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Is light a particle or a wave? - Colm Kelleher. What are gravitational waves? - Amber L. Stuver. L’eclisse di Einstein. L’effetto di deflessione della luce delle stelle accanto al Sole previsto dalla Relatività di Einstein, illustrato nello scenario delle spedizioni del 1919, all’Isola di Principe e a Sobral.

L’eclisse di Einstein

Fonte: Illustrated London News, 22 novembre 1919 “Attraverso le nubi, speranzoso”. Questo il contenuto del laconico telegramma ricevuto a Londra nel giugno del 1919 dai soci della Royal Astronomical Society: proveniva dall’isola di Principe, nel golfo di Guinea. A inviarlo era sir Arthur Eddington, il carismatico direttore dell’osservatorio di Cambridge. Poche parole con cui riferiva – con tipico aplomb inglese – sull’andamento della missione che lo aveva spinto fino in Africa. Cosa sperava di osservare, Eddington, fra le nubi? La curvatura dello spaziotempo impone anche alla luce di incurvare la propria traiettoria. Non era nemmeno la prima volta che ci si provava: nel 1912 una spedizione argentina si recò in Brasile per osservare un’altra eclisse totale di Sole, ma fu fermata dal maltempo. Einstein is Right! Gravity Bends Light - The General Theory of Relativity. Path Integral : Perhaps the Greatest Generalization in Physics. Special relativity. Einstein's original document 1905.

WudkaGR 7. EInstein and God. AlbertEinstein. Einstein's Theory of Relativity Explained (Infographic) The theories of relativity by Albert Einstein revolutionized how the world thinks about space, time, mass, energy and gravity.

Einstein's Theory of Relativity Explained (Infographic)

FULL STORY: General Relativity at 100: Einstein's Famous Theory Has Aged Well Prior to Einstein, the laws of Isaac Newton were used to understand the physics of motion. In 1687, Newton wrote that gravity affects everything in the universe. The same force of gravity that pulled an apple down from a tree kept the Earth in motion around the sun. But Newton never puzzled out the source of gravity. Reference: Einstein's Theory of General Relativity Philosopher David Hume's 1738 "A Treatise of Human Nature" was a big influence on Einstein's thinking about space and time. "It is very well possible that without these philosophical studies I would not have arrived at the solution," Einstein wrote. In 1905, Albert Einstein based a new theory on two principles. As a result of these principles, Einstein deduced that there is no fixed frame of reference in the universe. Instant Expert: General relativity. The nature of the light.

Einstein Relativity. Disalle underst space time. List of interesting books. Lesson plan theory of relativity. Read numbers and formulae in english. Glossary. Rubric. Activity 1 ( 20 min) Activity 1 (40 min) Einstein. View Static Version Loading Einstein The ‘genius’ Appreciate Credits: Created with images by janeb13 - "albert einstein 1921 portrait" Made withAdobe Spark PagePart of the Adobe Spark Family.


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