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10 Habits of Exceptionally Happy People | Shannon Kaiser. Why do some people enjoy more health and happiness than others? It seems they are able to manifest their dreams rapidly, and they have a consistent sense of peace and happiness. These people see opportunities when others see closed doors. They handle setbacks with grace and ease, moving confidently in the direction of their desires.

The good news is that you can be one of "those" people -- you don't have to be born with these characteristics, they can be learned. I know this is true from personal experience, having moved from zero to being my own hero, leaving depression, drug addictions, eating disorders and a corporate job I hated in the dust, all in an effort to find my own happiness and live my dream life.

What I learned is that being happy is possible, no matter how dark your days are, that happiness is attainable, especially when you understand what happy people do to get there. Finding lasting happiness is a lot like getting in shape physically. Happy people... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. How Graphics Cards Work" The images you see on your monitor are made of tiny dots called pixels.

At most common resolution settings, a screen displays over a million pixels, and the computer has to decide what to do with every one in order to create an image. To do this, it needs a translator -- something to take binary data from the CPU and turn it into a picture you can see. Unless a computer has graphics capability built into the motherboard, that translation takes place on the graphics card.

A graphics card's job is complex, but its principles and components are easy to understand. In this article, we will look at the basic parts of a video card and what they do. We'll also examine the factors that work together to make a fast, efficient graphics card. Think of a computer as a company with its own art department. A graphics card works along the same principles. Creating an image out of binary data is a demanding process. The graphics card accomplishes this task using four main components:

How to Fix (or Kill) Web Data About You. Marketers, employers, suitors and even thieves and stalkers are piecing together mosaics of who we are. Even when it is accurate, it may not present a pretty picture. For a glimpse of your mosaic, type your name into Prepare to see estimates of your age, home value, marital status, phone number and your home address, even a photo of your front door. Spokeo, one of several services like this online, will encourage you to pay $15 or more, for a full report with details on income, hobbies and online social networks. Snoops who take the time to troll further online may also find in blog posts or comments evidence of your political views, health challenges, office tribulations and party indiscretions, any of which could hurt your chances of admission to school, getting or keeping a job or landing a date.

If you want to try to manage privacy, the obvious first place to start is with the search engines , Bing and , exactly where other people will most likely go to check you out. CRN Buzz – security | Apple Yanks Privacy App From The App Store. The Register 2 mentions — 1 day ago top stories | Seagate's EVault cloud backup sub has launched a Glacier cloud archive competitor, priced at $15 per TB per month with instant data access and data preserved intact for decades.

It will use Seagate Kinetic drives in the future.Amazon started the cloud archive ball rolling big time with its ... Android Central 3 mentions — 21 hours ago The Jan. 4 Deal of the Day is the Incipio Feather Snap-On Case for Motorola Droid MINI. Cloud Computing Journal 2 mentions — 3 weeks ago GreenButton™ on Thursday announced the GreenButton WarpDrive, a solution providing accelerated and secure transfers of large datasets to the cloud.

AllThingsD 7 mentions — 3 weeks ago Dell, the newly private computing company, will later today announce an alliance with the software company Red Hat that will become a significant piece of its cloud-computing strategy going forward. The Mobile/Cloud Era 5 mentions — 3 weeks ago Eucalyptus 3 mentions — 3 weeks ago ReadWrite The Atlantic. 7 Things Ex-Geek Squad Employee Wishes Every Computer Novice Knew. Silence Noisy Neighbors by Transmitting Your Music to Their Speakers. Online converter - convert video, images, audio and documents for free. #3038363. SOPA Emergency IP list: So if these ass-fucks in DC decide to ruin the internet, here’s how to access your favorite sites in the event of a DNS takedown # News # Social media # Torrent sites # Social networking

Courses - Google Code University - Google Code. Tips for Linux Explorers.


How the Google/Verizon proposal could kill the internet in 5 years. Annalee, how much of that impacts the entire world as opposed to just the US? Surely, google's impact is global, but Verizon's isn't. Surely, countries other than the US might impose restrictions or sanctions that might preserve net neutrality in those countries. I know from personal experience that the Scandinavian countries in general, and Norway in particular, consider internet access to be a top priority. Norway is ahead of the pack in that it recently passed a law that qualifies internet access as an individual's right. France is also considering passing such a law. @Roklimber: Right now this should only impact the US. @Annalee Newitz: Right now, yes, but how do you see its impact in the future? You mentioned consumer choices when it comes to mobile networks. Also, here in Denmark, it is against the law to force a contract longer than 6 months.

I'd be surprised if European countries went along with eliminating net neutrality.


Software. Cool Notepad Trick - Hirlpoo West. This neat trick came across on an internal alias. I hadn't seen this before, but I'm guessing it isn't new. Pretty handy for notetaking (if you're a plain text sort of guy/gal). Open a blank Notepad file Write .LOG (in uppercase) in the first line of the file, followed by Enter. Save the file and close it. Double-click the file to open it and notice that Notepad appends the current date and time to the end of the file and places the cursor on the line after. [Update: Evidentally this is explained in KB260563 which makes it look like this feature has been around since Windows 98. I was in a presentation today with Jeff Sanquist and as he was scrolling through his blog on screen saw he picked up on this too.]


Personal Computing - gizmag Section. Sound Types. FindSounds Search the Web for Sounds What types of sounds can be found on the Web using FindSounds? Below is a partial list. Click on any link below to perform a search, or enter one or more words in the search box above and then click on the Search button. Animal Sounds alligator, baboon, bat, bear, bobcat, buffalo, bullfrog, camel, cat, cheetah, chimpanzee, chinchilla, chipmunk, cougar, cow, coyote, crocodile, deer, dinosaur, dog, dolphin, donkey, elephant, elk, ferret, fox, frog, gibbon, goat, gorilla, grizzly bear, guinea pig, hippo, horse, hyena, jaguar, kitten, lamb, lemur, leopard, lion, llama, marmot, monkey, moose, mouse, orca, panda, panther, pig, polar bear, prairie dog, puppy, rabbit, raccoon, rat, rattlesnake, rhinoceros, rodent, sea lion, seal, sheep, snake, squirrel, sugar glider, tiger, toad, whale, wolf, zebra Insect Sounds bee, cicada, cricket, insects, katydid, mosquito, wasp.