIn, Mozilla, Twitter, Yahoo, and Zynga sent a joint letter to Congress over the issue. A congressional hearing being held today has prompted many sites to add a ‘Stop Censorship’ banner on top of their logos (you can get one here). And now some other services are taking even more drastic measures. STRIKE AGAINST SOPA. Strike Against SOPA & PIPA.

This Is the Internet After SOPA. Today, many popular websites are going "dark" in protest of Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). The consensus among many experts, Internet users, web companies and even the White House, is that SOPA is too restrictive, too dangerous, too complicated and too big of a threat to our privacy. Fly A Kite. Anti-SOPA Protests Planned Around The Country Today.

Mozilla to join the protest

Reporters Without Borders to close Eng site. SOPA/Blackoutpage. Thank you. The Wikipedia blackout is over — and you have spoken. More than 162 million people saw our message asking if you could imagine a world without free knowledge. You said no. You shut down Congress’s switchboards. You melted their servers. For us, this is not about money. These Websites Are Going Dark to Protest SOPA. Update: Even more websites have joined the cause. Find the new results below. Tech companies are getting ready to black out on Jan. 18 to protest the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and its sibling the Protect IP Act (PIPA). Much has been made of Wikipedia's promise to "go dark," or shut down the site, for the day as a way of warning what might happen if SOPA became law. Google will protest SOPA using popular home page. The tech sector is pulling out the big guns. Google, the Web's top search company and one of technology's most influential powers in Washington, will post a link on its home page tomorrow to notify users of Google's opposition to controversial antipiracy bills being debated in Congress.

The company confirmed in a statement that it will join Wikipedia, Reddit, and other influential tech firms in staging protests of varying kinds against the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA), which are backed by big entertainment and media interests.

Pirate Party gone dark in Australia

Wikipedia to go dark in SOPA protest, Twitter declines. News By John Ribeiro January 16, 2012 11:19 PM ET. Wikipedia Blackout: Websites Wikipedia, Reddit, Others Go Dark Wednesday to Protest SOPA, PIPA - Page 1. <br/><a href=" US News</a> | <a href=" Business News</a> Google Twitter Fb going offline? Twitter's Dick Costolo calls Wikipedia SOPA blackout 'foolish' Updated with more information below the post. Wikipedia SOPA Blockout. Boing Boing will go dark on Jan 18 to fight SOPA. All companies participating. Boing Boing will go dark on Jan 18 to fight SOPA & PIPA. Blackout 18 jan PIPA/SOPA.