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Data as a commodity

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Everything We Know About What Data Brokers Know About You. June 13, 2014: This story has been updated.

Everything We Know About What Data Brokers Know About You

It was originally published on March 7, 2013. We've spent a lot of time this past year trying to understand how the National Security Agency gathers and stores information about ordinary people. But there's also a thriving public marketfor data on individual Americans—especially data about the things we buy and might want to buy. Consumer data companies are scooping up huge amountsof consumer information about people around the world and selling it, providing marketers details about whether you're pregnant or divorced or trying to lose weight, about how rich you are and what kinds of cars you drive. But many people still don't know data brokers exist. The Federal Trade Commission is pushing the companies to give consumers more information and control over what happens to their data.

Sharing of viewing history in hotel

When is web-scraping of a database unlawful? Data collected by brockers. It's Your Data — But Others Are Making Billions Off It. It’s hard to mandate laws around privacy.

It's Your Data — But Others Are Making Billions Off It

Privacy is a right as well as a preference, but when you’re in public, precedents have been set as to where you can be photographed, recorded or otherwise tracked. Similarly, online we’re used to signing terms and conditions to quickly utilize a service, not fully comprehending how our data will be seen and by whom. But what about identity? What are the ownable characteristics of your digitized life? We’re approaching an era when the current Internet economy, based on the "freemium" exchange of data for services, is coming to an end. And the change will begin with your face. The World’s Your Screen “The inevitability of facial recognition is very clear,” says Brian Mullins, founder and CEO of Daqri, a leading augmented reality developer who envisions the legions of humans hunched over screens to one day gaze upon an entire "4D" environment, consuming digital content.

The idea is a paradigm shift. Meet View vs. Image: Google Street View Us.

Privacy Concerns Nix Sale of Online Dating Site

For Sale: Lists Of Gay High School Students. The Dynamo and Big Data. Is Big Data an Economic Big Dud. Big data : vos données en vente. Après un récent changement de ses conditions d’utilisation, la banque Barclays se réserve le droit de vendre un agrégat d’informations à propos de ses utilisateurs à des entreprises tierces à partir d’octobre 2013. « Ces informations seront quantitatives et non personnelles, et vous ne pourrez pas être identifiés sur la seule base de celles-ci », ajoute la banque.

Big data : vos données en vente

Selon The Telegraph, les utilisateurs ne pourront pas refuser que leurs données soient partagées. En France, SFR a remporté en avril le troisième prix de l’innovation « Big data » en annonçant la commercialisation prochaine de ses données géolocalisées. Les données collectées par l’opérateur puis anonymisées, pourront ainsi renseigner les entreprises sur la fréquentation d’un lieu. De la même manière, des opérateurs britanniques ont lancé Weve, un groupement d’entreprise, pour vendre les données de leurs utilisateurs. On dustbins and the price of personal data. Your Rating User Rating: 5 (1 votes) A recent article in the UK’s FT, Companies scramble for consumer data, June 12th 2013, shared some intriguing but puzzling insights into the market for personal information.

On dustbins and the price of personal data

Perhaps the strangest was a proposition which seemed to suggest a complete inversion of normal market economics. The reporter, Emily Steel, started her article by observing that: “Corporate competition to accumulate information about consumers is intensifying … pushing down the market price for intimate personal details to fractions of a cent.” This is very strange indeed because normal market dynamics suggest that as demand rises, all other things being equal, the price should rise rather than fall. The-Value-of-Our-Digital-Identity.pdf. The supply curve for personal data. Your Rating User Rating: 0 (0 votes) In the TED talk, ‘What physics taught me about marketing’, Dan Cobley, a marketing director at Google, speaks about the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle.

The supply curve for personal data

In a nutshell, this means that it’s impossible to exactly measure the position and momentum of a particle, because the act of measuring changes them. Adam Tanner on the selling of personal data. Your Rating User Rating: 4.9 (4 votes) An interesting article by Adam Tanner on the Forbes website in which he traces where one particular piece of junk mail came from.

Adam Tanner on the selling of personal data

Tanner is a fellow at Harvard University’s Department of Government and is writing a book on the business of personal data. He’s looking for answers to questions such as who are the people and firms gathering such information? What details are they putting together, how do they get so much information about us and how do they use that information? What’s immediately interesting about his article is that the junk mail he chose to investigate came from the American Civil Liberties Union, asking him, unbidden, to make a donation. I Caught The Guys Selling My Personal Information To The ACLU. How much is your personal data worth? Explore how valuable your data are with this interactive calculator.

How much is your personal data worth?

While the multibillion-dollar data broker industry profits from the trade of thousands of details about individuals, those bits of information are often sold for a fraction of a penny apiece, according to industry pricing data viewed by the Financial Times. The average person’s data often retails for less than a dollar. General information about a person, such as their age, gender and location is worth a mere $0.0005 per person, or $0.50 per 1,000 people.

A person who is shopping for a car, a financial product or a vacation is slightly more valuable to companies eager to pitch those goods. Certain milestones in a person’s life prompt major changes in buying patterns, whether that’s becoming a new parent, moving homes, getting engaged, buying a car, or going through a divorce. The Financial Times will not collect, store or share the data you enter into the calculator.

Data worth oil of 21at Century

FTC launch study Data brockers industry. How much is your personal data worth? What Google stores about you. Personal data could become commodity. 19 October 2010Last updated at 09:03 By Maggie Shiels Technology reporter, BBC News, Silicon Valley The CEA said users need to more aware of what they reveal online Companies that want to make use of the personal information people put online should pay for it, the US Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) has said.

Personal data could become commodity

It made the statement as it released a list of five technology trends to watch for the year ahead. Privacy was top of the list, which also included mobile and green technology. "The mining of personal data is here to stay; there is just too much money at stake to imagine otherwise," said Sean Murphy, of the organisation. "Privacy is only going to continue to get increased attention in the years and months to come," said Mr Murphy who authored the report Selling The Stories Or Our Lives: Technology and Privacy.