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My always up-to-date WeeChat configuration (weechat-dev)

Scripts & plugins

Remote interfaces. With tmux. My WeeChat configuration - pascalpoitraspascalpoitras. WeeChat :: about :: features. Free software, multi-platform WeeChat is a fast, light and extensible chat client, released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. It was written from scratch, and is actively developed. WeeChat has a text interface and runs on many operating systems, such as: Linux FreeBSD OpenBSD NetBSD Unix GNU Hurd Mac OS X Windows (cygwin) Light and extensible WeeChat is designed to be light and extensible: a lightweight core with optional plugins. Almost everything is a plugin, for example: Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol API for script languages (python, perl, ruby, lua, tcl, guile, javascript) IRC proxy and remote interface (relay) Scripts manager Alias, aspell, charset, logger, ... The future is now!

WeeChat brings a lot of innovating features, which makes it different from other console/terminal based chat clients. Look by yourself (the list is not exhaustive): Full-featured IRC plugin IRC plugin implements the protocol as described in the RFCs 1459 and 2812. Remote interfaces. WeeChat FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) 6.1. I have some problems when connecting to a server using SSL, what can I do? If you are using Mac OS X, you must install curl-ca-bundle and set the path to certificates in WeeChat: /set "/usr/local/opt/curl-ca-bundle/share/ca-bundle.crt" If you see errors about gnutls handshake, you can try to use a smaller Diffie-Hellman key (default is 2048): /set irc.server.example.ssl_dhkey_size 1024 If you see errors about certificate, you can disable "ssl_verify" (be careful, connection will be less secure by doing that): /set irc.server.example.ssl_verify off If the server has an invalid certificate and you know what the certificate should be, you can specify the fingerprint (SHA-512, SHA-256 or SHA-1): /set irc.server.example.ssl_fingerprint 0c06e399d3c3597511dc8550848bfd2a502f0ce19883b728b73f6b7e8604243b 6.6.

The /ignore command is an IRC command, so it applies only for IRC buffers (servers and channels). 6.9. For Bitlbee ≥ 3, do that on channel &bitlbee: 6.10. 6.11. WeeChat quick start guide. WeeChat uses default values for all servers ("fall backs"), if you don’t specify a specific value for a server option. These default options are "irc.server_default. *". For each server option, WeeChat uses its value if it is defined (not "null"). Otherwise WeeChat uses default value ("").

For example there are default nicks (based on your un*x login), and you can override them for freenode server with following command: /set irc.server.freenode.nicks "mynick,mynick2,mynick3,mynick4,mynick5" To set the user and real names: /set irc.server.freenode.username "My user name" /set irc.server.freenode.realname "My real name" To enable auto-connect to server at startup: /set irc.server.freenode.autoconnect on /set irc.server.freenode.addresses "" /set irc.server.freenode.ssl on If SASL is available on server, you can use it for authentication (you will be identified before you join channels): /set irc.server.freenode.command "/msg nickserv identify xxxxxxx" Download. Setting up WeeChat on OS X. Hanging out in IRC channels is a great way to learn the nooks and crannies of programming languages and tools.

I've tried several desktop IRC clients in the past, but each one felt more like a nuisance, and eventually I'd stop using IRC entirely until I came across the next app to try. Since these days I spend a lot of time inside a tmux session, I'd much rather have IRC in my terminal, rather than granting valuable screen real-estate (and, more importantly, attention) to a separate native app. The main contenders for terminal IRC seem to be irssi and WeeChat. I went with WeeChat, since it seemed to be the more modern and actively maintained of the two. Both are popular options, and you probably can't go wrong with irssi either. Even though WeeChat is allegedly the more “user-friendly” client, I encountered some bumps getting it set up on OS X (Yosemite)– hence this post. Below is a screenshot of what you'll end up with at the end of this post. Installation Running WeeChat WeeChat Scripts.

WeeChat, the extensible chat client.