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Italian Grilled Cheese. Who doesn’t love a good grilled cheese? And, I know it’s totally Ameeeerican to make the classic: American cheese, mayonnaise and bread. But, why not change it a bit and use REALLY fresh and natural ingredients?!?!? Love it! There’s nothing more delicious than fresh and homemade ingredients. Yum!!! Soooo, go to your farmers market and get the freshest tomatoes and basil you can find, grab some mozzarella balls, and assemble this amazing meal. Basil & Oregano Pesto Ingredients 1 cup fresh basil leaves1/4 cup fresh oregano leaves (or just more basil leaves)1 garlic clove1/4 cup of walnuts1/8 teaspoon salt1/4 teaspoon pepper2-3 tablespoons olive oil How-To Put all of the ingredients in a food processor, blend and set aside.

Basil & oregano pestoMozzarella cheese, slicedTomato, slice. Put your griddle (or panini press) on medium heat.Spray with cooking spray.Assemble your sandwiches.Cook until lightly browned and the cheese has melted.Cut in half and serve right away. Servings: 3 sandwiches. Cinnamon Roll Pancakes. Updated 9/22/11 to Add: If you’re coming here to sample these delicious Cinnamon Roll Pancakes, you just might like the latest recipe that I’ve posted for Pumpkin Cinnamon Roll Pancakes too. And Gingerbread- Cinnamon Roll Pancakes too. Enjoy! Here’s a short video sharing how to make these delicious pancakes: If you’ve ever thought you needed a reason to eat pancakes, today is the day: National Pancake Day!

Eat a short stack for breakfast, enjoy them for lunch, or make a dinner out a manhole-sized pancake… guilt free… because you’re merely celebrating their existence. How do you like your pancakes? But recently I started dreaming about mixing cinnamon rolls and pancakes together… and this is what I came up with- my new favorite pancake: Cinnamon Roll Pancakes. I have a wonderfully fluffy pancake batter that I like to use (recipe below) so I swirled a bit of cinnamon roll filling into the pancake. It’s like eating a cinnamon roll, and no one needs more than one cinnamon roll for breakfast.

White Gazpacho - No-Cook Recipes. Tomato Pie. Tomato Pie I made this wonderful tomato pie earlier in the week. As we were leaving the strawberry festival last weekend, I spotted a stand full of garden fresh tomatoes and onions, so I got two baskets of tomatoes and a few onions. When we got home I made a big tomato and onion sandwich with mayonnaise (a combination of my two favorite sandwiches, vidalia onion and fresh tomato into my ultimate, although I know odd, sandwich). I knew I just had to make a tomato pie with what we didn’t eat that day. The next day I made this simple tomato pie for dinner.

It really only works with the freshest garden tomatoes, so if you don’t live where you can get fresh tomatoes now, you may want to wait until summer to try this delicious treat. I served this classic southern comfort food with a small salad. Tip: Slice tomatoes in half and squeeze out excess juice before slicing to reduce water in the pie. Dinner Tonight.