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Sketch-A-Day: Daily Sketches from Industrial Designer, Spencer Nugent. 20 Amazing Watercolor Masterpieces. This is the first of its kind post on Designzzz.

20 Amazing Watercolor Masterpieces

The reason this subject of watercolor paintings is selected because these paintings cannot carry as much detail as other routine oil or digital paintings. That is due to the fact that watercolours are not that sophisticated with gradients and swirls. This aspect makes it the most aspiring brand of art, hence we are sharing a collection 20 watercolor paintings from all over the internet. And as usual, all the image names are properly linked back to the sources, just click them if you would like a large scale image. Nightmares on canvas: Children's disturbing doodles of monsters are brought to life by comic artist. By Jessica Satherley Updated: 10:46 GMT, 12 December 2011 At first glance these children’s sketches might not frighten or scare, but when a former comic illustrator brought them to life with his artistic licence, they suddenly transformed into creatures of nightmares.

Nightmares on canvas: Children's disturbing doodles of monsters are brought to life by comic artist

Artist Dave DeVries, who once painted monsters for Universal Studios, was inspired to take youngsters’ drawings and transform them in realistic illustrations. The US-based 45-year-old was inspired by his niece’s doodles and soon started bringing them to life onto canvas. Brought to life: The Monster Engine is an eight year art project by US comic illustrator Dave DeVries, which has grown into an internet phenomenon DeVries’ niece Jessica would continuously leave sketches in his workbook, which kick-started the idea behind the artist’s venture. Looks like good Zombie Portraits by Andre De Freitas.