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Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP 6 and MySQL 5 for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide ( PHP Cookbook, Second Edition - O'Reilly Media. One thing I like about this book is that the authors don't waste the first few chapters trying to teach or give an overview of the language. Instead they hop right into the usage of the language that relates to real world stuff. So here is a brief overview. The book covers PHP 5 and goes over many of the new and improved features. The first six chapters provide recipes for more basic subjects (strings, numbers, dates & times, arrays, variables, and functions.

By chapter seven the authors are discussing classes and objects. The next chapter [17] is on the topic of graphics. Chapter 18 is on security and encryption which I found rather helpful. The remaining chapters cover performance tuning, regular expressions, files, directories, command line PHP, PERL and PECL. This book is like having the answer key to most of the random questions a person comes up with when writing code.

Jelix, framework PHP. CakePHP. MongoDB in php.