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Ma petite cuisine - Location hotdog, barbe à papa, popcorn... pour les particuliers à Paris. La Ruche qui dit Oui ! Ebook-lr | a software made by and for publishers. Botiful, social telepresence robot for Android by Claire. July 25 : Botiful featured on TechCrunch, Gizmag, PCWorld, Engadget, Ziphi and DVIce !

July 17 update : Ahti Heinla, Co-founder and former chief architect of Skype is backing Botiful! Botiful is the first consumer tele-presence robot. With Skype as a simple interface you or your friends can control the robot and be remotely present from anywhere in the world. It's time to have a robot at home ! Be present with anyone, from anywhere ! Skype video calls - Botiful is fully integrated with Skype and is table top. Botiful uses Skype to manage contacts and calls. If you have a Botiful robot : Just connect it to your smartphone. If you want to call a robot Place your call to your friend's robot using Skype : When your friend's robot accepts the call, you will see a new window will appear with the remote control interface: Pledge the "color option" and select among three colors to customize your robot : WhiteBlueRed You can combine the colors to create your own style!

Develop new apps. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Vous n’habitez pas chez vous. Vous pensiez habiter à Paris ? Et bien non, d'après ce que vous pensez de votre territoire, vous habitez dans l'Eure. Si les données étaient ouvertes, ce genre de méprise n'arriverait pas. La preuve avec ce quiz. Entrez votre code postal dans l’application ci-dessus et faites le test pour découvrir que vous n’habitez pas chez vous… S’interroger sur la perception de son territoire, se dire que, finalement, même en pleine mégapole on habite à la campagne, le tout pour promouvoir l’Open Data – l’ouverture des données, en français. Ce questionnaire interroge le citoyen sur sa connaissance des données publiques de son territoire : pense-t-il vivre dans une ville de personnes âgées ? Pour chacune des 16 questions, nous évaluons s’il a “raison”, si sa perception correspond à ce que les données publiques décrivent de son territoire. Notre but : démontrer la différence qui existe entre cette perception et la réalité.

Les dessous des données publiques L’INSEE a donc été notre source principale. Visualize your resume in one click. Good Night Lamp by The Good Night Lamp team. Keeping in touch with people has gradually become more than being “always on, sometimes off”. We would like to think that people can share parts of their lives with their families & loved ones in more subtle ways with the flick of a switch.

A physical social network. Home alone. Ever wanted to keep an eye on a loved one who lives alone? Global families. Global teams. Connecting worlds. The Good Night Lamp comes as a Set of a Big Lamp and 1 Little Lamp. We started working on this in March 2012 and since then we've been slowly working towards a product we really want to bring into production. By the end of this campaign - We'd appeared in Forbes, Fast Company, BBC Radio 4, Boing Boing, Slashdot, Reddit and many more. - We've been to CES and back and have been invited to showcase some of our latest developments at the Launch Festival in San Francisco, as part of a showcase of Hackney-based projects at SXSW & the upcoming Gadget Show Live where we'll have a booth. | Know what it takes. Curioos | The Digital Art Factory | Limited Edition & Gallery Quality Art Prints.

NounProject. Infographics & Data Visualization | Biglib - dons et échanges de livres gratuits d'occasion. Movies Angels. 2 | Vizify Turns Your Social Network Into An Infographic About Your Life. With digital data doubling every two years, you probably can’t keep track of all the sites where you share your personal info now, much less the data itself. Vizify aims to do that for you. Starting Thursday, the startup will automatically compile the your daily social network activity into a one-stop visual summary of your online essence. "When you start to have a long, long [online] history and your data starts becoming unmanageable, the idea is that we’ll need a new way to handle it,” its founder Todd Silverstein tells Fast Company. Creating a profile on Vizify is a two-minute process that mostly involves connecting online services such as Foursquare, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, and it will automatically update as you continue to add to those other sites.

It aims to zoom out on the data you create about yourself every day. The startup isn’t alone in its attempt to summarize identity through data visualizations. YellowKorner : Photographies d'art - Galerie photo d'art. - La plus grande boutique d'affiches et de posters. Big Bang Céréales - Céréales bio personnalisées. Big Bang Chocolat - tablettes de chocolat bio équitables sur mesure.