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J'aime les LEGO

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Google, 1er serveur. Comment sont fabriqués les LEGO ? Concrete Building Blocks : Des LEGO en béton. Concrete Building Blocks est une création originale d’un designer qui reprend la forme des briques de LEGO 2×4. La différence essentielle réside dans le matériau utilisé, le béton. Un peu dommage que la dimension originale soit aussi respectée (1 5/8″ x 3/4″ x 1/2″), cela aurait permis au geeks de pouvoir construire leur maison en mode DIY, sans aucune aide particulière.

Il faudra compter la somme de 8,50$ par bloc de LEGO en béton sur Etsy. Voici quelques clichés de cette réalisation : Auftragsvermittlung im Bereich Graffiti, Illustration, Type. München, Berlin, Hamburg, Köln, Wien, Deutschland - Newsgallery_1. Nathan Sawaya: The Art of the Brick. LEGO Turntable turns heads in addition to records. Trust Jesse ‘Dean’ Graves to come up with a really unique take on the standard turntable, using LEGO parts.

This is a full fledged DJ turntable that was specially concocted for Pioneer DJ’s Art Mix, where it brings together art, music and nostalgia in a single device. Graves’ LEGO art, while unique by itself, is not alone – as it was specially developed as one of Pioneer DJ’s Art Mix project which wil merge music, art and community in a new solitary form in order to provide benefits to the VH1 Save the Music Foundation. The Pioneer CDJ-2000 turntable is actually the mainstay of this LEGO project, so of course you can expect it to function as expected. What we like is the fire-engine red LEGO slate which allows you to stash away records, while the LEGO-block audio extension will also add to the overall experience.

Thanks Christina for the hat tip on this! Profound Whatever's Photostream.

Stop Motion LEGO

Appareils photos… en Lego. LEGO - Builders Of Infinity. Toulouse -